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Planetary Magick and Humanity.


Aug 19, 2024
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As we know every day of the week is after a planet and different mytho's have many Gods based around different planets. I know Planetary Magick is working with certain planets on certain days of the week but has any one ever actually took in account the effects of these Planets and different days that occur and the influence present in these days?

In Astrology one personality is shaped around the time of year, placement of the Sun and Moon during the time of Birth, and their Gender being either a feminine energy or a masculine energy. In this case wouldn't this be the basis of your Humanity?

In the works of an Occultist not all look to transform themselves into their version of God, some work with the Gods and worship i.e. (Planetary Magick)
and other forms of worship through ritual practice and more. My situation currently as recently stepping into the occult is to deify myself, in my recent practices and studies I've noticed of how the influence of certain days can affect you for example, a Saturday night you might be more inclined to get out and spend some money. Even if that is not your goal it has become a human influenced day to release or get out and express yourself through many ways material or not. This can be seen as a new way of worship or ritual in some ways and explains why most people get paid on Friday lol almost like a trap for you to be stuck in the same cycle of humanity.