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Aug 21, 2024
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Hi, my name is Mel, I'm some form of occult practitioner with heavy ties to the Hellenic pantheon. I mostly do things based on intuition but I've been getting more serious about my occult studies lately. I thought I'd join up as I love and miss the forum structure of the old web, and I figured I could use a little practice discussing occult topics with others.

My practice involves a lot of scrapbooking, spirit work, tarot, and more recently, wortcunning. I'm currently working through Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy and plan to study the Picatrix afterwards. I'm also attempting to learn Latin right now to expand the range of texts I can refer to. My Hellenic business is far more revivalist than reconstructionist. I'll likely go on some oddball tangent about the gods at one point or another, I've worked with them since I was very young, specifically Hermes.

I'm a rather reserved person due to tragic backstory reasons, though I'm working to overcome that and connect with others more.
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