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"Paganizing" the Jake Stratton-Kent Verum Tradition Even Further: A Discussion

Thee Nightfool

Jan 12, 2025
Reaction score
I'm interested in Goetia in the sense of some ancient pagan artform that can be interfaced with a-la what Jake Stratton Kent suggests (though in my opinion doesn't fully showcase, RIP btw).

What is one of the simplest ways of interfacing with the Verum tradition without making an assload of tools/etc.? I'm quite inspired by the Conjureman Ali thread on here regarding a sort of Hoodoo/Conjure hybrid with the Verum spirits, but how trustworthy/chaotic is this notion? Surely full-blown evocation with visual "proof" is next to impossible in that dirt sorcery sort of manner?

Wondering if anyone here has any interesting tidbits on this. How can we "pagan-ize" the Verum even more now that JSK has set the framework?