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Book – PDF Magus Akhtya Dahak V° (Michael Ford) - The Order of Phosphorus, Grade 0° Gradebook

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Jul 3, 2023
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I don't think this share can be considered a leak of some super-secret internal order document since it's all over the net anyway. A reminder: don't discuss the author and his order here, open a thread in Book Discussion and Reviews instead.

This is the grade of initiation based on the Qlippothic Spheres of Malkuth, the Black Earth and Yesod, the Moon of Lilith. Herein is the challenge – entering the Black Earth the Initiate will seek the foundations of Luciferian Magick within – balance and the daemonic feminine in the archetype or spiritual force of Lilith and Nahemoth, the brides of Samael. The Grade Sigil of 0° is ALGOL, the Adversarial Chaos Star which represents the Daemonic Will compelling order within the creative and destructive darkness.

Entry into TOPH is one of self-isolation. You will have no Priest, Magus or Magister to assist. You must stand alone. If you show a glimpse of the Black Flame by your success, one may choose to help guide you. The only guidance that can be given now is: Use ‘Dragon…’, ‘Adversarial Light..’ and such works: seek discipline, knowledge with purpose towards power and above all – SEEK YOUR DAEMON!

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