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Book – PDF Marc B Aixalá - Psychedelic Integration [epub & pdf]

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Nov 20, 2023
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From the Amazon Description:
Psychedelic Integration: Psychotherapy for Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness is a trailblazing guidebook for anyone interested in psychedelic-assisted therapy and integration.
Written for practitioners and the generally curious, this book offers 11 metaphors for understanding integration and concisely explains the seven dimensions of integration, which Aixalá sees as part of a process inextricably linked to preparation and the psychedelic session experience.
Grounded in the idea that integration work serves two main objectives: maximizing the benefits of a psychedelic experience and dealing with adverse effects, Aixalá maintains that understanding why an individual seeks integration support can inform therapeutic techniques.
Psychedelic Integration outlines foundational practices like rest and nutrition, spiritual approaches including water rituals and tarot, embodied techniques of dance and singing, and frameworks including Holotropic Breathwork, Gestalt therapy and integration circles.
The author acknowledges that psychedelic experiences can be difficult and even traumatic, and he confronts that reality with compassion.
In this book, Aixalá shares stories and artwork created by some of his patients as they progressed through their own integration journeys.
Psychedelic Integration is an essential companion for practitioners, their patients, and those seeking integration work not as a solution but as a tool for self and collective discovery.

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