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Meditation Steps

I didn't see a primer on meditation in this subsection, so I figured I'd post one that I wrote for a fledgling a few years back. This isn't comprehensive, but it seemed to be able to get them to not only understand energy manipulation to a basic extent, but also get them primed for astral projection. Now mind you, this is operating on "Prana" and "chakras" because that is how I learned to meditate - and was an easier metaphor for the fledgling to understand.

Meditation Lesson 1:
Find a comfortable chair. Sit, feet flat on the ground, arms resting at your side on
the tests. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Make sure you focus on both the in and the out,
do not hold your breath, and do not force yourself to breath. Just breath naturally and allow yourself to
notice it. If your mind wanders, let it, but return back to your breathing. Do this for 30 minutes a day.
Move onto the next lesson when you reach the ability to focus only on your breathing for at least 10
minutes without your mind wandering.

Meditation Lesson 2:
Sit with your feet on the floor in a comfortable chair. (Yes, this one requires you
have your feet flat on the floor). As with the previous lesson, find your breath, notice it. This time, as
you breath in, feel the energy flow up from the soles of your feet, and as you breath out, out through
your crown. Feel the energy fill your body, swirling throughout your extremities, and then feel it empty
out of your body. Notice any colors, sounds, or feelings that come through your mind as you do this.
Try to deepen and slow your breathing as your meditation continues. As you draw near the end of your
session, always be sure to breath out all of the energy before you stir, as leaving any of your mind on it
may cause dissociation. If you feel comfortable with it, you may hold onto some and dwell on it
throughout the day until your next session. Be sure to always release it before your next session. It is
inadvisable to maintain the same energy through sessions.

Meditation Lesson 3:
Sit comfortably in a chair, feet on the floor. As with the previous lesson, you are
required to maintain this position. As of this point, all meditation sessions will begin the same way with
a quieting of the mind (not a silencing, but a quieting). Find your breath and notice it. Breath in the
prana through your feet, and out through your head. Allow it to fill you with each breath and deplete
with exhale. Find your heart beat. Feel the rhythmic vibrations of the contractions of each atria and
ventricle. This is you center. This is where your body finds it nourishment. Follow the vibrations of
each pulse out to your extremities. Follow the cells as they flow out, releasing oxygen, and back,
releasing CO2. Feel each tip of your fingers, of your toes. Feel where you feet touch the floor, your ass
hits the chair, and where your skin touches the air around you. Notice your body as it exists, your mind
as it wanders, your heart as it pumps, your breath as it takes. Do this for 30 minutes.

Meditation Lesson 4:
Today, we will try a little harder meditation practice: Visualization. The last few
lessons were to help tune yourself to perceiving yourself, visualize yourself. This time we will visualize
something outside yourself. As previously, we are going to situate ourselves in a chair and find your
breath. For the first step in our visualization journey, we will hold basic shapes in our mind's eye. For
each successive meditation, hold in your minds eye basic shapes until you can reasonably maintain
those shapes for 5 minute intervals. If you feel more confident in your abilities, try basic three
dimensional shapes. Do not lose hope if you cannot do this easily at first, just keep trying.

Meditation Lesson 5:
As we progress through the meditation capacities, we will need to visualize things
of a more complex nature. As you become comfortable with basic and complex shapes, the next step is
to find an object in the room you are meditating in and rebuild it in your mind as you meditate. As
before, sit comfortably and find your breath. As you find it, extend your mind to a blank slate. First,
draw the outline of the object of preference. The shape should feel real, exist within this space. Fill in
the colors, the shades, and even the three dimensions of the object. Hold it in your mind until it
becomes indistinguishable, to you, from the object you have selected.

Meditation Session 6:
So we've started to visualize, and we can show that our innate perception grows beyond our eyesight,
now we will learn to
R E A C H.
Get comfortable, as you will, no need for this one to be specifically in a sitting position, and find your
breath, breathe in the prana. But on each exhale, instead of simply releasing it, direct it outwards
radially. Feel your environment around you. Visualize it and note any discrepancies from the mundane.
Allow each breath with prana to pulse and reveal your environment to you. Feel this out until you can
easily visualize your environment around you. It will take a few tries to even readily feel your
environment, so don't get discouraged, just keep trying.

Astral Projection Set Up:
Find a comfortable place to rest. Find your breath and feel the energetic exaltations surround you.
With each breath in, feel those energies fill you up. With each breath out, feel them exit your body. As
we get used to this, hold a little energy back each time you exhale. Allow it to settle at your base, your
root chakra. If it helps, imagine this energy turn red as it settles. As the energy fills up your root chakra,
it will overflow into the next chakra, your sacral chakra, exalted as orange. As this fills up, it will
breach into your Solar Plexus chakra, exalting as yellow. Next is your Green Heart Chakra, then the
Blue Throat Chakra. As you fill each, you will perceive your surroundings as the Indigo Third Eye
Chakra fills up and your Third Eye Opens. Above this remains the last bodily chakra, the Violet Crown
Chakra. This chakra is your connection to the rest of the world, to the astral, and it is reasonable to feel
yourself ascend out of your body. You may find more chakras above this one. As you come to a close
for your meditation, follow the string of energy back down to your root and settle yourself back in your
body. Allow your chakras to remain filled as you see fit, or empty them to be refilled again.