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Book – PDF Real Sorcery: Strategies for Powerful Magick - Jason Miller (new edition of sorcerer’s secrets)

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Mar 4, 2023
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New edition of Jason Miller’s “The Sorcerer’s Secrets: Strategies to Practical Magick”

“So now I have to expand this book, originally written in 2009. The question before me is: What can I tell you now, that I didn't tell you then, that will help you do Real Sorcery that matters?

Included in this book is a new section at the end of each chapter to update my thoughts on those individual topics, but here in this introduction I want to leave you a single piece of advice that I have found makes a huge difference. If you follow this simple rule, not only will the success rate of your spells skyrocket, but you will almost certainly be going after things that will make a big difference in your life. Here it is: Make a plan that could work without magick, then use magick to make that plan work better.”

His “Introduction to the new edition” section is worth a read and some time thinking about. (I disagree with using probability to define magick but that’s a topic for another day.) Haven’t read the rest of this new edition yet.

(sorry no clue how to add a photo of the cover 🫣)
