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Book – PDF Robert Anton Wilson - Lion of Light: Robert Anton Wilson on Aleister Crowley

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Jul 3, 2023
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This eclectic collection presents a series of articles outlining Robert Anton Wilson's unique perspective on the notorious scoundrel and mystic, Aleister Crowley – the Man, the Mage and his life's work. The centerpiece, "Do What Thou Wilt," recently liberated from the archival depths of Harvard University, is published here for the first time ever. In this, until recently unknown manuscript, Wilson examines and contrasts the pragmatic and theoretical revelations of Crowley's system, Thelema, with various other contemporaneous scientific research into expanded consciousness. Lion of Light is fleshed out with an introduction and foreword by Lon Milo Duquette and Richard Kaczynski respectively, along with four additional pieces by seasoned explorers that shed light on the relationship of these two Masters, Wilson and Crowley.
“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Like many of my generation, I was steeped to magical maturity in a technicolor broth stirred by the Holy Trinity of Alan Watts, Timothy Leary, and Robert Anton Wilson. But when the subject is Aleister Crowley, I cannot possibly imagine a more informed, brilliant and insightful commentator than Robert Anton Wilson. Love is the law, love under will.” - Lon Milo DuQuette, author of The Magick of Aleister Crowley

"Two of the twentieth century's most provocative thinkers – Robert Anton Wilson and Aleister Crowley – meet in this career-spanning collection of Wilson's essays on magick and Thelema. RAW and AC go together like peanut butter and shrooms." – Richard Kaczynski, author of Perdurabo and The Weiser Concise Guide to Aleister Crowley

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