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Book – PDF Nathaniel J. Harris - Liber Satangelica

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Jul 3, 2023
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Seems to be a free ebook. From the introduction:

We may celebrate that many of these classical grimoire, along with more recently authored texts such as this one, have become so freely available. However this also means that such texts contain no secrets that our neighbours might not also easily acquire. Speaking personally, I have found great inspiration in studying these texts, and have gone as far as perform various of the experiments and rites detailed within them. However, it is far more my usual practice to create my own unique formulae of sorcery. These draw heavily on the traditional grimoire, but are also entirely modern and unique to myself. These personal rituals and procedure combine what I believe to be the most powerful elements from almost every ‘school’ I have had contact with. Like all the most successful witches and magicians that have gone before me, I have developed my own system. I have no name for what I do other than ‘witchcraft’, which might cause some confusion with the more modern pagan religion, but is otherwise a fair description that will be understood anywhere in the world.

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