yeah, thats how it should be. and how it was with mine. until some dipshit decided family first and tried to rule with it. so its not always a fun road. i had little kids and i wanted them to have parents and a grandma otherwise i would have gone further. often its easier when you are alone. cutting cords hurts, at least when i have to do it. some shit about females having more emotions, which i found is very true and when i connect with the universe it hurts less then lets say i connect with a human or earth. so it would have been wise, as it would have been eaons ago, to listen to a woman when she says dont or it hurts.
and now comes the stupidest part. when some things get decided as good and i research why the hell am i getting hit with that and where do i know that from? is the fact that they tried to build on sexmagick without consent. and let me be clear i totally did consent to the sex, what i didnt approve is the magick done with it, the paths built upon it, etc. it was done with my fluids and my body, so im ruling it. and THAT they didnt like. and now i hate everyone who does that. while in reality i dont mind witchcraft, warlockery, etc.
so what i mean to say is, that a healing group doesnt per se make your life better or easier, but it gave me friends from different realms and dimensions. my spirits say, you seem to be one of my friends and that i should ask if myself if you want a deeper connection then this typing stuff. and im asking myself that and i find fear. stupid covid leftovers...
so secretly you are part of my healing group and i just ratted on you here so everyone can read you have a female friend who likes you a lot: me.