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Jun 23, 2023
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Greetings, fellow wizards

Today I wanted to bring this topic to introduce a possible explanation for the telekinesis phenomena.

I wanted to propose that it is a accomplished through a projection of the etheric, or astral body. In this sense, it would similarly to Astral Projection in some way.

The reason for that, lies in a similarity I noticed in some methods of telekinesis, that seemed to be the most successful. Rather than focusing on chakras, they would focus on the visualization and the recreation of the feeling of moving things.

I'd like to add that this would not break the laws of physics, for it's contractiction of a current system of physics is only natural, as magic seems to deal with proper, different in the same way that thermodynamics is different from classical mechanics or nuclear theory, but nevertheless they are all true fields.


Oct 6, 2024
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focus on the visualization and the recreation of the feeling of moving things

I'm not sure if a theory can be created about anything in magic, although we can certainly have models which represent some sort of an explanation of paradigm or perspective on things. It's very difficult to definitely explain anything in this field. However the quote I chose from your message sounds crucial - in magic it's often better and more effective to work with this "active feeling" that just the visualization. By the act of willful feeling, you are actually moving things in the subtle realms (with your own subtle bodies), you interact with, and move the subtle matter and this can have an impact on the lower levels, manifesting as what we might call telekinesis (or psychokinesis).

When we willfully recreate the feeling and a sensation of extending our arm (for miles if necessary) to punch somebody, they will have a reaction to this. I don't mean to divert from the topic, I just felt there are many interconnected facets to this.


Jun 23, 2023
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I'm not sure if a theory can be created about anything in magic, although we can certainly have models which represent some sort of an explanation of paradigm or perspective on things. It's very difficult to definitely explain anything in this field. However the quote I chose from your message sounds crucial - in magic it's often better and more effective to work with this "active feeling" that just the visualization. By the act of willful feeling, you are actually moving things in the subtle realms (with your own subtle bodies), you interact with, and move the subtle matter and this can have an impact on the lower levels, manifesting as what we might call telekinesis (or psychokinesis).

When we willfully recreate the feeling and a sensation of extending our arm (for miles if necessary) to punch somebody, they will have a reaction to this. I don't mean to divert from the topic, I just felt there are many interconnected facets to this.
Thanks for the addition, I agree with you that "model" would be a better term than "theory".
I'm curious about clairsentience being superior to clairvoyance in regards to influence, although it makes sense, I would like to ask you to elaborate on it, if possible. Nevertheless I think it's better to always try to use them both.


Apr 29, 2024
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From my understanding Telekinesis would be possible through communication between your causal self and the object in question, in exactly the same kind of way you communicate with your arm, telling it to raise, and it raises by your will.

The best theories, of course, are made by people who have actually accomplished the feat, which I haven't, so...