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On the (Planetary?) Nature of Secondary and Tertiary Angels of the Weekdays

Ash L.

Jun 16, 2024
Reaction score
DISCLAIMER: I went a few rounds trying to unretard the structure of this but gave up. I hope this is an answerable format. If not I'll try again after the opium and moonshine wears off.

My question hinges on an "understanding" that itself is likely debatable. I'm not sure whether or not authoritative sources or hierarchies exist to untangle any of this. Clearly this could simply be my lack of knowledge on the subject matter, as I didn't have the benefit of a teacher in context of ritual forms and lore.

I said all that to indicate that my first challenge will be to get this across in an intelligible manner.

The seven angels of the days of the week in my understanding are the same names/beings as the "chief" planetary angel, subservient to the planetary archangel but superior to the planetary intelligence within the planetary hierarchy of spirits. Is that approximate to the situation, or accurate or other?

From that admitted assumption, my core question concerns the other two angels listed for the weekdays and after the widely recognized ruling angel for that weekday. The lists I refer to can be found in Magus, Heptameron, one of Agrippa's books I think, and probably elsewhere and an example (from the Heptameron) gives, for Thursday the "Angels of Thursday" and I think I have seen this printed as "Angels Ruling Thursday" also: Sachiel, Castiel, Asasiel.

QUESTION ONE: Are these second and third angels attributed strictly to the weekday, or are they also part of the planetary hierarchy?

QUESTION TWO (aka "Just for the hell of it question.") Same as above for the "Angels of the Air Governing" each weekday. Strictly a day of the week gig for these guys or are they part of the planetary/power schema beyond this?

I know this gets a bit ridiculous for many reasons. the days of the week corresponding to the planets (whether these are actual heavenly bodies or metaphysical power centers or whatever) of course ARE part of the planetary schema and can they be separated in the first place. I think so, if the planetary ordering of days is a few thousand year old construct, seems like we could treat it as an overlay for conversational purposes.

I'm probably asking a question that makes no sense to ask but I'm like that.

Thanks in advance to any takers.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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There was a similar thread to this some time ago:
