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Book – PDF Robert Wang - The Secret Temple: Construction of a Personal Temple and Magical Instruments in the Western Esoteric Tradition (scan)

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Jul 3, 2023
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From the Introduction:

"This is a practical book. It is intended for those who feel a natural inclination toward ritual, and who are willing to expend the special effort required to produce a full set of magical instruments and a personal Temple. The very act of developing the Wands, Cup, Tablets, etc., is a devotional one which may lead the student to an inner mainstream. It is a form of sacrifice.

The instruments and Temple described herein are those specified by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. They are, however, based on principles which have not varied over the centuries. Particular to the Golden Dawn is its emphasis on the four Elements, symbolized by the Wand, Cup, Dagger and Pentacle. These instruments represent the component parts of the personality, as is also represented by the five-pointed star of Pentagram. In this figure the fifth point is that of Spirit."

This extraordinary new book (by the author of Introduction to the Golden Dawn Tarot) contains all that is required to produce a symbolically accurate temple and a full set of magical instruments in the Golden Dawn tradition. Full color photographs of the temple and of the instruments, as well as the precise hieroglyphs of the pillars, appear here in print tor the first time. Inst r uctions are given for the construction of the altar, pillars, Enochian tablets, Rose Cross Lamen, wands, etc., the difficult sigils and inscriptions having been worked out completely by the author. The Secret Temple is highly recommended to students of the Golden Dawn, Crowley, and the practical Qabalah.

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