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Nov 19, 2024
Reaction score
Good day, forum participants. Today I want to share the ritual of summoning a demon through a mirror.

1) Nine days before the call-up, you should fast bloodlessly (not eat meat) and fast physically (not drink, not smoke, etc.). Also, do not defile yourself with foul language (do not swear).
2) On the ninth day, take a medium-sized mirror (purchased specifically for this ritual. It must be bought without change, with the calculation - how much it costs, so much is given, no more, no less).
3) Cover the table with a black tablecloth or cloth, draw a circle on this surface with chalk, inside the circle write the word - NARAN in large letters
4) At the bottom of the circle draw one equilateral cross - only two crossbars.
Inside the circle, place a mirror so that it stands vertically. Place a black candle behind the mirror, on the sides of the mirror outside the circle place two wax candles.
On the right side outside the circle place a piece of black bread, on the left side outside the circle place a plate of milk.
In the evening, when it gets dark outside, light the candles.
You need to stomp your left foot hard on the floor or ground three times, then say the spell.

I conjure with a knock, I call out with a knock, I conjure with a knock
Yes, this knock is on the dark doors
Yes, behind those doors are long tables
Yes, behind those long tables, the dead are sitting
Blue faces, dull eyes
Yes, among them is a key keeper, an opener of all doors
He can open the doors of heaven and the doors of hell
Yes, not with a lock, but with a rusty blade, to open and close
And if he is able to open the doors
Then he will be able to cover everything with a reverse move
Yes, I will conjure him with a black prayer, but not a priest's
With a black book, but not a human one
Not with a word, but with a spell, I will conjure
Yes, in three days, yes, in three nights
Open his gates, I conjure with a speech
Yes, hell's chambers, yes, hell's gates
I conjure to open with a rusty blade
Yes, behind the doors that he unlocks with a blade
Yes, behind those doors is the devil himself, the perpetrator
On his bed, he lies resting
Yes, around him are souls, sorrowful, reveling
All his minions, human black destinies
So I call this demon, the perpetrator, with a call
Yes, this majestic demon, yes, I call to the mirror surface
I call, I conjure with a magic symbol
Through the words that are spoken, through the words that are written
With the word Naran I conjure the demon
The mirror surface will be distorted
Yes, the pool will become clouded, what is thrown and rejected
What is said is heard
So come, demon, the perpetrator
Yes, fulfill my will
Yes, across the mirror surface
I affirm with a word
I call out the demon
What I say, let it come true. Amen,,,

You need to cut your finger, draw an equilateral cross with blood on the mirror and say

The crucified man suffered on the cross, but that cross is wooden, and this cross is blood. Through the blood cross I pronounce my will, and with the blood cross I conjure you, demon, that you make a black spell, filled with the power of hell, higher than heaven, lower than earth, so that what was said, may it be fulfilled (they say in their own words what they want). So I set out this request, and with the blood cross I close you, demon, go, and with the word NARAN the speech is created, and this spell is filled with power, that what was said, so be it, Amen.

Dip a piece of black bread in a plate with milk and eat. Then say. Denied by God, but the black magic works are wondrous, Accepted by the Demon, and the speech is created.
What was asked for, is sealed with a black deed. The doors are open, not locked, and the will is over the world like a black raven. So be it. Amen

Again beat their foot on the floor three times, pronounce.

three times they knocked, called out, three times they knocked, and everything was fulfilled. Amen

All the candles are put out, milk and the remaining bread are given to the animals.
The mirror is hidden in a secluded place until the wish is fulfilled. After that they wash it and give it away from home.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Great post Zord