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Meditation exorcism?


Jun 1, 2023
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A thought came to me that it ought to be possible to purposely meditate to remove entity's and integrate the mind, but I dont know of any material that covers it this way. I am waiting on a copy of 'the mind illuminated' and have 'In Search of the Miraculous' but not sure if it will be in there.
It is exactly what must happens in an inner alchemical and cleansing manner.
There seems to be a lot of 'activity' concerning my face and coldness. Bloody ghosts.
It's very odd, but I think I know what is going on. How to keep this stuff of of my face?
If I can beat this I may actually be approaching 'normal'. Well, normal for magic, anyway :LOL:

Incidentally, I recently had a meltdown (rage) which took three days to recover from and build back up again. Had to microdose the shroom, but it worked! Going through such a time seems to broadcast to every damned parasite within miles that my shields are down and invites depression. Not fun.