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Book – PDF Ryan Anschauung, Temple ov THEM - THRESHOLD: Black Magic and Shattered Geometry (4 booklets, scans)

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Jul 3, 2023
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Threshold: Black Magic and Shattered Geometry’ exposes to the modern Satanist the problems our reality holds, and more importantly, it gives him the tools necessary to shatter it, and create a New World Order. The Ego must be tricked into defeating itself. It’s abstractions must be torn apart piece by piece, its processes broken down and made visible to the individual, so that a special instant occurs in that individual similar to an Out of Body Experience — With the exception that is it Out Of Mind. In this instant, a sudden flash of the awakened Self can see the actions of the Ego consciously and understands its own involvement in its perception.

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Note: the scans aren't too great, the left margins are sometimes blurred and barely legible.

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