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Jun 13, 2024
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I had a seminary professor who noted that one could count highway fatalities as offerings to the gods Convenience and Celerity. Or, again, MS-13 kills more folks in a year than O9A in their seventeen year cycle. And I am assured letting the former ingress north of the Rio Bravo "contributes to cultural diversity." In a word, get a grip there, man. O9A is not going to come snatch you from your bed.
You do speak the truth there. They definitely won't snatch me from my bed. I just don't condone human sacrifice. However, you are definitely right on them having a lot less kills than a lot of other groups.
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But if we are to get into a debate on the O9A I suggest we should go to the controversy section of the forum. No offense intended
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Jun 30, 2021
Reaction score
hi there moslim o9a chick here. i hardly listen to o9a teachings. its quite stupid when they create a figure called anton long telling the world women are the coolest, lets have a man rule. eh nah. i asked around and what is normal is that we live in a woman's world. first your mums, then your kindergarten teacher, then your daycare teacher, your first kiss chick, your sexy popstar, the slut next door and eventually your wife's world and if youre lucky you can live in your daughters world and her girlfriends too as superdad.

as i said dont listen to anton long, think for yourself. in the qoran it says if you want to be taken serious as a woman, dont show your tits. if there is a pulling, what is sought? a man whos ready to die. how do we get his soul? by showing his body tits. why is baphomet female? cause She knows.

i dont know what matt thought to bring to the table. other then all my o9a connections being so called criminals. so perhaps it was a tool to make war faring men more calm. and hopefully create a more aware next gen. didnt work, but non the less.
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sorry it was hard to explain from a different point of view. female baphomet is really o9a.
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Jun 13, 2024
Reaction score
hi there moslim o9a chick here. i hardly listen to o9a teachings. its quite stupid when they create a figure called anton long telling the world women are the coolest, lets have a man rule. eh nah. i asked around and what is normal is that we live in a woman's world. first your mums, then your kindergarten teacher, then your daycare teacher, your first kiss chick, your sexy popstar, the slut next door and eventually your wife's world and if youre lucky you can live in your daughters world and her girlfriends too as superdad.

as i said dont listen to anton long, think for yourself. in the qoran it says if you want to be taken serious as a woman, dont show your tits. if there is a pulling, what is sought? a man whos ready to die. how do we get his soul? by showing his body tits. why is baphomet female? cause She knows.

i dont know what matt thought to bring to the table. other then all my o9a connections being so called criminals. so perhaps it was a tool to make war faring men more calm. and hopefully create a more aware next gen. didnt work, but non the less.
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sorry it was hard to explain from a different point of view. female baphomet is really o9a.
This is merely my opinion so anybody reading this just please don't take it personally.

From my perspective, the O9A is just a cult made up of different "cells" that was created to justify inhumane acts based on but not limited to: human sacrifice, neo-nazi ideologies, and sexual perversion. But if I am wrong then someone please correct me.


Jun 30, 2021
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well you are right, but when you dive deeper into the world 'they' dont want you to know about you find innerworkings. and then you see that occult groups like mystics etc have been working like that for ages. so its nothing new and in the greater scheme of things i find o9a people mostly in military, police or criminal circuits. thanks to matt there now are also some occult groups, who follow 'religion'. so its for people with a different state of mind, more used to survival.


Jun 13, 2024
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well you are right, but when you dive deeper into the world 'they' dont want you to know about you find innerworkings. and then you see that occult groups like mystics etc have been working like that for ages. so its nothing new and in the greater scheme of things i find o9a people mostly in military, police or criminal circuits. thanks to matt there now are also some occult groups, who follow 'religion'. so its for people with a different state of mind, more used to survival.
I have also heard of the various "initiations" the members of O9A must go through such as the outdoor survival practically all from scratch for what? Like 6 or something months? Also the fact that I can't stress enough that in the O9A's traditions human sacrifice is practically required and you are looked down upon if you don't take part in it.


Jun 30, 2021
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yeah well, to me its more important to think for myself, so i dont go walking for miles either. 1. because i dont like it, 2. because i dont like being told what to do and 3. o9a also states they started out online and with the star game. the star game me thinks is the most fun thing in the world.

i dont partake in eating hotdog buns on friday's so whats your point?


Jun 13, 2024
Reaction score
yeah well, to me its more important to think for myself, so i dont go walking for miles either. 1. because i dont like it, 2. because i dont like being told what to do and 3. o9a also states they started out online and with the star game. the star game me thinks is the most fun thing in the world.

i dont partake in eating hotdog buns on friday's so whats your point?
Valid point lol