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Book – EPUB/MOBI R. Kirk Packwood - Human Social Transcendence: a Blueprint for the Activation of Higher Order Humanity and the establishment of Utopian Societies

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Oct 10, 2023
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Human Social Transcendence: a Blueprint for the Activation of Higher Order Humanity and the establishment of Utopian Societies" offers nothing short of a detailed plan describing how individuals can realize the “Activated Transcendent State” and in so doing develop increased perception of previously unperceived societal and social interpersonal realities somewhat akin to what the Buddhists might call enlightenment. With the development of the Eyes comes the ability to See that which will forever remain unperceivable to the Mass Human - the hidden but very real Dystopian Reality in which all humans currently exist.

With perception of the veiled Dystopian Reality comes recognition of the existence of the Predatory Human Collective, the concealed and tyrannical collective rulers of the Earth, and the billions of Mass Humans who serve as unknowing brainwashed worker automatons, soldiers, and slaves for ruthless, selfish, and oppressive unseen masters.

The Predatory Human Collective is moving rapidly forward with plans to enslave the vast majority of humanity and take all that is good from whomever can be taken from, before shifting focus to annihilate Transcendent Humanity. Activated Transcendent Humans represent the final hope of humanity to establish genuine utopian societies, but unless the Predatory Human Collective can be overcome, humanity has no future at all…

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