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Reincarnation & Birth Placement


Apr 29, 2024
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Were we placed here, folks? Are we original works of art, or is our essence something that migrated into these lives by chance or choice?

We live in an age where many people dwell in comfort, technology, and freedom, even the less fortunate have better medical and educational resources. Does it mean anything that we have been born here, now?

Have our souls earned the right to hold vast libraries in the palms of our hands? To eat tasty yummy treats every day 🦉? Is it a test to measure our compassion, curiosity, and charity?

I know what I think, but I'm curious what you illuminated beings think! What's your views on your birth placement? Are any of you adept enough to have chosen this life and time? Do any of you recall - credibly - memories from another life?


Jun 8, 2021
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Were we placed here, folks? Are we original works of art, or is our essence something that migrated into these lives by chance or choice?

We live in an age where many people dwell in comfort, technology, and freedom, even the less fortunate have better medical and educational resources. Does it mean anything that we have been born here, now?

Have our souls earned the right to hold vast libraries in the palms of our hands? To eat tasty yummy treats every day 🦉? Is it a test to measure our compassion, curiosity, and charity?

I know what I think, but I'm curious what you illuminated beings think! What's your views on your birth placement? Are any of you adept enough to have chosen this life and time? Do any of you recall - credibly - memories from another life?
It was said by Lucifer, that The Source of All Creations put us here. That's as far as I know.


Aug 17, 2023
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Were we placed here, folks? Are we original works of art, or is our essence something that migrated into these lives by chance or choice?

We live in an age where many people dwell in comfort, technology, and freedom, even the less fortunate have better medical and educational resources. Does it mean anything that we have been born here, now?

Have our souls earned the right to hold vast libraries in the palms of our hands? To eat tasty yummy treats every day 🦉? Is it a test to measure our compassion, curiosity, and charity?

I know what I think, but I'm curious what you illuminated beings think! What's your views on your birth placement? Are any of you adept enough to have chosen this life and time? Do any of you recall - credibly - memories from another life?
Credible to whom? Myself or the sceptic? Personally I like the guys who say 1) we DO access a great number of past lives memories; 2) but these are not necessarily (or even often) our memories. Apparently it's like the Yank postal system that routinely delivers the wrong mail to the wrong house.

Myself, I refuse to touch questions like desert here. The next stop is abyssmal self-pity the next time the flit hits the shan. "What'd I ever do to deserve getting the liquid-s**** the day of my dear daughter's wedding?! Woe is me!"


Apr 29, 2024
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"What'd I ever do to deserve getting the liquid-s**** the day of my dear daughter's wedding?! Woe is me!"
You know what you did 🔫 🦉
but these are not necessarily (or even often) our memories.
This fits in line with Buddhist thought, if there's no self who's past life is being experienced by whom? Funny enough the classic story with Gautama has him recalling all the past lives that led him up to that moment and whatever Buddha was in the Diamond Sutra talked casually about things he's done in past lives, without really clarifying clearly what linked him, cause they go with anatta over atman.
The next stop is abyssmal self-pity the next time the flit hits the shan.
Sounds like therapy 🍸


Aug 17, 2023
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You know what you did 🔫 🦉

This fits in line with Buddhist thought, if there's no self who's past life is being experienced by whom? Funny enough the classic story with Gautama has him recalling all the past lives that led him up to that moment and whatever Buddha was in the Diamond Sutra talked casually about things he's done in past lives, without really clarifying clearly what linked him, cause they go with anatta over atman.

Sounds like therapy 🍸
Actually, me, I don't even have a daughter. More to the point, the vast vast majority of folks have no idea what if anything they are alleged to have done. For these and kindred reasons, there are those of us who refuse to play the karma game. It's as manipulative as anything the Nazarenes ever cooked up


Apr 29, 2024
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It's as manipulative as anything the Nazarenes ever cooked up
This may be baked, but from my understanding, Karma just means that the things you did and went through created the person you are now, everything you are is the effect of something in the past, good or bad; it isn't manipulative, its mechanical and automatic. To break free of Karma means not to let things of the past or habits you have done up until this moment determine what you do in the now; if you appraise the situation with a clean, pure and present perspective, you will likely act differently than you would in the chain of Karma. You may be more compassionate, tolerant, forgiving, less greedy/prickly, etc.

In this philosophy each of us acts a certain way because our consciousness has a certain shape, perspective, set of habits, etc, and this shape is determined by Karma. The reason in understanding this isn't to condemn you or convince you to do good for good reward, but to show the sleepy unconscious way our decisions are actually made and to escape the chain altogether, I think 🦉


Aug 17, 2023
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This may be baked, but from my understanding, Karma just means that the things you did and went through created the person you are now, everything you are is the effect of something in the past, good or bad; it isn't manipulative, its mechanical and automatic. To break free of Karma means not to let things of the past or habits you have done up until this moment determine what you do in the now; if you appraise the situation with a clean, pure and present perspective, you will likely act differently than you would in the chain of Karma. You may be more compassionate, tolerant, forgiving, less greedy/prickly, etc.

In this philosophy each of us acts a certain way because our consciousness has a certain shape, perspective, set of habits, etc, and this shape is determined by Karma. The reason in understanding this isn't to condemn you or convince you to do good for good reward, but to show the sleepy unconscious way our decisions are actually made and to escape the chain altogether, I think 🦉
That's reasonable. I do, however, try to avoid the Nirvana trap door. Not escape the chain, but to make better decisions along the way. (Yeah, I know: "better" can mean a lot of things. My version is pretty specific, though highly private.)


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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You ask a lot of great questions.

What's your views on your birth placement? Are any of you adept enough to have chosen this life and time? Do any of you recall - credibly - memories from another life?
You ask a lot of really great questions.
I don’t have any views on birth placement in the sense that I think you are looking for. I just accept it, as I think most people do, We accept it, try to understand it, try to change our experiences while on earth and try to learn. I just don’t really view it as any of us “deserving” anything good or bad. I believe it’s a choice our higher self made knowing the challenges themselves but not understanding how challenging it might be from not having to view it from a new perspective as the one we had before.


Apr 29, 2024
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You ask a lot of really great questions.
Thank you! I'm hoping the answers here will be fruitful considering folk here have been studying the occult for decades, I'm eager to learn, as I hope all of us would be! 🦉
I believe it’s a choice our higher self made knowing the challenges themselves
That's a very nice philosophy, I've heard other people be assured by it in the past... though it sounds too nice & rose-tinted for me. I feel that, given how sleepy, miserable, and hypnotized the average person is, that this place is more a school/prison that we never leave until we're strong enough to break out of. Whether it is just or not is up to personal interpretation, though I don't have the habit of getting my hopes up or putting my faith in those in power, celestial or material.
the Nirvana trap door.
I believe Nirvana is simply an enlightened way to exist, not a literal realm. Words and belief takes us across the river, and the other shore in Nirvana, a place we leave concepts and words behind for solar consciousness.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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That's a very nice philosophy, I've heard other people be assured by it in the past... though it sounds too nice & rose-tinted for me. I feel that, given how sleepy, miserable, and hypnotized the average person is, that this place is more a school/prison that we never leave until we're strong enough to break out of. Whether it is just or not is up to personal interpretation, though I don't have the habit of getting my hopes up or putting my faith in those in power, celestial or material.
That is a good point, perhaps not everyone has a choice. I agree with you on whether it’s just or not, it is indeed always up to personal interpretation. Hope is always a gamble and the person who runs the game always stacks it in their favor. I don’t like to get my hopes up either, I just find it best to do what I can while I’m here.


Nov 4, 2023
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We live in an age where many people dwell in comfort, technology, and freedom, even the less fortunate have better medical and educational resources. Does it mean anything that we have been born here, now?

Have our souls earned the right to hold vast libraries in the palms of our hands? To eat tasty yummy treats every day 🦉? Is it a test to measure our compassion, curiosity, and charity?
The traditionalist reading (in virtually any ancient religion) would suggest that the circumstances of our life in this age are an indication of the wretchedness of our souls rather than an indication of their virtue. The higher the soul climbs, the simpler it becomes, the fewer the ties that bind it. Our time of complexity, confusion, modern distractions and fleshly comforts would be viewed as a kind of Hell by serious seekers of earlier ages, a Hell determined to keep our eyes off liberation.

That liberation gets harder and harder with increasing comfort and complexity is an indication of the downward flow of this age.
Were we placed here, folks? Are we original works of art, or is our essence something that migrated into these lives by chance or choice?

I know what I think, but I'm curious what you illuminated beings think! What's your views on your birth placement?
"Chance" but that's not quite right either. Like dominoes, one unconscious thing leads to another and they converge in our presence here. There's no personal reason behind it, it's just the way things are. The fact that things are the way they are does have metaphysical implications but they are universal, not personal.
Are any of you adept enough to have chosen this life and time?
Adept enough to have chosen in the here and now to not simply be subject to fate, or the way things are, but to step out of the flow and intervene in my own self-creation. If the question is about pre-natal choice; I don't know. I very much doubt it. We create our Essence through Work. I don't believe it precedes us.


Jan 19, 2022
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Thank you! I'm hoping the answers here will be fruitful considering folk here have been studying the occult for decades, I'm eager to learn, as I hope all of us would be! 🦉

That's a very nice philosophy, I've heard other people be assured by it in the past... though it sounds too nice & rose-tinted for me. I feel that, given how sleepy, miserable, and hypnotized the average person is, that this place is more a school/prison that we never leave until we're strong enough to break out of. Whether it is just or not is up to personal interpretation, though I don't have the habit of getting my hopes up or putting my faith in those in power, celestial or material.

I believe Nirvana is simply an enlightened way to exist, not a literal realm. Words and belief takes us across the river, and the other shore in Nirvana, a place we leave concepts and words behind for solar consciousness.

The bolded is a pretty fair/correct evaluation.

Though you could equally swap out 'strong' for 'wise' or 'enlightened' or 'empowered'.


Jul 18, 2021
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In conversations while on drugs as the sun came up, my personal spiel has became this one analogy. Existence is like a mandala. At the center is the unfathomable and unknowable force of creation, or god. Creation emanates outward, becoming increasingly complicated, self aware and ego driven. It starts with the purest form of God which is so mysterious and vast that I don't think it 'cares' about me or anyone anymore than a single leaf in an endless forest so while I appreciate it, I see no point in worshipping it. As it emanates out, it created the demiurge, or the self aware god. This emanating has, in a sense, fallen from grace or purity from its origin. In a way, it's self awareness resulted in a type of psychopathy and so is an imposter. Emanating further are the small handful of the most powerful deities. I won't digress here by naming Them or get into the debate about Their aspects or multiple names. It emanate outward kn and on and the further it gets from its origin, the more complex it becomes. As humans, we are in the suburbs. The RHP to.me seams to focus on denial of the ego and sacrifice or surrender to the power of the universe. When that message is coming from a zen Buddhist, it is digestible to me and I cannot argue with that philosophy. However, in a relativist or postmodern, if you will, sense, it remains abstract and counter intuitive to my inherit passions and drives. At risk of misusing the term, I believe I am trying to explain something akin to tantra. If my inevitable destiny is to reunite with the center, pure creation, the only way I can do that is by embracing the totality of existence, including the fringes and dark spooky aspects of this realm. All is one. Radical acceptance of all that is implies that there is a thin line between "god and it's plan" and total apathy.

So to wrap up, I explore and embrace everything in order to navigate anywhere. Maybe that's back to the center. Maybe in a bleeding heart romanticized humanistic way I am bound to the beauty and pain of samsara. So be it.