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Thanks/Praise Pre-emptive thanks to Tzadkiel via LIRP

Giving thanks or praise to a diety, spirit, or any other entity.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Usually it is a LBRP, but tonight trying LIRP.

Started opening with QC, then LIRP in E, S and W vibrating "El, Tzadkiel, Chasmalim", and finishing in N with vibrating "AGLA". Closed with QC.

Thank you Archangel Tzadkiel!

A short prayer following.
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Had a dream the Bausch and Lomb wanted to sue or imprison me die to a 3000 dollar debt, but the names of the parties were closed but not the same.

It occurred to me that Jupiter is known for the poles of Wealth and Poverty.
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