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Jan 26, 2024
Reaction score
I keep spamming skulltrails dms with my random predictions but thought I might just make a thread here about it for others too.

In another thread, don't know which anymore, I stated that I do remote viewing and similar and SkullTraill said it would be great for gambling, bets and perhaps the stock market. Which it is.

So I post what I have here from now on. Not just stock market but all the other random stuff I get and that might be interesting.

I am just curious what will happen if I get witnesses to this. Because posts cant be edited and are timestamped.

My accuracy can be high. It is higher the closer a prediction is to fulfillment. But I do still have some fantasy and bias in it. And sometimes I get details correct but the environment is off.

Also no there wont be any cringe "EnD oF tHE woRLd" predictions like the christians do.

And it won't be daily or whatever.


This one is a bit older but:

Uranium. Companies that refine, mine or are involved with it. There will be a resurgence of atomic energy. Like reactors and nuclear energy.

A tech company will build their own reactor to stem energy costs and this might kick off a sort of "Trend". "They are the first to do this" and others will follow.

Likely google.