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[Opinion] Mystery of χ and Psalm 23 | Chaldean Oracle Fragment 95

Everyone's got one.


Feb 1, 2023
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This character (sc. the letter Chi χ ), which belongs to the essence of souls, “…is placed in the heart ’ as the property of every soul…these…are (the doctrines) of the theurgists and gods when they are describing unknown things (Chaldean Oracle Fragment 95)

According to Plato {Tim., 36 b-d), the World Soul had the shape of a Chi (X), the axes of which were bent and joined together to form semi-circles. In Chaldean thought—since particular souls were patterned on the World Soul—they, too, had the same configuration. In the context of Proclus knowledge of this “character" had magical significance, permitting the theurgist to invoke the souls of certain heroes (e.g., Heracles, Pentheus) and even Plato himself Ruth Majercik's Chaldean Oracle

I will point out that our goal is about the letter χ and the anima mundi is in the shape of it! the word χρῑ́ω • (khrī́ō) is anointing and christ is literally χρῑστός (khrīstós) and ἔλαιον • (élaion) is Olive oil. Take Psalm 23:

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

The Mystery is there. It's not about the exact procedure but the principle which lead to the result. You can do it in a different way than I did it and that's why I am not explicitly mentioning a method(even tho...I did in another thread). The aim of the anointment is to put you at the center of that world soul and not something that will suddenly happen all at once but a slowly bringing you to the center within you.

Another aspect of the cross-shaped χ is that once you're in that center then that mean your own soul would be at that center of spiritual authority, it can be a mere second or 5 seconds but in that period you can with full force bring the spirit of heroes like Heracles or even Hermes Trismegistus. Focus on that relation, it's not about becoming a king by virtue of hereditary but by virtue of the character's knowledge itself. The other more passive aspect of χ is just as you can bring the souls of great people to you, you can also look into the soul of other people with it and it is something I don't know how to describe except in most direct way is that you can see into people's soul, their desires and intentions with it. (scrying? )

After a month of working with the character "χ" I can testify it have a great virtue and power by itself and the mysteries of it is in similar veins of anointment, Christ, and a solar initiation. Is there more to it? Definitely, but the more I would ramble about it the more I would lean toward mistakes, If you settle on this character and meditate on it's mysteries I am sure you will be able to see how it's power unfold and the door of mysteries open for you :)


small note: this is "theory" or more rambling version of the thread here.