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Minimum circle and altar size, as well as general perimeter area in a bedroom

Sep 9, 2021
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Hi all, I have a pretty minimalist bedroom, highly disorganized due to lack of access to laundry, and unsorted junk salvaged from before I was temporarily homeless. So mainly furniture will fix the issue, but make the ritual perimeter smaller in a slightly more rectangular than square area, only furniture now is dresser, bed and chair.

My circle is nonexistent at the moment, except from the mind in a LBRP, but want to get a dropcloch and inks (colored), to paint the 216 lettered name of God spiraling within a universal circle for celestial workings. An intermediate possibility is tracing out geometric patterns on the carpet using duct tape of various colors if any besides black and grey exist. Or use those two in combination for complementary effect.

Getting to the point, lets say this 10x15 room is cut in half for a working perimeter size, but you must have room to move around your altar within the circle, and the circle should be within the perimeter of the working space.
I can deal with rearranging furniture to meet space constraints, but there is the point of inability to further stretch space.
So within that space constraint, what is the best option for a working circle containing you and your altar?
Sep 9, 2021
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Ideally, visually an thus symbolically veils would exist, via sheets or curtains and screw hooks, for the symbolic contained perimeter of working ritual space - thus containing the circle and altar with practitioner inside.