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Possession (How to)


Jul 24, 2024
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How do I use Astral Travel to possess (control the physical actions of, as if it were my own) another person's body?


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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Well first you'd need an empty vessel/willing host/someone so weak willed you might as well hypnotize them.
Secondly, you'd need to be able to reliably astral project to the point where you can influence physical objects as if you were physically interacting with them.
Finally, you'd need to be able to keep your own body from being possessed/messed with/moved.

Like I told you in the previous post, to be able to do that requires such immense levels of magic/willpower/ability that I'm pretty sure the people who "showed you" are just pulling your leg. Even if they weren't after "money" or "wealth", I can only imagine that anyone who doesn't have a moral compass wouldn't simply just have a team of servants at their beck and call.

If you were to even be able to do this, what would you even want to use it for outside of simply forcing people to do things they wouldn't otherwise do of their own accord - which brings us back to the hypnotism bit. I highly suggest you try to find other methods to manipulate people, learn how to properly defend your own body, and reliably learn how to astral project before you even think about attempting something like this - if it even were possible.


Jul 24, 2024
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I'd begin by using it for educational purposes -- a literal sense of "walking in someone else's shoes."
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As for my spiritual development in other areas, I do know how to "reliably" astral project, among many other things. As for the whole "moral compass" bit. My understanding is that this list is for ALL types of practitioners. Some may not agree with my motives, but they are my own, and I owe justification of them to absolutely no one. As for practical spiritual development of this type of skill, I've been working with the Initiation Into Hermetics exercises that were suggested for a long time, and have enough skill with them to be able to use several psychic senses at once when "becoming" objects, and do have some skills that are very close to what I'm seeking when it comes to "becoming" other people. However, I seem to be missing something in terms of the "correct vibration" or "correct energy frequency," in my opinion. I was hoping to find out here what is missing.

As for other ways of manipulating others, I've considered working with the Goetic Spirit Paimon. I also work with things like Talismanic Magic, Visualization, etc. I have been practicing magick since 1997 after reawakening just prior to turning 18. As a child, all of the skills that I had to reawaken were second nature -- albeit, I've never used "Astral Possession" as a child. I became intrigued by it after witnessing and experiencing it.
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