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My First ncounter. 'Shy' Entity, or am I missing something?


Dec 2, 2024
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Greetings all, novice self-initiated Magickian here. I have been meditating and performing Hermetic rituals such as the LBRP, LIRP, and the Rose Cross for the past month or so, however I have yet to make contact with or feel the presence of any sort of entity until yesterday. I performed a lesser invoking ritual at midday, with the strong intention of simply being able to know, see, or hear such an entity.

It finally happened, but it was not what I was expecting. It spoke to me through my own mind, in my own voice, however it was clear to me that it wasn't MY thoughts. All it said was "Follow Me, All Will Be Fine" I was so taken aback by having a real communication that I was ripped from my meditative state with adrenaline pumping through my veins. I have attempted to ask for a name again and again, but am receiving nothing, just a repeated "Follow Me" that now keeps ringing through my mind when I enter meditation.

Any insights on this from more experienced practitioners? Is the entity shy, is my 3rd eye not open enough yet?


Aug 17, 2023
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Greetings all, novice self-initiated Magickian here. I have been meditating and performing Hermetic rituals such as the LBRP, LIRP, and the Rose Cross for the past month or so, however I have yet to make contact with or feel the presence of any sort of entity until yesterday. I performed a lesser invoking ritual at midday, with the strong intention of simply being able to know, see, or hear such an entity.

It finally happened, but it was not what I was expecting. It spoke to me through my own mind, in my own voice, however it was clear to me that it wasn't MY thoughts. All it said was "Follow Me, All Will Be Fine" I was so taken aback by having a real communication that I was ripped from my meditative state with adrenaline pumping through my veins. I have attempted to ask for a name again and again, but am receiving nothing, just a repeated "Follow Me" that now keeps ringing through my mind when I enter meditation.

Any insights on this from more experienced practitioners? Is the entity shy, is my 3rd eye not open enough yet?
You might try following for a while and see what develops. Lon Milo Duquette mentions a technique or two for eliciting entity's names in his "Low Magick." Personally I used a pendulum oracle and an alphabet square for such tasks. (In my case, I did not pursue this too long. The coy entities I hooked up with were high-maintenance time wasters. Of course, that might be a side effect of my own wanker aura, attracting the wrong sort.)


Feb 8, 2022
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Well when you go forward in your path you will notice that this entity is a mirror reflection of the Self. So in a way IT IS your own mind inside your own mindset. Even if it's an external entity as you mentioned. We literally are the God that we pray to. It's also a LHP view of the piece of the puzzle. The more you work with it the more it will grow inside you, and it seemed to say to follow it so I would follow it if it doesn't have malicious feelings to it. It is probably more of a guide to you that you have had all along. All things come from Source.