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Seeking practical information about how to use astral projection to possess others...

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Jul 24, 2024
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I'm seeking practical information about something that I've seen 2 other adepts demonstrate:

One of them did it to me, at my request: I was told to go into my bedroom and enter my meditative state in my normal fashion. I did so. This was the only instruction I was given. Everything felt normal to me. I did not feel my physical body being moved or anything like that. However, when I ended my meditation, I found that I was out in the Living Room with this adept and my family...with no memory of how I got there or any of my activities -- the last thing I remembered was that I was in my bedroom meditating.

A much darker adept had a very timid and shy, conservative, woman in his home. She was washing dishes in his kitchen and could not hear the conversation I was having with this dark adept, as we were in his living room. I asked him about this technique and he said he could demonstrate it. He had one of the spirits he worked with enter his body, while he left it and entered the woman's body. While in the woman's body, "she" left the Kitchen and joined us in the living room, had a brief conversation with us about something that only this dark adept knew, smirked at us, lifted her shirt, played with her breasts, put her shirt back down, and returned to washing dishes in the Kitchen. After "she" returned to the Kitchen, the dark adept returned to his physical body, causing the spirit that was occupying it to leave.

How is possession of this type done?

I've worked with the techniques for "becoming" objects, animals and people from Franz Bardon's Initiation Into Hermetics. I can feel what its like to be what I'm "possessing" but I cannot seem to control people (or anything else), in the manner that I have witnessed these other adepts do. Is something missing from Bardon's technique, or do I just need more practice? Is there a specific vibration that I need to tune my Astral Body to?

Note: Previously posted in the wrong section, by mistake. If this is also the wrong section, please inform me of where I should post this. Thank you.


Jul 24, 2024
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One of them appears to have taken come kind of oath that forbids him from directly revealing such knowledge to others (although it is possible that he just doesn't know how to put the technique into words, as happens sometimes. This is the one that used the technique on me, at my request.

The other one is an extremely dangerous person that did horrible things to a female friend of mine (actual, physical crimes). He is diagnosed with Conduct Disorder. He told us he has O.D.D., but I did not know what that was until later, after the worst of the things happened. I believe the technique is known to certain high level shamans of various traditions, but for various reasons (again, probably oaths), none of them are sharing. Seeking to learn from this person could put everyone I care about in danger. So, while this person would happily teach it to me, the "price" is too high.

My personal belief is that the technique has something to do with one's personal vibration. As an example, I am capable of using my mind to make various parts of my body move, according to my Will alone, without my physically moving my muscles. My current theory is that this is the technique used when possessing someone else's body, to make their body behave according to my Will. However, for some reason, I can't seen to get the "vibration" right when doing it to someone else. I'm hoping someone on here has experience with the technique I'm seeking to master, but is not bound by secrecy oaths and similar things. ?


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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One of them appears to have taken come kind of oath that forbids him from directly revealing such knowledge to others (although it is possible that he just doesn't know how to put the technique into words, as happens sometimes. This is the one that used the technique on me, at my request.

The other one is an extremely dangerous person that did horrible things to a female friend of mine (actual, physical crimes). He is diagnosed with Conduct Disorder. He told us he has O.D.D., but I did not know what that was until later, after the worst of the things happened. I believe the technique is known to certain high level shamans of various traditions, but for various reasons (again, probably oaths), none of them are sharing. Seeking to learn from this person could put everyone I care about in danger. So, while this person would happily teach it to me, the "price" is too high.

My personal belief is that the technique has something to do with one's personal vibration. As an example, I am capable of using my mind to make various parts of my body move, according to my Will alone, without my physically moving my muscles. My current theory is that this is the technique used when possessing someone else's body, to make their body behave according to my Will. However, for some reason, I can't seen to get the "vibration" right when doing it to someone else. I'm hoping someone on here has experience with the technique I'm seeking to master, but is not bound by secrecy oaths and similar things. ?

I'm not trying to be rude when I say this, but I think your leg was being pulled.


Aug 17, 2023
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One of them appears to have taken come kind of oath that forbids him from directly revealing such knowledge to others (although it is possible that he just doesn't know how to put the technique into words, as happens sometimes. This is the one that used the technique on me, at my request.

The other one is an extremely dangerous person that did horrible things to a female friend of mine (actual, physical crimes). He is diagnosed with Conduct Disorder. He told us he has O.D.D., but I did not know what that was until later, after the worst of the things happened. I believe the technique is known to certain high level shamans of various traditions, but for various reasons (again, probably oaths), none of them are sharing. Seeking to learn from this person could put everyone I care about in danger. So, while this person would happily teach it to me, the "price" is too high.

My personal belief is that the technique has something to do with one's personal vibration. As an example, I am capable of using my mind to make various parts of my body move, according to my Will alone, without my physically moving my muscles. My current theory is that this is the technique used when possessing someone else's body, to make their body behave according to my Will. However, for some reason, I can't seen to get the "vibration" right when doing it to someone else. I'm hoping someone on here has experience with the technique I'm seeking to master, but is not bound by secrecy oaths and similar things. ?
What would you use the technique for? The two main applications seem to be 1) perv; 2) vigilante. I have no real problems with the latter, aside from the old caveat about power corrupting. But it's putting an awful lot of responsibility on one's teacher, asking to be taught such a skill. I guess I can think of a third possibility: having a lazy-ass brother-in-law start filling out job applications. Still and in all seriousness, what honorable uses can joy-riding in someone else's body be put to?
Apr 18, 2022
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I'm seeking practical information about something that I've seen 2 other adepts demonstrate:

One of them did it to me, at my request: I was told to go into my bedroom and enter my meditative state in my normal fashion. I did so. This was the only instruction I was given. Everything felt normal to me. I did not feel my physical body being moved or anything like that. However, when I ended my meditation, I found that I was out in the Living Room with this adept and my family...with no memory of how I got there or any of my activities -- the last thing I remembered was that I was in my bedroom meditating.

A much darker adept had a very timid and shy, conservative, woman in his home. She was washing dishes in his kitchen and could not hear the conversation I was having with this dark adept, as we were in his living room. I asked him about this technique and he said he could demonstrate it. He had one of the spirits he worked with enter his body, while he left it and entered the woman's body. While in the woman's body, "she" left the Kitchen and joined us in the living room, had a brief conversation with us about something that only this dark adept knew, smirked at us, lifted her shirt, played with her breasts, put her shirt back down, and returned to washing dishes in the Kitchen. After "she" returned to the Kitchen, the dark adept returned to his physical body, causing the spirit that was occupying it to leave.

How is possession of this type done?

I've worked with the techniques for "becoming" objects, animals and people from Franz Bardon's Initiation Into Hermetics. I can feel what its like to be what I'm "possessing" but I cannot seem to control people (or anything else), in the manner that I have witnessed these other adepts do. Is something missing from Bardon's technique, or do I just need more practice? Is there a specific vibration that I need to tune my Astral Body to?

Note: Previously posted in the wrong section, by mistake. If this is also the wrong section, please inform me of where I should post this. Thank you.
Seeing a lot of problems that scream "larp".

0. You sound like someone that skipped previous steps. If you have already mastered Step 3 then you should already be able to do a type of mind control (assuming it's all real and the training works). So you honestly shouldn't feel any sense of urgency to rush, as you should already have a pretty amazing life. Anyone who just masters Step 3 alone in Initiation Into Hermetics would already be like Demi God among men. The techniques you said you "worked with" are in Step 4, so you shouldn't even be "working with" them until you've mastered Step 3. Why is someone who has mastered Step 3 still living with his family?, you should be rich by now.
Not only you had demonstrations from these adepts, you also progressed a decent bit on Initiation Into Hermetics, at least step four, yet you are asking us?

Why aren't these adepts training you?
My point exactly, it just doesn't add up.

1. How would you even know if the woman was shy or conservative (in your story with the "darker adept"? Because he told you or because she's dressed a certain way? (sounds like a baseless assumption). Guy could have just gotten his GF to play a trick on you (assuming this entire post isn't just a lie).

2. Your entire post looks like it's bait for horny, desperate and stupid newbie occultists to send you private messages to get in contact with your mysterious "adept friends", and from there you can redirect them to some other means of contact to sell them some nonsense. Sorry, just seems like that to me, because common sense dictates this thread makes no sense at all. There's no reason to assume anyone online could duplicate their abilities that you supposedly witnessed and teach you. It makes zero sense to witness something as amazing as you described in real life, and then go to an online forum to seek advice from people whose abilities you can't verify. You'd more likely get fake nonsense advice from a crazy person.

3. Your story is all over the place. You do too much scene switching without proper context. Some people will be more confused than intrigued.

4. You also seem to show no urgency or fear that you have let "adepts" with mind and body control powers know who you are and let them around your family. So you are either a complete brainless idiot, or this post is bait like I described and you are lying. I can only hope it is the latter. You are speaking too calmly and your priorities are off. One has already shown himself to be a sexual deviant that enjoys violating free will, and birds of a feather flock together. The other one used magic to make you lose your sense of time and when you regained your awareness he was in your living room with your family lol, and you somehow make it a priority to make a thread asking about the ability? really?. No, "how do I protect my family" question?. Your priorities seem a bit too off to take this story seriously. It reads as if you wrote this without mentally placing yourself in the fake scenario you wrote. Your entire family and life would now be in the palm of their hand if this story is true (likely isn't).


Jun 30, 2021
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so several adepts, you and a timid housewife. mmmm might they all be under the same spell?
and now youre curious and sent out into the world of witchcraft to find answers the rest couldnt find.
sounds very cool if youre into rpg-ing and dont have that much problems with showing some tits and balls. sounds fun for spiritual swingers...
isnt that what they call a cult and due too the showing off of boobies a sexcult? lets hope it was 18+ or you are in real trouble.
nasty hivemind....


Jul 24, 2024
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Xenophon: While Perv and Vigilante are certainly 2 possibilities, a third one is for educational purposes: To "walk in the other person's shoes" for a time.

Elementriloquist: Thank you for the information. As for the rest, I do not have a "sense of urgency" about this. It is something I've been working on, periodically, for many years. However, no books seemed to list this technique in the specific context in which I witnessed it. As for my own work with the steps you mentioned (again, thank you. This was my thought on the matter, as well), I have been able to subtly experience feelings (both physical feelings and other things, like emotions and hearing and influencing thoughts) for many years. However, I have never managed to knowingly control someone else's body in the manner I witnessed, so it remains something I'm casually working on in my spare time. I inquired here for additional information about it.

As to the rest of what you said, about how I would know about the woman, etc. I think you missed the part where I said she was a friend of mine. I'd known her for years. She would occasionally come over to my apartment. With her invitation, I'd sometimes go to the place she worked at and order food, etc. I knew her very well, long before she met this other dark adept. I also spoke to her privately, after she got away from him. She has no memory of flashing her boobs, or even leaving the Kitchen. The only memory she has of that incident was washing dishes.

I fully expected a mixed response. There is an old adage that says, "90% of everything is garbage." I read through the responses to find the 10% that isn't. You appear to have missed the bit of information I gave about the 2 other adepts I mentioned: I do not have regular contact with either of them. The one that possessed my female friend was (and is) an extremely dangerous person. I have limited my discussion of him here to the specific magick technique I witnessed him use that I was seeking (additional) information about. There are other, physical, things he did that I chose not to mention here, partially because this is a public forum, and partially because I do not know if posting about criminal activity is allowed here.

As for the other Adept...the one that used the technique on me, at my request, This man is also Telekinetic and had some very intelligent spirits that he even gifted to me for as long as I was comfortable with them. As for the rest of what you said in point, about possibly getting useless "advice" from fakes, that is where a personal "sorting of Wheat from Chaff" comes in.

My story was condensed, both to save space and time, and because all I am seeking is information about this technique. All I can share about it for context is what I witnessed and I could also share my own theory about it. However, I did not want to mention my own theory, because I would not then have been able to compare it to what others have said on here, as some may have just copied what I said as their own. -- My current theory is that the practices I'm using for this are, technically, correct, but that I require some "fine tuning" when it comes to focusing my energy in this way.

I left the sphere of the dark adept I mentioned (the one that possessed the girl) over a decade ago, and my life is in good working order, so I see no reason to be fearful and such. That being said, I do avoid all contact with him. The second adept is a friend of mine on Facebook, but we have a mutual understanding that I'm not to ask him about anything related to the Occult. Neither I, nor my family, is in any danger, given what I just explained here. Additionally, I have my own knowledge, power and skills. I was merely seeking information about this technique to clarify, affirm, or expand my knowledge of it. I believe there are many ways to protect against such things. One way is with a very good "psychic shield" that is charged to protect from such intrusions. I believe another way is with a stone like Shugite which, in my experience, severely anchors the consciousness in the physicla body and blocks connection to external forces and spirits. It does not prevent communication, but does prevent connection. There are no questions of "how do I protect my family" or "sense of urgency" because I am not a beginner when it come not a beginner when it comes to the Occult. This doe snot mean that my story is not true, but you (and anyone else) are certainly entitled to your belief or lack thereof.
Post automatically merged:

HoldAll: The dark adept was someone I used to be neighbors with. He kept to himself and I am not usually a social person unless there is a common interest. However, I did eventually have some run ins with him. His energy was extremely destructive. My then wife (not the woman I mentioned) and I lived in a double-trailer in a trailer park. The dark adept lived in the other half of the trailer, separated from us only by a wall. I had to do repeated cleansing of my hone every single day while this man was our neighbor.

The other adept was someone that my sister had been dating at the time.
Last edited:


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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"What would you do if you were a woman for 24 hours?"
"Dunno. Play with myself, I expect."
"So, no change there, then."
"Easier to get out of traffic tickets, depending on jurisdiction."

nasty hivemind....
...everywhere reflected individually.

"90% of everything is garbage."
It's called Sturgeon's Law. If hypostatized, it would be suspicious in itself. I first encountered it in DMK, where he does give some pathworking methods that could be a stepping stone to true astral projection, but one could see it as a "cart before the horse" element inherited from the GD, "not necessarily so" also applies.

But baby steps are often the best steps.


Jan 26, 2024
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What did it feel like as you where possessed/ controlled by him or shortly before?

Any strange noises? Where did sound come from? Was sound omnipresent or able to be pinpointed? Did you felt something in your neck or lower vertebrae after or during it? Did your fingers felt paralysed as if they received a local sedative?

Can you describe more of the things you felt?
What is your favourite colour?
Apr 18, 2022
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The dark adept was someone I used to be neighbors with
The other adept was someone that my sister had been dating at the time.
Oh, you are just surrounded by magical adepts without even trying lol. Where do you live, magic town?
I lived in a double-trailer in a trailer park. The dark adept lived in the other half of the trailer, separated from us only by a wall.
If this dark adept guy still lives in a trailer I call BS even more on your story lol. No way anybody is at the level of body possession magic and controls spirits, but is still a poor loser living in a trailer park lol. This guy should be retired and living like he's on vacation everyday by now.

All this magic around you but you post online for advice?

The other guy banged your sister but can't give you a tip too? 😉

This is my last response, honestly I gave this thread too much attention lol. But I was bored with some free time anyways.

Nothing you have said fills up any of the huge holes in this story. Consider this first part a TLDR, you can stop reading here if you want.

As for the rest of what you said in point, about possibly getting useless "advice" from fakes, that is where a personal "sorting of Wheat from Chaff" comes in.
You aren't qualified to do that, that's the point. You could just as easily get bad advice that damages or kills you in your process of "sorting". This isn't like testing out cake baking recipes.

If you have to build a bomb you don't go online and look for random advice to "sort" through. If you've read Initiation Into Hermetics you should know that there are some techniques where you leave your body that should be done alone, because Bardon says if someone even touches your body in that state when it's "empty", you'd literally just die (maybe that's why that guy in your story supposedly lets a spirit possess his body when he leaves it, in order to neutralize that negative side effect and risk).

Of course if you already know about that you'd definitely construct a fake story to include some details like this to make it seem "more legit". I'd still see that as too risky either way because now there's a possibility of a spirit going rogue and taking over my body, or killing me anyways. The same risk still applies. At best I'd just create an elementary to possess my body and then immediately dissolve it after that single use (the longer they exist, the more likely they are to rebel against you, they are completely obedient upon creation though).

Point is, you aren't baking a cake and looking for recipes to sample through taste testing till you find the best one. Magic is volatile, it's more like you are learning bomb making, and you are asking random guys online for which wires shouldn't be crossed, rather than the trained professional you know in real life. Just doesn't make sense.

I think you missed the part where I said she was a friend of mine. I'd known her for years.
A much darker adept had a very timid and shy, conservative, woman in his home. She was washing dishes in his kitchen and could not hear the conversation I was having with this dark adept, as we were in his living room. I asked him about this technique and he said he could demonstrate it. He had one of the spirits he worked with enter his body, while he left it and entered the woman's body.
So this FRIEND that you knew for YEARS, you referred to as "THE woman". That's how you speak about friends you've known for years?, and you have no problem with them being body possessed and sexually assaulted................. FRIENDS?................. for YEARS?

Again, I call BS. Nobody is this brain dead, you just cobbled together a weak story to larp and it's falling apart upon simple inspection. You (the fake persona you constructed) just sounds more and more stupid as this goes on. It was worse enough as a random woman, but now it's your friend you've known for years, and you've let one of these men around your family too?, I don't buy it.

I don't think anyone here buys it. People just like to be less direct than me because they see it as a opportunity to play around and indirectly poke fun.

I left the sphere of the dark adept I mentioned (the one that possessed the girl)
As I continue to read your story just seems more fake lol. It's like you can't even pretend properly. The "dark" adept possessed "THE girl". If she was a friend, you would have referred to her as such from the start, not spoken about her in such an impersonal way (in multiple instances). In fact you'd never have posted about this because you'd feel too pathetic and ashamed of yourself for letting a friend get violated like that.

Or, maybe English is your second language and you are just using the wrong word. I think the word you are looking for is ACQUAINTANCE.

The girl is an acquaintance at best, she is definitely not your friend. You don't treat her as such, you don't speak about her as such. You don't actually care about her at all.

Then again, in your fake story you aren't even treating family like they are family, exposing them to dangerous people who you can't fight against. It's like you invited a gangster with a gun into your home with your family, because you are interested in his shooting skills.

Come up with a better story next time.

all I am seeking is information about this technique.
If that was true then you could have just asked about the technique and left the story out, the story is completely unnecessary to discussing the technique or asking about how to do it. Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the story you posted was required to discuss the technique or ask about it.

The purpose of the story is obvious, it was an attempt to try and establish "legitimacy", and likely to entice some noobs. You literally could have just made a thread titled - "How Do I Do Body Possession Magic?" and describe that you specifically mean taking over someones physical body and moving around in it. No need to add a story about your "friend" being sexually assaulted, it's really random. But you are already doing Bardons training which you've supposedly progressed in up the Step 4 (where body possession is explained), so why would you trust random posters online over a system of training you've already tested and proven to yourself?

IDK dude, if it was me, there's no way I'm admitting to letting my friend get sexually assaulted, and exposing my family to dangerous people with mind control powers. Sounds like a big failure on my part, and it only makes me look weak and foolish. This is a story you take to the grave, not an internet ice breaker to introduce your thread and get some friendly advice.

Who the hell would even want to help you when the context you've given for this ability is as a tool of sexual assault? lol. It's like posting a story about a guy who held one of your "friends" at gun point and molested her, and now you are inspired to learn how to use guns like him lol, so you are looking for advice on a gun forum on where to start. Most people wouldn't want to tell you where to start with that context lol.

If you were ONLY seeking information about the technique, you'd ONLY have spoken about the technique. You definitely wanted to squeeze in this story, your thread was about this story, not the technique.

And again, what the hell would some random posters on a forum know in comparison to someone who literally bent the laws of reality in front of your face?

This is the biggest hole in your story.

If you meet two professional hackers in real life, and one of them hacks into your "friend's" phone and shows you their nudes, are you going to post online to some random hacker forum asking how to learn that, or would you just learn from the two literal professionals that you know in real life?

Please just stop, the story is fake, the logic you are using to rationalize your words and actions are nonsense. No human with an average IQ has this kind of low level thought process. Nobody goes online to learn from random people with no proof of skills, when they know two professionals in real life that were willing to demonstrate those skills, which indicates a possible desire to teach. Those aren't logical steps to take. It's like you are saying you don't have common sense.

Once again you are trying to learn something like bomb making, not cake baking, there's little room for error the more you delve into the practice. You follow the wrong cake baking instructions it tastes bad, you follow the wrong bomb making instructions and you get blown up. Your post just sounds fake because it doesn't sound like the writings of someone who is "living" the scenario. All the things I've mentioned should have already crossed your mind if you were living it. There would be some level of risk assessment and paranoia, but all of your actions reads like someone who is clueless and doesn't really care about the people around him.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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A much darker adept had a very timid and shy, conservative, woman in his home.
Try as I might, I really didn't get this "much darker adept" part.You mean "darker" in what way?

smirked at us, lifted her shirt, played with her breasts, put her shirt back down
This is starting to smell like a fanfiction...

How is possession of this type done?
Probably the same way you imagine a possession from demons, deities and other beings happening.A stronger spirit enters your body and takes the reigns of it so to speak.

I do not know if people can actually do that by themselves though.
Not do I think it is a good idea to even entertain this idea, but to each their own I suppose,

Not only you had demonstrations from these adepts, you also progressed a decent bit on Initiation Into Hermetics, at least step four, yet you are asking us?

Why aren't these adepts training you?
I'm wondering the same.If you had access to a bonafide "generic magic user", why even bother seeking sources outside of them?
It's akin to having a PhD by your side and still going to Google to search an answer for a subject that is exactly the area of that PhD.

One of them appears to have taken come kind of oath that forbids him from directly revealing such knowledge to others(...)This is the one that used the technique on me, at my request.
So he is a warlock now then?Because he did exactly what his oath prohibited him of doing.
And oaths usually have consequences attached to them, so I wonder what was his...

The other one is an extremely dangerous person that did horrible things to a female friend of mine (actual, physical crimes).
I really can't see someone that unhinged actually having the discipline to be able to develop such "powers".Also, why would you even associate yourself with someone like that then?

This story is getting more plot holes than a Hollywood movie.

none of them are sharing
Not true.If they're showing you then they're sharing.Just because they're not teaching it doesn't mean that it wasn't shared.

Seeing a lot of problems that scream "larp".
Let's not be rude to the LARP people, there are many in the LARP community that are awesome folks.
In old communities of the occult and magic type, OP's behavior would be considered "fluffy".

Your entire post looks like it's bait for horny, desperate and stupid newbie occultists to send you private messages to get in contact with your mysterious "adept friends"
I didn't get this vibe.It feels more like they just want to pretend to be someone with access to "powerful people" in order to boost his own image.Which is a bit better than pretending to be a hotshot by himself, like many seem to do.

I think this post was entirely de-railed because we're now focusing on questioning OP's credentials and the validity of his story, rather than focusing on the actual subject of the post.

Maybe it's time to lock this one.
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