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Book – PDF Oba Ilari Aladokun - Ancestor Paths: Honoring our Ancestors and Guardian Spirits Through Prayers, Rituals, and Offerings

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Jul 3, 2023
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Have you ever had an unexplained phenomena -- a knock at the door but no one is there; the hairs on your arm standing up, as though you're suddenly chilled; a gradual aroma arising from nowhere; an abrupt noise; a strange sensation on different parts of your body, like someone stroking your hair; or dreams of your deceased loved ones? These are just a few examples of how your ancestors and spirit guides may be trying to gain your attention. Perhaps you've felt empty or unfulfilled at some point in your life. Have you ever wondered if there is something waiting for you beyond your sphere of existence -- your friends, your job, your loved ones, your church -- do you pray for a deeper understanding of the world around you?

Priestess Aladokun was a newcomer to spirituality, but through curiosity, dedication, and perseverance, she has learned to let herself be guided by the spirits of her ancestors. She has studied various schools of spirituality, primarily Afrikan, Latino, and Native American spirituality. She has made many deep connections through these forms of study and worship. Much of what she learned did not come easily, whether through a lack of resources, qualified teachers, or negative energy in her own life that blocked her spiritually. Despite the obstacles, she emerged stronger, wiser and more prepared than ever to guide others down the path paved for us. She has given us Ancestor Paths. Simply put, Ancestor Paths is about ancestor reverence and communication. If you have an interest in spirituality, do not let the complexity of the ideas confuse and discourage you. Do not be disheartened by misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Let Aladokun be your guide to finding your own spirituality, through the veneration of ancestors and the spirits you can learn to access. Let your life become enriched by the knowledge and understanding that Ancestor Paths will give you no matter your race or heritage.

Ancestor Paths is a tribute to all divinities within the universe that continue to guide, bless, and elevate our souls toward higher consciousness and enlightenment. No matter what path you walk, it is the ancestors and the guardian spirits who protect and guide you. This book was written to spread knowledge of how to acknowledge and communicate with your ancestors and guardian spirits on an everyday basis through cleansing rituals, constructing ancestor shrines/altars, suggested prayers, encountering spirits, and fundamental divination. For those interested in spirit contact, this book is for you!

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