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Feb 5, 2024
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All experience can lead to enlightenment.

I don't know about enlightenment but I was surely enlightened to the awareness that I could FEEL my spinal cord when I received a spinal tap.
I was almost insulted that they didn't strap me down during.


Aug 17, 2023
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I don't know about enlightenment but I was surely enlightened to the awareness that I could FEEL my spinal cord when I received a spinal tap.
I was almost insulted that they didn't strap me down during.
Reminds me of a roomie I briefly had. About the time he made TKD green belt he took to channeling Pat Morita. Whatever the mishap---g.f. spills tequila on his keyboard, AC breaks in an Austin August, buddy gets crabs---he's smile serene and remind us, "Anyplace can be a dojo, a hall of the Way." Then one day he broke an arm in a motorcycle accident. "No, no. I coulda died!"
Moral of the story: the proposition "All experience can lead to enlightenment" is ill-formed. It needs to specify WHO (whom?) is being led. Experience is the great teacher, sure. But hey even Confucius was well-known for rejecting a great many pupils. (Analects 7:8)


Feb 5, 2024
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"No, no. I coulda died!"
Well he wasn't wrong
My trust extends to where my feet can slap soil. Black rivers of tarmac is another matter. Great beasts of the wilds lurk those currents. Some name them WOMAN.

(whom?) is being led.
& who leads.
A wee shard of oneness is still the Oneness though. Whether the path for such a one is easily navigated, treacherous or insurmountable(to a degree where backtracking to another fork in the road is the only option); I couldn't say. Confucius may have been able to.

I also couldn't say if my time with LSD ended up being said backtracking or whether I 'needed' it. I know for certain I shouldn't have smoked weed for so long though.


Feb 5, 2024
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Sorry, I know I'm new here but here is my unsolicited opinion.
Psychedelics have been used since ancient times and we have more and more proof that a lot of the mystery religions from antiquity used them. And I'm not saying this, the academia is.
I don't condone the use of entheogens but I'm almost certain that when used under the right conditions, there is a lot to be gained. The sad affair of plastic shamans selling instant enlightenment is just that (not a jab at the OP, he probably knows what I'm talking about).

It seems to me that the question was honest and didn't target abuse or some glorified "Aquarius age" period.
My 0.02$

Also noticed a few funny "drugs are bad m'kay" folk here, just a few. They usually travel on their high horse and wear their purity aesthetics with pride for everyone to see and maybe have a laugh as well. They could score more brownie points by preaching at their local churches.


Aug 17, 2023
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This unnecessary reply will (again) derail the topic
Sorry, I know I'm new here but here is my unsolicited opinion.
Psychedelics have been used since ancient times and we have more and more proof that a lot of the mystery religions from antiquity used them. And I'm not saying this, the academia is.
I don't condone the use of entheogens but I'm almost certain that when used under the right conditions, there is a lot to be gained. The sad affair of plastic shamans selling instant enlightenment is just that (not a jab at the OP, he probably knows what I'm talking about).

It seems to me that the question was honest and didn't target abuse or some glorified "Aquarius age" period.
My 0.02$

Also noticed a few funny "drugs are bad m'kay" folk here, just a few. They usually travel on their high horse and wear their purity aesthetics with pride for everyone to see and maybe have a laugh as well. They could score more brownie points by preaching at their local churches.
I used to tell my grad school roomie that carrying an old-fashioned Colt Peacemaker with 6 bullets was dangerous. 5 is safe. He didn't believe me till he dropped it one day out rabbit-hunting and put a hole in his pickup door. Your remark re: preaching at local churches is about as callow and jeune a remark as mortal hand hath writ.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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The process for extracting DMT into a smokeable form is mind-bogglingly simple. It can be obtained from several species of Acacia and extracted with lye and a non-polar solvent in a glass vessel. Certainly all available to the sixteenth century alchemist.
And what about the second substance that you need to prolong the experience, since the brain produces DMT naturally, but absorbs it before you are likely to see any angels in enormous chairs? :)


Sep 1, 2023
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And what about the second substance that you need to prolong the experience, since the brain produces DMT naturally, but absorbs it before you are likely to see any angels in enormous chairs?
Nah I've looked into this, it's genuinely very easy. It's just part of a plant, it doesn't need synthesising or anything

It's like making a tincture (or a cup of tea for that matter) - you just soak it in something that can draw out the active ingredient. The thing that makes it trickier is just that it requires a highly alkaline substance to draw out the DMT, whereas other plants might just require something acidic or fat-soluble. You can just buy it from a hardware store, but it's caustic so it's like... don't your child handle it

And then a second stage with a different hardware store chemical (naphtha) which causes it to crystallise,or something like that. So, okay, a bit more fiddly than extracting the active ingredients from tealeaves, but it doesn't take any special skills and you're not at risk of accidentally poisoning yourself if you fuck it up
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.... unless you're so bad at following recipes that you just chug the entire bottle of solvent instead of using it on the acacia. Don't do that
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Signs & Sounds

Sep 23, 2023
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And what about the second substance that you need to prolong the experience, since the brain produces DMT naturally, but absorbs it before you are likely to see any angels in enormous chairs? :)
I believe the additional substance you are referring to is an MAOi (mono amine oxidase inhibitor). This is only required to make the DMT orally active as have been used in traditional shamanic Ayahuasca brews for millennia.
However DMT in its freebase form can be smoked and in this case we bypass metabolism by the liver and gastrointestinal system, no need to inhibit anything, with the added bonus of no vomiting.
As pixel_fortune noted above this is a simple recipe with easy to source and (at least in the US) legally obtainable ingredients.
Inhaling DMT vapor is a much shorter experience by comparison to drinking ayahuasca, like minutes vs hours but either way the concentration of DMT will be orders of magnitude greater than that of endogenously produced DMT.


Nov 4, 2023
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do you use them for magic?

i ate a shitload of mushrooms once and asked to be wiser than king solomon, to know exactly how the universe works, splendid results

pro tip: dont take psychedelics without a shaman unless you are one
They're a blind alley.

I remember, as a Greek Orthodox teenager, lying in bed in the early hours of a Spring Saturday morning and having an intense mystical experience initiated just by deep prayer and listening to music. When I encountered William James' Varieties of Religious Experience, which has had an enormous influence on Western culture, James and many other people told me that the same experience could be replicated through psychedelics. The experience of psychedelics was of an entirely different, and much lower, order than that gained through simple, heartfelt prayer and my ears ringing to
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This was the case even at the deep end of the pool. With DMT, the most "magical" part was always the sense of being taken apart, cleansed and put back together again that I felt when I came back. The breakthroughs were an illusion, interesting and hyper-real illusions, but nothing more.

Psychedelic experiences seem deep to those who don't see just how shallow those waters are.


Aug 11, 2023
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I tried shrooms twice.
I got what I needed but I am still digesting the experience, and it was one hell of a ride.
First time I thought I died.
The second time I saw God for a little bit, tried to invoke Lilith very unsuccessfully, experienced an ego death to prevent losing my mind, and essentially got mind raped by the shrooms.

If you have ever seen the scene in movies where time is sped by and the world decays that happened to me on what felt like a loop while my perception continually folded in on itself. What I learned was microdosing is a good idea and if you're going to go on a serious trip make sure you have a shaman because riding solo is dangerous as fuck and a tremendous amount of work. Another important piece of information if you are not careful you can shit yourself, throw up, piss yourself, and run into all sorts of shit.

Have a babysitter at the very least, preferably a shaman or someone who is still sane and has used whatever substance a few dozen if not hundreds of times before.