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[Tutorial] Making Holy Oil with Psalm 23 and χ

Informative post.
If you want to hear my rambling version of this, go
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This is not a normal holy oil or an oil I recommend using daily if you don't want an initiation, there's a current attached to this procedure and it is a lot less of a magical lodge and more alongside the thought of "soul of the world" sort of initiation, the Chaldean oracle and other theurgic or goetic writings the like of Iamblichus or JSK could be thought of to be part of this current. I recommend taking the time to think if you want to follow with this procedure or not. There's layers to it and you're welcome to explore it yourself.

I recommend for this:

A white bowl.
Two white cloth(one for table and one to cover the bowl)
Four (tealight) candles and one yellow candle.
Psalter or a Bible.


Note: You will be doing this whole procedure(for 7 days) on a strict vegetarian diet or vegan diet. Where you won't anything that have a soul or came out of a soul. This will start from Sunday to Saturday.
  1. Light up the yellow candle on a separate table(altar for jesus is better if you have one) asking help and praying to be guided toward the light and proper way to approach this. A sincere prayer from the heart of your choice. (NOTE: this step can only be done once at the start, it doesn't need to be repeated for the rest of the period)
  2. Set up the main table/altar for this working it will not be disturbed for next seven days with white cloth, 4 candles, and bowl of olive oil in the middle covered by a white cloth. Make sure that the direction is east.
  3. Don't light up the candle now!, recite psalm 23 on the bowl filled with olive oil and then cover it carefully with a white cloth.
  4. After covering the bowl with a white cloth light up the candle in clockwise manner starting from top, right, bottom, left.
  5. Let it burn completely and repeat the procedure again daily until the period end.
Once you're done with the week of consecrating that oil with psalm 23 then you can pour it in a bottle with a funnel and bottle it in smaller containers and use it for yourself anointing yourself daily with it day and night slowly you will start to see stuff shifting and your spiritual practice to have a definite refinement to it.

Before I end this, olive oil could be expensive for you. I recommend to use whatever oil you found suitable for you and within your means because the original word for the oil in the psalm wasn't exactly "olive oil", it just said
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. Look into coconut, Sesame, or other good oils that you can use.

May the peace of the lord be with you .
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