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Psychotropic Medication and energetic effects?


Apr 30, 2024
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I made the choice to go off my SSRI medication. It's my choice, I've been withdrawing gradually, I want to continue on the spiritual path and I decided to make a commitment.

There may be different perspectives, but are there any permanent energetic effects to say being on the maximum dose of psychotropic medication since I was 13? I know there is a thread on antipsychotics and their effects. I was worried that SSRI medication would be off-topic.

One thing I noticed is that not properly feeling or dealing with my emotions probably lead to a lot of stagnant energy being built up and being off it, I can often feel it flowing for like the first time, it feels good, but then it hits and quite a bit 17 years of emotions I've repressed end up being purged, but there has been basically a wall of stagnant energy that has built up when I was on the meds, and then it's starting to feel more airlike, but it is coming out which is probably a good sign. I'm actually feeling emotions instead of being numb and reacting on my impulses.

If say, you have been on the maximum dose of SSRI medication since you were 13, are energetic effects on the etheric body permanent? I don't believe the spiritual body can really be damaged, but with the aura and stuff, I know it can develop holes and blockages.

I feel less depressed and more able to accept things off the SSRI meds than on them, which I guess shows how effective of a treatment they are when they are often less effective than a placebo, but I'm still purging 17 years of repressed emotions which I think have built up stagnant energy because of emotions I should have been feeling that I was denied the opportunity too.

Effects om auric body? I'm not really that familiar with bio-psychological energy and the different theories on aura and stuff. I'm asking for a beginners overview.

There's no danger with me of becoming suicidal, done with that.


Mar 21, 2024
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Glad to hear that you are not becoming suicidal or re-becoming suicidal. It is very good to hear that.

I never experienced effects of Psychontrophic or SSRRi medication, but every psychoactive medication can leave some effects on your aura.

Especially in your case, effects can be of long duration. Repeated cleaning (aura cleaning) is more than good.

Use green energy and affirm, in present tense: "All the effects of SSSRI medication are cleaned away from my aura, in a positive way for me".

Hope you will achieve a lot in the future 🙏 .


Apr 30, 2024
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I found this: are these good exercises? A lot of the stagnant energy seems to be held in my solar plexus or Manipura Chakra, but I feel like I can actually sense it which I didn't have the ability to before.

My theory is that SSRI meds because you aren't able to feel or release emotions just build up stagnant energy and prevent the free flow of energy.



Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Don't. Simply don't. I went off my SSRI, then on a five-month manic episode, only to crash and barely survive another three or four months of constant terror ('anxiety' is too mild a word). Take your meds as prescribed and ask your doctor for a mood stabilizer like lithium or Lamotrigine. You're dancing on quicksand here. Never rely on occultism, shadow work, magic or whatever for your salvation. Without the meds you don't have a leg to stand on. I'm talking from experience, still reeling from the fallout of my second manic episode which as even longer and the crash even harder. I don't ever want to go through this again. Take your meds, see your doctor, and never mind the inner plane lasagne and the Russian doll bodies people are supposedd to have. Israel Regardie was right - you need to be mentally stable before you can anything done in occultism.


Apr 30, 2024
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Don't. Simply don't. I went off my SSRI, then on a five-month manic episode, only to crash and barely survive another three or four months of constant terror ('anxiety' is too mild a word). Take your meds as prescribed and ask your doctor for a mood stabilizer like lithium or Lamotrigine. You're dancing on quicksand here. Never rely on occultism, shadow work, magic or whatever for your salvation. Without the meds you don't have a leg to stand on. I'm talking from experience, still reeling from the fallout of my second manic episode which as even longer and the crash even harder. I don't ever want to go through this again. Take your meds, see your doctor, and never mind the inner plane lasagne and the Russian doll bodies people are supposedd to have. Israel Regardie was right - you need to be mentally stable before you can anything done in occultism.
I know it's probably not recommended but I don't want to feel numb anymore.

I've been off them for like 6 months a few years ago, handled it fine while living in a chaotic environment but it wasn't conductive towards healing. I'm strong enough to handle it. My dad didn't like medication and made me go off, I'm strong enough to handle the waves when they get rough.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I was wondering why you didn't fall into a depressed slump after your manic episodes. The SSRI probably protected you from that... anyway, see a doctor or even better a psychiatrist, you won't find the answer here.


Apr 30, 2024
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I was wondering why you didn't fall into a depressed slump after your manic episodes. The SSRI probably protected you from that... anyway, see a doctor or even better a psychiatrist, you won't find the answer here.
I want to feel. I don't want to be numb and blunted.

It may take a little bit to learn how to handle my emotions, but emotions are a big part of life. I wasn't happy being numb.

I really wasn't happy. My life was lacking and I didn't feel like I was alive. I would even deal with the crash if I could feel.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I know it's probably not recommended but I don't want to feel numb anymore.

I've been off them for like 6 months a few years ago, handled it fine while living in a chaotic environment but it wasn't conductive towards healing.
Sorry, but there is no 'healing' without meds when it comes to BPD, you admitted yourself that it can't be cured. The other stuff, yeah, your personal history, but not BPD. Sure, the euphoria that comes with the manic episodes is intoxicating and addictive but... ok, nobody with BPD ever saw reason while in a manic phase. I won't convince you, you won't convince me. It's one of the few things I absolutely believe without reservation: severe mental illness can only be made manageable with the help of meds, and nobody will convince me otherwise. I won't even argue about it with anybody here, just bear in mind that you are not medical professionals and to let anyone suffer because you hate "Big Bad Pharma" (and are not affected yourself) is simply criminal in my book.


Apr 30, 2024
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Sorry, but there is no 'healing' without meds when it comes to BPD, you admitted yourself that it can't be cured. The other stuff, yeah, your personal history, but not BPD. Sure, the euphoria that comes with the manic episodes is intoxicating and addictive but... ok, nobody with BPD ever saw reason while in a manic phase. I won't convince you, you won't convince me. It's one of the few things I absolutely believe without reservation: severe mental illness can only be made manageable with the help of meds, and nobody will convince me otherwise. I won't even argue about it with anybody here, just bear in mind that you are not medical professionals and to let anyone suffer because you hate "Big Bad Pharma" (and are not affected yourself) is simply criminal in my book.
Complex PTSD, and Major Depressive Disorder- Severe and Recurrent, my mother had BPD and I fear that I may have developed traits, BPD is caused by trauma, just like complex PTSD, my therapist said I don't have BPD because my affect is constantly low.

I've given meds a chance, I've been on them since I was 13. They didn't help.

It doesn't help me believing that I can't heal or I'm doomed to a death sentence of misery. The best way to heal is being able to feel emotions, and process them and learn to recognize and change I react.

I don't even view myself as depressed anymore, the label causes me to believe it, the belief influences my reality.

Edit: Actual diagnostic label is PTSD with psychotic features.
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The way I see it, I view myself as depressed, incurable, remain constantly numb and am doomed to a death sentence of misery.

I take a leap of faith, change my thoughts, process my emotions instead of numbing from them and recognize and deal with trauma.

I want to heal. I want to actually heal from my trauma, not just numb myself and not be able to heal or change my reactions because I view life as lacking and empty.

I find going off the SSRIs as the best path to healing myself.
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Also keep in mind, I recognize a lot of stagnant energy probably from repressed emotions in the Manipuna Chakra, what leads to a lot of my reactivity is lack of confidence in myself and my perception.

My reasoning, numbing my emotions causes stagnant energy to just be repressed in the psyche, in my case it's hanging around and causes blockages in the Chakra responsible for self-esteem and confidence. My biggest problem with what leads to my reactivity is self-confidence. I have blockages from stagnant energy that need to be cured.

I know people feel differently about Chakras, but I want to heal these blockages and going off my meds is the best way to heal myself.
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Jan 29, 2024
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I have been on antipsychotics for 7 years and it definitely made my psychic and kundalini worse. I no longer feel kundalini ecstasy and my psychic abilities have rotten. But I got no choice, or else I will be back to the hell that is kundalini syndrome. I get paranoid, agitated, mood swings and feel horrible without antipsychotics. I would advise you listen to your doctor and never stop medications abruptly. I have done it before and it was disastrous.


Apr 30, 2024
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I have been on antipsychotics for 7 years and it definitely made my psychic and kundalini worse. I no longer feel kundalini ecstasy and my psychic abilities have rotten. But I got no choice, or else I will be back to the hell that is kundalini syndrome. I get paranoid, agitated, mood swings and feel horrible without antipsychotics. I would advise you listen to your doctor and never stop medications abruptly. I have done it before and it was disastrous.
Kundalini symptoms are rough, but it's not like I haven't had them before or practiced how to detach.

My great grandmother was allegedly a famous psychic in Berlin who did channeling for monks and stuff. I feel I may have inherited her abilities and I'm supposed to use them and do something of a spiritual nature.

Unfortunately, one consequence of having psychic intuition is you get intense emotions. My mother wasn't able to handle them and turned towards alcohol to numb herself until she was putting white wine in water bottles to drink in the car. I can. I'm not my mother. I'm not doomed to become my mother. I'm stronger than her and I can deal with intense emotions. I've dealt with everything else in my life.

Numbing these abilities which are a gift, I feel is making waste of a gift that God has given me.


Jan 29, 2024
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Kundalini symptoms are rough, but it's not like I haven't had them before or practiced how to detach.

My great grandmother was allegedly a famous psychic in Berlin who did channeling for monks and stuff. I feel I may have inhibited her abilities and I'm supposed to use them and do something of a spiritual nature.

Unfortunately, one consequence of having psychic intuition is you get intense emotions. My mother wasn't able to handle them and turned towards alcohol to numb herself until she was putting white wine in water bottles to drink in the car. I can. I'm not my mother. I'm not doomed to become my mother. I'm stronger than her and I can deal with intense emotions. I've dealt with everything else in my life.

Numbing these abilities which are a gift, I feel is making waste of a gift that God has given me.
It truly is rough but I keep fighting cuz its the right thing to do. Interesting that you have an ancestor who was gifted, perhaps psychic abilities are genetic. My grandfather I was named after was a famous religious leader back in the older days.. Also with the intensified emotions I relate soo much, I either feel extremely horrible or extremely good, nothing in between.


Apr 30, 2024
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It truly is rough but I keep fighting cuz its the right thing to do. Interesting that you have an ancestor who was gifted, perhaps psychic abilities are genetic. My grandfather I was named after was a famous religious leader back in the older days.. Also with the intensified emotions I relate soo much, I either feel extremely horrible or extremely good, nothing in between.
I got to the point after numbing myself for most of my life, where I would rather even feel horrible than numb. I don't want to be numb anymore.

I've given thought and consideration to my decision, it's not like I went off on a whim but it's my decision.


Jan 29, 2024
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I got to the point after numbing myself for most of my life, where I would rather even feel horrible than numb. I don't want to be numb anymore.

I've given thought and consideration to my decision, it's not like I went off on a whim but it's my decision.
My antipsychotics also make me numb but I've learned from past "psychotic episodes". It really is best to stay on them, there's many medications out there. If the current one is making you numb, ask for another. Bupropion is said to get people high and sounds amazing, I am kind of jealous of antidepressant users. Antipsychotic are just utter bad and make you a lifeless zombie but please listen to my advice and stay on your meds.
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If you want alternative treatments, try kratom. It has antidepressant, antipsychotic and anti anxiety effects. I have used it in the middle of an episode to halt the psychosis and depression.


Apr 30, 2024
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My antipsychotics also make me numb but I've learned from past "psychotic episodes". It really is best to stay on them, there's many medications out there. If the current one is making you numb, ask for another. Bupropion is said to get people high and sounds amazing, I am kind of jealous of antidepressant users. Antipsychotic are just utter bad and make you a lifeless zombie but please listen to my advice and stay on your meds.
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If you want alternative treatments, try kratom. It has antidepressant, antipsychotic and anti anxiety effects. I have used it in the middle of an episode to halt the psychosis and depression.
I've heard of Kratom, I've been on quite a few meds, probably most anti-depressants at some time or another. I have some Bupropion.

I went off the anti-psychotics too, but I took abilify. I have enough insight to recognize when I have delusions since they are more like psuedo-delusions and the best way to deal with delusions that feel real is just not to dwell on them or give energy to them if they aren't serving you, harder to practice than it sounds, but it gets easier the more you practice.


Jan 29, 2024
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Try the kratom, apart from potential addiction it is soooooo good. It removes depression, anxiety and psychosis and just makes you feel good. I feel like I am in a euphoric dream-like state when I take it. Truly amazing if done in moderation, technically it's a drug but it does not cause psychosis. I am sure it will work for your mental health, and if am not mistaken can help with medication withdrawal symptoms.


Apr 30, 2024
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Try the kratom, apart from potential addiction it is soooooo good. It removes depression, anxiety and psychosis and just makes you feel good. I feel like I am in a euphoric dream-like state when I take it. Truly amazing if done in moderation, technically it's a drug but it does not cause psychosis. I am sure it will work for your mental health, and if am not mistaken can help with medication withdrawal symptoms.
I kind of want to heal myself without turning towards substances.
I know it's a stimulant, I have the tendency to abuse stimulants. I'm going to go off my stimulants when I'm out.

Basically, I have the potential for addiction, especially when dealing with over 17 years of repressed stagnant emotions along with the tendency to potentially feel intense emotions. I don't want to hide from my emotions, good or bad.


Jan 26, 2024
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Never rely on occultism, shadow work, magic or whatever for your salvation

But rely on Pfizer, Doctors and Corporations? Materialism?
Is this Reddit or an actual occult forum?

Concerning when the staff does not even "believe" in it.

I kind of want to heal myself without turning towards substances.
I know it's a stimulant, I have the tendency to abuse stimulants. I'm going to go off my stimulants when I'm out.

Basically, I have the potential for addiction, especially when dealing with over 17 years of repressed stagnant emotions along with the tendency to potentially feel intense emotions. I don't want to hide from my emotions, good or bad.

Good that you came to this conclusion. Drugs or medications genuinely kill your spirit, the second component of what encompasses you on this plane.

Work on your ego now, its what causes the issues of depression and similar. It's the ego that wants you to be depressed and a self pitying piece of shit, reliant on drugs and medication to even functioning properly. Depression is an inner quality, like a thought or inspiration. It took root in you.

Strangle it like Hercules strangles the snake. As above so below. You don't need it. Free yourself of any confused visions and fantasies. You can do it on your own. Because it was you after all that manifested the depression in you. Either conciously or subconsciously. Don't get mad at what I say, accept it and work with it.

Don't think that this is a power greater than you, because it is not. Practice self discipline.
Don't let the emotions overwhelm you, transmute them into something you want. It is the same energy/ power that in other people causes them to be successful, otherwordly or whatever. This is the art and the stone.

Plotinus -> The Enneads
Julius Evola -> Magical Image


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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But rely on Pfizer, Doctors and Corporations? Materialism?
Is this Reddit or an actual occult forum?

Concerning when the staff does not even "believe" in it.

Good that you came to this conclusion. Drugs or medications genuinely kill your spirit, the second component of what encompasses you on this plane.

Work on your ego now, its what causes the issues of depression and similar. It's the ego that wants you to be depressed and a self pitying piece of shit, reliant on drugs and medication to even functioning properly. Depression is an inner quality, like a thought or inspiration. It took root in you.

Strangle it like Hercules strangles the snake. As above so below. You don't need it. Free yourself of any confused visions and fantasies. You can do it on your own. Because it was you after all that manifested the depression in you. Either conciously or subconsciously. Don't get mad at what I say, accept it and work with it.

Don't think that this is a power greater than you, because it is not. Practice self discipline.
Don't let the emotions overwhelm you, transmute them into something you want. It is the same energy/ power that in other people causes them to be successful, otherwordly or whatever. This is the art and the stone.

Plotinus -> The Enneads
Julius Evola -> Magical Image
Willpower alone cannot overcome mental illness because you have neither the will nor the power to fight it. Hard to believe for a sane healthy person but that's how it is. And even if it was possible, what about the 'weak' who are unable to pull themselves up by their bootstraps (which is about the worst and inappropriate advice you can give a depressed person) - would it be 'justified' to let them suffer and let Darwinism take its course?

The OP isn't a fully realised mage in total control of their body or their destiny, if such a thing were possible at all. Try your magic, your precious self-discipline and your willpower next time you have a toothache. We are not discussing ideals or mystic principles here but the fate of a specific human being who is in no position whatsover to follow the advice you gave. I believe the OP is just flailing about in the dark in confusion but at least willing to accept outside help, and yes, that help will sure as hell involve meds and doctors; denying the OP such help would be nothing less than cruelty and criminal negligence.
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Darwinism => natural selection. Fuzzy-headed me, must be the Pfizer meds :rolleyes:
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Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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I am typically quite weary of mental health medication, not because I am anti-medication or anti-science, but because I feel like there is an overuse of modern-day antipsychotics like Lithium in the same way we used to overuse lobotomies back in the day. There is no question that lobotomies were genuinely the best option for SOME (perhaps less than 5%) of psychiatric patients at that time, but for the others, and the loss inflicted on even those who needed it, was so brutal that we no longer even consider it humane.

That being said, I am seriously inclined to side with @HoldAll here just because just like how there were patients back then who had lobotomies who would NOT have gained anything or been better served WITHOUT their lobotomies, there are people today who simply cannot function in ANY capacity without the current-tech psychiatric meds.

I am not a medical professional, so I can't say shit, really, but as a normal, functioning, sensible person, I can see that sometimes there's people who can't really function without meds. Not because they say things I deem wrong or crazy, not even because I deem their behaviour to be abnormal or strange... but simply because I can see them unable to even control themselves, in a way that is very obviously due to a mental illness.

It's something I see with the OP, with the self sabotage and complete and utter lack of self control. It's extremely worrying, and lends enough credibility to HoldAlls POV for even me to change my mind.

@Wildchildx11 you can't fix yourself when you're deranged, and you can't even see how deranged you are. I too advise you to get back on the meds your psychiatrist recommended.