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Mental Weakness


Apr 29, 2024
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There's a lot of charge around the word "weakness", especially with guys. Some people say it isn't a choice, others say it's laziness or apathy, maybe ignorance. Given that a lot of us on this forum practice elaborate and demanding disciplines, I thought some conversation around the idea of mundane psychological weakness would be interesting.

The Seven deadly sins are a snappy, easy-to-remember list of weaknesses. A person feels the pang to eat often, and they give in to the point of 400 pounds (yes, I know some people are obese by no fault of their own), a person feels the pang of rage and they hit a kid, a person desires wealth and pushes their elderly parent down the stairs for inheritance. It's worth noting there are a lot of fat, angry, and violent people in America.

What makes people give in? Is it weakness? Is it their fault, can they be blamed? What makes a person strong? Does morality equate to strength? Does strength create the space for morality to come in, or is strength impossible without morality?


Dec 23, 2024
Reaction score
hey IllusiveOwl

this is a great heavy gravitas topic !
I'm positive there are smarter individuals than myself on this forum here which can weigh in more insight to this

when you mentioned the term seven deadly sins it reminded me of the david fincher movie se7en quote from morgan freeman
BTW awesome movie!

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I didn't say I was different or better. I'm not. Hell, I sympathize; I sympathize completely. Apathy is the solution. I mean, it's easier to lose yourself in drugs than it is to cope with life. It's easier to steal what you want than it is to earn it. It's easier to beat a child than it is to raise it. Hell, love costs: it takes effort and work.

I live in the western hemisphere of the world so my experience is narrow minded If i was to give a quick reply it would be currently for the majority of people digital and mechanical technology fields have a far more importance of attention to advance and interact with than the considerations of balancing it with " personal growth " " to know thy self " to be a useful healthy strong smart individual who are integrated in harmony with the bio diverse world/universe which we are all sharing together.

there was a saying i heard not long ago which i liked and ponder over . nature can go on existing without humanity yet humanity cant go on without it.

maybe the hindu idea of there are cycles of change and currently on this planet humanity is experiencing kali yuga maybe theyre right ?
i dont know yet an interesting proposition to explain away the current state of affairs on the planet

perhaps if advancements in spiritual matters were given the same attention as the advancements of machinary and digital technologies
would create a world of having more understand of empathy for others a more harmonious intergration with the bio diverse universe
all are sharing together.

i might be completely wrong about what i wrote yet look forward to more of your ideas IllusiveOwl and others and have my world views expanded . very cool topic !!

all the best !