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Book – PDF Paul Weston - The Occult Battle of Britain

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Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I'm a history buff, what can I say ;)


The Battle of Britain is one of the great epic pivotal stories of world history, which has been told in numerous books, looking at every fact, every nuance, in considerable detail. It has become mythological. There remains a hidden background to the drama of 1940, involving what could be termed an ‘Occult Battle of Britain’.

The Nazis had their own Grail Castle, in the form of Himmler’s Wewelsburg. For the first time, this Black Camelot is placed alongside Glastonbury, renowned for its Arthurian associations.

The story can best be understood as the culmination of a rebirth of Glastonbury that had begun fifty years earlier. Wewelsburg was likewise the product of decades of development. Tracing the two lines in Glastonbury and Germany together reveals an astonishing, otherwise hidden, story and perspective.

The Avalonians.
Dion Fortune, Wellesley Tudor Pole, Frederick Bligh Bond, John Goodchild, Ronald Heaver, Alice Buckton, Rutland Boughton.

The Ariosophists.
Karl Maria Wiligut, Guido von List, Rudolph von Sebottendorff, Lanz von Liebenfels, Herman Wirth.

Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, H.P. Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, C.G. Jung, Aleister Crowley, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Rene Guenon, Herman Goring, Victor Goddard, Wolfram Sievers, Heinrich Himmler, Hugh Dowding, , Anna Kingsford, Rudolf Hess.

Blue Glass Bowl, Ahnenerbe, Trithemius and the Age of Archangel Michael, the Spear of Destiny, British Israel, Lord of the World, the Silent Minute, Thule Society, Company of Avalon, Melchizedek, Nazi Tibetan expedition, Tintagel.

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