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Purple lady in the astral plane? Who is she?


Sep 22, 2024
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I've heard several stories of this "purple lady" appearing to people under various circumstances, all seemingly unrelated (as in none of them had previously heard stories) - including one where a friend smoked DMT and got "freaked on a cosmic scale" according to said friend... its got me curious... i wanted to maybe start courting some spirit of cosmic sexual ecstasy or another... every experience the entity was showing the person some kind of intimate love, one they were partners and shared a whole ass life living happily together, another went on and did some deep processing like a hot date with your therapist..... anything ring a bell? im curious about this specific entity but also would like hearing any other thoughts that come up for yall
every experience the entity was showing the person some kind of intimate love, one they were partners and shared a whole ass life living happily together, another went on and did some deep processing like a hot date with your therapist..... anything ring a bell?

The "universal mother" archetype.


Oct 20, 2023
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every experience the entity was showing the person some kind of intimate love, one they were partners and shared a whole ass life living happily together, another went on and did some deep processing like a hot date with your therapist..... anything ring a bell?

The "universal mother" archetype.


Sep 22, 2024
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The "universal mother" archetype.
well that certainly came to mind. made me thing of depictions of kali or nyx, and i always picture hecate as a greyish colour with a purple black aura. and of course, in the end its all the primordial mother... but as far as archetypes, there seems to be a romantic sort of tender love, plus this sexual aspect. but then, in egypt (and common sense land) the gods consorted with their brothers and sisters, obviously because who else are you to do the nasty with in the singularity o_O heh... anyways, of course i was looking for something a bit more specific regardless.

Although it brings up a thought thats been running around my head the last few weeks; where, if anywhere, is there a division between different gods and goddesses? who is "the big man upstairs" - i sometime see this one being call YHWH - is this deity of strict obedience and fire and brimstone and punishing humanity for perceived slights - is it real or another imagining by the church? where does my beloved Apollo and his sister Artemis become distinct selfs? are all lunar goddessess expressions of the same one mother?
all logical paths point to of course its all the same thing, but then that adds a new layer to unpack or factor in to my analysis of... it all...

it seems more and more every day we move closer to the the old ways, the truths known by mystics and shamans since forever, and the collective powers that be acknowledging the reality of conciousness being a player-created experience so to speak....proving that we are some kind of manifestation of the thoughtforms or some kind of subprocess of a much more advanced conciousness, a friction in the the universal field array that exists in the quantum energy between the synapsis of a 12 dimensional being of some sort... a day dream that flutters over the vision of some cosmic chiller somewhere or time, if either.. the idea to name and measure any one characteristic of what is essentially infinite embodied, at least to us.... it seems so foolish. anthrpromorphizing and categorizing and pigeonholing the ultime infinite divine source of all we will ever know lmao.... so human of us (dont ask me how)

But all that leaves me feeling... idk... its like, i recognize both the aspects ive associated with a distinct personality, Such as Apollo or Hecate, as distinct individuals with personalities, but then it also feels weird to think about them that way... and i always get tripped up when i imagine my gratitude for certain things, and im wavering between knowing my faith and love and devotion is seen and that is what matters, and then being like "i dont wanna dishonor the sun!"

anyways... /ramble


Oct 20, 2023
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The "universal mother" archetype.

as far as archetypes, there seems to be a romantic sort of tender love, plus this sexual aspect.

~nods~ The mother desires procreation in addition to nurturing her offspring and grooming her mate(s).

of course i was looking for something a bit more specific regardless

Understood. I don't have enough information to offer more than a general assessment of what the others observed in their trance state.

its got me curious... i wanted to maybe start courting some spirit of cosmic sexual ecstasy or another

I don't work with angels, demons, spirits, etc... The best I can offer would be to look into the eastern traditions. Based on what you've written here, I would be looking for a sort of "dragon-lady" spirit, or herbal supplement to help nudge in that general direction. Beyond that, I'll certainly let you know if I run across anything which might interest you.

Although it brings up a thought thats been running around my head the last few weeks; where, if anywhere, is there a division between different gods and goddesses? who is "the big man upstairs" - i sometime see this one being call YHWH - is this deity of strict obedience and fire and brimstone and punishing humanity for perceived slights - is it real or another imagining by the church? where does my beloved Apollo and his sister Artemis become distinct selfs? are all lunar goddessess expressions of the same one mother?

Those are great questions. There's different models for parsing it out. The simplest model is the least accurate. The more accurate models are more difficult to visualize, more difficult to discuss.

all logical paths point to of course its all the same thing, but then that adds a new layer to unpack or factor in to my analysis of... it all...

The first piece of the puzzle is this: Point of view, Perspective, matters.

From the finite to the infinite ( "reaching towards the great beyond" ) one will encounter multiplicity, surrounded by nearly infinite realms of nothing. From the infinite to the finite, everything is interconnected, omni-present, and concurrent. ( King David writes: "To you, Lord, even darkness is like light"
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). Because of this, when one successfully expands their consciousness to include the divine, they will naturally encounter an illusion of difference, distance, and distinction among divine and primordial forces. As the consciousness expands further, towards its theoretical maximum, these forces become more and more undifferentiated in form. The word that's often used for this is "congeal". The classical analogy is: these higher realms ( and the divine forces which are found there ) are like "strong wines" which are "congealing".

So, from the human perspective, Apollo and Artemis exist. They exist in a realm which is superimposed on the material realm, "here-and-now". The human consciousness is able to include this realm in its awareness. This is a skill which can be cultivated. Also it's an in-born talent. Most often, it's a combination of the two. However, this realm, is not the only realm beyond here-and-now. There are others. This realm with Apollo and all the other-Gods and primordial forces happens to be immediately proximal, relatively speaking, to the material realm. So, naturally, that's where so many find themselves on their journey, or in their pursuit to encounter divinity. Most often, they first encounter some version of pagan polytheism. It's simply the most logical easiest manner for the finite human mind and heart to make sense of a completely foreign experience of approaching something which is truly and absolutely infinite.

it seems more and more every day we move closer to the the old ways, the truths known by mystics and shamans since forever, and the collective powers that be acknowledging the reality of conciousness being a player-created experience so to speak....proving that we are some kind of manifestation of the thoughtforms or some kind of subprocess of a much more advanced conciousness, a friction in the the universal field array that exists in the quantum energy between the synapsis of a 12 dimensional being of some sort... a day dream that flutters over the vision of some cosmic chiller somewhere or time, if either.. the idea to name and measure any one characteristic of what is essentially infinite embodied, at least to us.... it seems so foolish. anthrpromorphizing and categorizing and pigeonholing the ultime infinite divine source of all we will ever know lmao.... so human of us (dont ask me how)

agreed. the fluttering. the friction. the chiller. I describe it as "pulse" or "rhythm". Many like to use vibrational word choices when describing their encounters and observations. ( In scripture, the story of the first murder: God says: "I can hear your brother's blood screaming from the earth." Events in the material world are conveyed to the divine as if they are sounds. )

But all that leaves me feeling... idk... its like, i recognize both the aspects ive associated with a distinct personality, Such as Apollo or Hecate, as distinct individuals with personalities, but then it also feels weird to think about them that way... and i always get tripped up when i imagine my gratitude for certain things, and im wavering between knowing my faith and love and devotion is seen and that is what matters, and then being like "i dont wanna dishonor the sun!"

I want to encourage you. You're not dishonoring "the sun". Maybe think of it this way?

1) Logically: If the All-mighty, places an individual in a realm of multiplicity, and conceals itself, that affords a measure of forgiveness and forbearance in regard to precise conception of said deity. Naturally individuals are going to get tangled up if they are trying to intellectually adhere to this God-concept. It's absolutely literally infinite. Mental gymnastics is required for this. It comes with the territory.​
2) Scripturally: Technically, unless you're Jewish, all that's required is striving towards inclusion of The-Most-High. It's not required to exclude all the other-Gods. See Daniel 5:23 and Micah 4:5.​
3) Practically: IF it's possible to recognize multiple divine personalities, and the absolutely literally infinite source, which includes and subsumes all the others, and, both are literally true, literally happening, simultaneously, THEN, there's nothing wrong with adhering to both models and using one, the other, or both depending on which is most useful at the time. When making a choice, or trying to rapidly inspire oneself, adopting the pagan polytheistic construct may work best in a the moment of need. OTOH, if one has the time, and is inclined, they may find benefit to approaching the divine in other ways too. These things evolve over time as well. It's not linear. At some phases of life, certain models of divinity and techniques will be be more or less effective.​

anyways... /ramble

... ramble on. Or send me a private message ...

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