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Book – PDF Rob & Nonie Douglas - Unquiet Voices: The Magical Art of Laying Ghosts

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Jul 3, 2023
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Your Field Guide to the Realms of the Unseen

Whispers from beyond the veil haunt and beguile us. Are they from ancestors trying to help or monsters hoping to deceive?

Drawing on thirty years of research and experience, Rob and Nonie Douglas present paranormal investigation from the perspective of medieval magic. They combine classical necromancy and modern investigative methods to help you confidently identify spirits, know when they are present, diagnose their effects, and lay them to rest.

This practical guide teaches about diverse types of spirits and dispels common misconceptions. It also offers reference tables and step-by-step techniques designed so you can quickly refer to them in the field. Featuring illustrations throughout and a lexicon of arcane terms, this book offers compassionate and effective ways to understand and be understood by the unquiet voices all around us.

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