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Saturnalia out of control!!!

Audiolog Edu

Aug 13, 2024
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Good day, I live in Mexico where Saturnalia is a big deal, people go into drinking frenzy, drug abuse and prostitution, also gambling is a common thing, I can even feel it in the ambience is like a deep and heavy vibe that is around Saturday, I used to drink, smoke tobacco and cannabis but now I quit because I want the best out of my magick and breathing has become important so I must stop all drug use, and perhaps is that one reason on Saturday I get very strong urges to mostly smoke, and just yesterday came to my mind that I already know a Banishing ritual for Saturn, the classic Golden Dawns Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram and Im skeptic at this point because after my magick practice I didnt felt the urge to smoke wich I had before my ritual, is it correct to do Banishing of Saturn when I feel this? I did a little research and Saturns energies are kind of bad or punishing (apparently with ones that deserve it), also Saturn is not strong right now according to what I read, and it also says that is more benevolent when Saturn is strong, thank you.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Im skeptic at this point because after my magick practice I didnt felt the urge to smoke wich I had before my ritual, is it correct to do Banishing of Saturn when I feel this?
You're skeptic of what? So you wanted to smoke on Saturday, decided it was Saturn's influence, then you banished Saturn, then you no longer felt a desire to smoke.
Seems like it helped.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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is it correct to do Banishing of Saturn when I feel this? I did a little research and Saturns energies are kind of bad or punishing (apparently with ones that deserve it), also Saturn is not strong right now according to what I read, and it also says that is more benevolent when Saturn is strong, thank you.
Is it correct? If it helped you then yes, “do what though whilt”, however it is really hard to give up smoking so this ritual helped this time, next time try it again, you may need to do something else if you still feel the urge, Any ritual can help those urges fade even with just the passing of time not dwelling on it - but they will continue to return depending on how long you haven’t smoked tobacco/nicotine.
Taking the step to quit is a big step so kudo’s for taking that step. I would like to note, earlier in your post you mention wanting to breathe better, breathing exercises help a lot with that. Especially not just when meditating but learning to control your breathing when your body is in stress (working out, jogging, ect) is incredibly important.

I hope that covers your skepticism about wether you did the right thing with the banishing ritual as well as give practical advice as to how to help improve your breathing. As well as what can be done in the future to help fight the urges.

Audiolog Edu

Aug 13, 2024
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Is it correct? If it helped you then yes, “do what though whilt”, however it is really hard to give up smoking so this ritual helped this time, next time try it again, you may need to do something else if you still feel the urge, Any ritual can help those urges fade even with just the passing of time not dwelling on it - but they will continue to return depending on how long you haven’t smoked tobacco/nicotine.
Taking the step to quit is a big step so kudo’s for taking that step. I would like to note, earlier in your post you mention wanting to breathe better, breathing exercises help a lot with that. Especially not just when meditating but learning to control your breathing when your body is in stress (working out, jogging, ect) is incredibly important.

I hope that covers your skepticism about wether you did the right thing with the banishing ritual as well as give practical advice as to how to help improve your breathing. As well as what can be done in the future to help fight the urges.
Thanks for reply, why am I skeptic? well I take lots of salmon oil and that stop cravings, also im a begginer in High Magick so I think I can be skeptic a little, I do see results but how powerfull my Magick practice can get? About the breathing, I do practice Chi Qong and is a very strong tool to focus on breath and then my Magick does improve but because of smoking I get lots of stress, and I want it to come down, thank you for the helpfull words, I do need help in my life atm, and Magick gives me a lot of help.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Thanks for reply, why am I skeptic? well I take lots of salmon oil and that stop cravings, also im a begginer in High Magick so I think I can be skeptic a little, I do see results but how powerfull my Magick practice can get? About the breathing, I do practice Chi Qong and is a very strong tool to focus on breath and then my Magick does improve but because of smoking I get lots of stress, and I want it to come down, thank you for the helpfull words, I do need help in my life atm, and Magick gives me a lot of help.
If it’s helping then there’s no reason to be skeptic, 👍 how powerful it can get is dependent on the practitioner and their dedication. You’ll learn to be able to manage the stress, it’s hard having something like smoking as a coping mechanism and then quitting but you’ll be better off for it. Smoking is just a cycle that can make stress worse, if you never had a cigarette you never stress about not having them. Over time it gets like that. 😊


Sep 11, 2023
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When you oppose a God or try to get out of their clutches, it usually does not end well, certainly not with powerful Saturn. He will suck you right back into his mouth and eat you alive (metaphorically speaking). Instead ignore Saturns attempts to seduce you and try to pay attention to Helios or Apollo, the deity of Sunday. Wake up before sunrise on a Sunday, ritually wash yourself, wash your hands three times, dress up and leave the house. Take with you a drinking bowl and a flask of water. Ignore any drunken satyrs that cross your path. Ignore all smells and noise, as if they belong to another world. Head to a quiet place, preferably the top of a hill. When the sun rises, pour out the water and make sure the sunlight touches the surface. Greet Helios/Apollo in a way suitable to your practice, and take a sip of the gold-infused water. Saturn has no dominion at dawn, when mighty Hekate holds the Keys of the world.

Audiolog Edu

Aug 13, 2024
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When you oppose a God or try to get out of their clutches, it usually does not end well, certainly not with powerful Saturn. He will suck you right back into his mouth and eat you alive (metaphorically speaking). Instead ignore Saturns attempts to seduce you and try to pay attention to Helios or Apollo, the deity of Sunday. Wake up before sunrise on a Sunday, ritually wash yourself, wash your hands three times, dress up and leave the house. Take with you a drinking bowl and a flask of water. Ignore any drunken satyrs that cross your path. Ignore all smells and noise, as if they belong to another world. Head to a quiet place, preferably the top of a hill. When the sun rises, pour out the water and make sure the sunlight touches the surface. Greet Helios/Apollo in a way suitable to your practice, and take a sip of the gold-infused water. Saturn has no dominion at dawn, when mighty Hekate holds the Keys of the world.
Very beatifull sir, I can already see myself like a Sun God doing that, never heard of it but I know it from the tradition I practice. It has to be a metal flask? I am very short of money and that piss me off, is going to be hard to get one sir.


Sep 11, 2023
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Very beatifull sir, I can already see myself like a Sun God doing that, never heard of it but I know it from the tradition I practice. It has to be a metal flask? I am very short of money and that piss me off, is going to be hard to get one sir.
Don‘t worry about the material, use whatever bottle you have. I use a glass flask, but even a bottle is good. The important thing is to pour out the water in a bowl when you arrive and hold it with two hands, like when you drink soup. Drinking water with two hands is a holy act. Waking up in the middle of the night will be the hardest part, especially on Saturday night, when Saturn‘s power is the strongest. Good luck!

Audiolog Edu

Aug 13, 2024
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Don‘t worry about the material, use whatever bottle you have. I use a glass flask, but even a bottle is good. The important thing is to pour out the water in a bowl when you arrive and hold it with two hands, like when you drink soup. Drinking water with two hands is a holy act. Waking up in the middle of the night will be the hardest part, especially on Saturday night, when Saturn‘s power is the strongest. Good luck!
thank you, I already investigated
Don‘t worry about the material, use whatever bottle you have. I use a glass flask, but even a bottle is good. The important thing is to pour out the water in a bowl when you arrive and hold it with two hands, like when you drink soup. Drinking water with two hands is a holy act. Waking up in the middle of the night will be the hardest part, especially on Saturday night, when Saturn‘s power is the strongest. Good luck!
Hello, I keep investigating and I found a lot of info sir, I know for example Hermes and Apollo carry a golden Lyre wich presents them as Gods of music, I started magick because I want to be a profetional in the music business, I do not have chosen a Patron God and Goddess, Ive heard Hermes is quite good, but I dont know if I can choose 2 male Gods to be Patrons, I love Hermes and the little I know about Apollo I am also in love with the Solar deities, even Tipharet calls a lot my attention, can you share with me some info about this? I already searched for example a prayer to Goddess Hestia, Goddess of the Home, Hearth, and family and to Goddess of Dawn Eos, this makes my daily Sun adoration even stronger.

Audiolog Edu

Aug 13, 2024
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Is Saturnalia actually practiced in Mexico?
Well is not like official Saturnalia but it is the day most people work half day and go into bars and clubs, eat like pigs, they fornicate, is pretty much disguised but that is actually why we are called Latin Americans, we have a very close culture to Romans culture, from alphabet to religion, even we have a lot of Roman Gods erected as statues, our polititians wich are certeinly Freemasons erected those deities and we almost dont have prehispanic deities as statues, saturday is chaotic, lots of murders and of course forced prostitution so people have their fix.