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Book – PDF Robert Anton Wilson - Cosmic Trigger Trilogy

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Jul 3, 2023
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Beyond Illuminatus... Through space migration, extraterrestrial visitation, UFO contact, meditation, witchcraft, shamanic revelation, Immortalist, and hallucinatory drugs, Robert Anton Wilson has traced the path of personal experiences that have convinced him and others of the existence of the Illuminati - the secret invisible society that has been playing head trips with mankind since the beginning of time. Reflecting his own observations to the works of Leary, Gurdjieff, Casteneda, and Crowley, he makes a case not easily dismissed that men are being contacted and experimented upon by more intelligent beings who share the universe with us - and always did.

I've downloaded the individual books from annas-archive according to their size so I'd get real ebooks instead of scans (and have also converted some from epub to pdf) and convenience of download, not to their various editions, revised or otherwise. Kindly look for such editions at the aforementioned site yourself instead of requesting them. Thank you.

Vol. I - III:

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Omnibus edition (seems to have been cobbled together by a fan mixing different editions):

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