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Book – PDF Phyllis Galembo, Gerdès Fleurant - Vodou: Visions and Voices of Haiti (double-page scan)

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Jul 3, 2023
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Eighty-plus brilliant color photographs are accompanied by captions and essays from experts of Voodoo, or VODOU, the dazzlingly symbolic spiritual tradition. Photographer Phyllis Galembo shows us the human and divine faces and voices of real Haitian Vodou in a beautiful, personal, and intimate document of a fascinating and deeply misunderstood religion.Reissued with a new cover to coincide with the authors one-person show at the Albany Institute of History and Art in New York.A groundbreaking collection that was before its time. As alternative religions such as Wicca gain in popularity, less understood traditions such as vodou are garnering more attention. Captions and essays from experts in the field accompany brilliant photographs documenting the vodou religious practice.

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