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Petty Curses


Jan 27, 2022
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Ok, so, in the general forums, there was a post about death curses.

In a similar vein, sometimes folks get up to some intent towards other lesser curses.

I'd say these fall into two buckets: causalities, and causal adjacencies.

Causalities are things that you tipped a domino of thought, idea, or cause and set off a cascade that resulted in some petty, small, "mostly harmless" outcome.

Sometimes these backlash with some karma, especially if anyone figures out how intentional the result was, and sometimes things go horribly awry.

Then there are causal adjacencies: times where you invite "something, maybe everything, perhaps any thing that cares to answer" to do something specific and petty. This has other prospective dangers, not the least of which it opens doors of belief for things to walk in through.

What stories do y'all have of calling something petty down on someone?


Jan 27, 2022
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Might as well start. The only petty thing I generally call down on someone of the left hand path has been "pants shitting" curses, the tool of which was a... Well, it looked like a long skinny turd, and when I would call down I would hold the rod in my left hand and pull it down and out with my right.

The thing is, it's unclear if the victim was already unable to not shit their pants...

I learned shortly after the curse of it's superfluous nature.

We all know who I'm talking here, a dumb, dyed orange in the skin narcissist.

All the other curses I have unleashed have been of a form of reflection: making them pay the karmic debt without getting the goods.


Jan 27, 2022
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I thought for sure you were talking about the guy who pooped his pants while visiting the pope and farted in front of Camilla.
The one I called it down on, to be fair, I wouldn't have been put out even if he had shit his pants so hard he died.

It's rare that someone who is quite so powerfully awful spawns, such that such feelings may be felt without significant reservations.

The respite to the curse is always fashioned thus: until such a time as they recognize and accept that they have failed to seek mutual compatibility of their self actualization, and then strive after this to Be Better.
Sep 9, 2021
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I've done two petty curses, one on a problematic crackhead, and the other was on blanket group of enemies.
The crackhead one I intended to give a heart attack to by thrusting a screw as hard as I could into the ground imagined as his heart. Luckily this did not work, though he did fall off of recovery and is a crackhead still. Sad cause I knew him since he was a pot slinging teenager.
The other curse was chanting it while breaking up ice outside with my heel. While not an enemy, my friend who was letting me stay with him developed a sciatic issue. The curse was for the enemies backs to break. I renehed the curse with sincerity in my heart and pleaded for healing for my friend. Hopefully it was unrelated, given my skill with magic.
Then there was the mistake of reading The Set-Typhon Curse out loud at my friend's house.