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Martial Arts and Magick.

Audiolog Edu

Aug 13, 2024
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When i was a kid I practiced Japanese martial arts with the use of meditation and so did my neighbores, so I grew up with a mentality about meditation and spiritualism, few years back I found a dojo with Bujinkan and I went to train few months, I kept investigating after that, to find good books in english about the meditation techniques of Ninjas. How they developed their super human skills is incredible to read, is a very well kept secret this Bujinkan method. Recently Ive been practicing Chi Qong and learning a bit on Taoist and Chinese Buddhism, I even heard of Mark Rasmus and I am enjoying his free content on Youtube, Mark Rasmus is teacher in Chinese martial arts and he also practiced Hermeticism, I think he goes for the Franz Bardon method wich I started investigating and studying a bit on him. I even heard of Poke Runyon from The Order of Temple of Astarte he was in the military and also practiced if im not mistaken some sort of Ninja school.
Apr 16, 2021
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Hermeticism does have a lot in common with some of the ideas behind Buddhism and Taoism, at least in regards to how the world works.