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[Archive] [Rashnu] Animism

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.

What is Animism?

If you were to look up Animism you may read something along the lines of it meaning it is a "belief that everything has a spirit."
This is true, however I am going to get deep into the spirituality of it, what it truly means to have this belief system, it is much more than a belief, it is a way of life.
Animism is not how you see nature, it is how you feel nature.
Animism is not only a belief, it is not looking at a rock or a plant and knowing it has an essence, it is actually feeling the rock, is is feeling the plant sway as the wind nudges it, it is looking an eagle in the eyes in the test of will, predator and predator having mutual respect, it is bowing to the God within everything and saying I recognize you.


This is a part that gets me every time, if you grew up in a christian household you may have prayed over your food thanking God for your meal. I found this extremely dumb for the sake that most of the time I cooked the meal, What I have learned in my later years is that cooking is an art, everything has a certain taste that goes with or clashes against each other, Instead of praying over the finished meal, Try thanking each individual ingredient as you prepare it, do so with tender loving care, show respect to the soul of a plant or animal that died for you. This is what we have lost by not hunting and gathering our own food. Don't let it be lost forever, preparing and eating food is a spiritual act.


Animism in itself is a deep reverance for nature, it is a mutual respect, a deep everlasting bond that you produce over the course of your lifetime, wether you know it or not, you must realize that we will all die, we will all become part of the earth. Love your fellow animals, plants, rocks, have respect for the power of the elements, Fire Earth Air Water and lastly the essence that lives in all, Spirit Respect the dead for death is what we all will experience, respect and cherish the living before you meet death. Let nature be your guide, don't fear it but Respect it, Love it, Feel it, Recognize it, look at a plant and kneel down and smile at it, speak kindly to the rocks, listen to the wind, love the tree's for they are what give you oxygen.

Embrace nature as you would your Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Son or Daughter, it all comes from the same source, we are all connected.

Nature is the teacher of art, it is your father who punishes you, your mother who loves you, your son who looks up to you and your daughter that needs your protection, Talk to nature as you would an old friend, and listen to it as you would a lover.

this archived post was requested by @Shade


Organized Chaos
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