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Book – PDF Sarah Janes - Initiation Into Dream Mysteries [epub & pdf]

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Nov 20, 2023
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From the Amazon Description:
Sharing her more than a decade of research on Sleep Temples and Mystery Schools of the Esoteric Tradition, lucid-dreaming instructor Sarah Janes explores the evolution of imagination, memory, and consciousness throughout the ages and proposes that dreams have been fundamental in the creation and development of culture.
Dreams play an important role in ancestor worship, afterlife beliefs, animism, religion, and wisdom traditions. Explaining how a conscious dream life is essential for self-discovery, deep integration, and healing, Sarah presents exercises, techniques, initiations, and seven guided audio meditations to help you explore the inner depths of your psyche.
Sarah reveals how dreams offer us an opportunity to remember and directly experience our divinity, to transcend the limitations of our mortality and enter timeless imaginal realms. These realms, accessible through dreams, can help you to form a better understanding of who you are.
Employing the power of story to affect the mind and lay down new neural pathways - as if one were really living the story - Sarah connects each initiatory chapter with a psychodramatic narrative as well as a guided audio meditation.
Using symbolism and powerful imagery, these stories, combined with her meditations, help you generate the perfect dreams for each stage in the initiation. And by becoming a better dreamer, you can make better, more aware decisions in your waking life.

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