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[Archive] [Sevarn] Stellar Charge

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Here's a pretty basic method that I use to both charge myself and cleanse.

You will need:

Skill in energy manipulation

First, we need to visualize. I prefer going off of sources, and for this method, three blue spheres are visually what we'll be working with.

So prepare yourself. Find a secluded space you won't be interrupted in, and if you're like me you'll need to have some words in front of you, or objects. These are the Switches.

In order to begin, know in your mind you are going to charge yourself with stellar energy, specifically outside of the solar system, otherwise this would mess with planetary magic. This is my first piercing of the veil of stellar magic, hopefully I'll be able to come out with a few tutorials on this style sooner or later.

Anyway back to the Switches. So, find a secluded space, check, gather your Switches, check. The point of a Switch is that staring at it creates a sort of "insta-lock" into a mental state. My personal Switches are words on a computer screen, white words work best for me. So stare at your Switch, and if it's a word you'll notice it starts to blur, if it's not a word you'll see some parts of it phase in and out. I've noticed that it is easier with words than with objects.

So use your Switch to turn your soulmind (it's a better term than a sync, or trance) on. Here's where visualization and sources come into play. We're going to search for a star visually. Whether or not you've seen it before doesn't matter, but allow yourself to be directed to a star that you really could use. Your mind will lead the way.

From here, what we do is extend tubes from the star and attach them into our wrists, at the vein. From here, we visualize spheres of blue and yellow energy, from the source above, retreating from the star and into our veins. Do this and visualize (tactile visualization helps a lot) it traveling through all the veins (externally, not in the bloodstream quite yet) in your body, eventually entering your bloodstream, then the energy coalesces in your heart and mind. Feel the stellar energy pumping through your body, your mind giving it off like a radiant star. In regards to your internal visualization, you should look like the star. But a humanoid. When you've gotten here, visualize the other star growing dark and then eventually disappearing. You are now the star.

If you've done this correctly, you'll feel a burning in your gut or everywhere. But you will feel like you're floating, The stellar energy, just by being within you, cleanses you. The world may also seem brighter. That's spiritual light, not physical light.

So now that you've got this stellar energy, well, what do you do with it? You can use it for a few things. For one, by draining yourself of the energy and forming it into a dense ball, and then condensing it into a black hole, you can completely clean out an area based on how big the black hole is. You can force moods to change, you can damage astral bodies, spirits, and general health, you can forcibly change temperatures a few degrees one way or the other- the possibilities are endless. What the black hole does is take all of the information and energy of a desired type, which only leaves the others. After the black hole as finished it's work, you can compress the information and energy and invoke the black hole, lessen the density and extract the information to regain your stellar charge.

I can't imagine that this wouldn't be useful in planetary magic, as well.


Mar 21, 2024
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Thanks for sharing :). I think it will be very useful for future planetary magic projects that I have


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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I thought so too! Very recently I posted that I've done a similar thing in the past, using Starlight for healing, and it felt like a synchronicity to stumble upon this post now.
The idea of using a picture or image of an object in the same way as a seal (a gate that can be opened) is a supercool concept as well. Two great techniques in this rather short post.


Jun 13, 2024
Reaction score

Here's a pretty basic method that I use to both charge myself and cleanse.

You will need:

Skill in energy manipulation

First, we need to visualize. I prefer going off of sources, and for this method, three blue spheres are visually what we'll be working with.

So prepare yourself. Find a secluded space you won't be interrupted in, and if you're like me you'll need to have some words in front of you, or objects. These are the Switches.

In order to begin, know in your mind you are going to charge yourself with stellar energy, specifically outside of the solar system, otherwise this would mess with planetary magic. This is my first piercing of the veil of stellar magic, hopefully I'll be able to come out with a few tutorials on this style sooner or later.

Anyway back to the Switches. So, find a secluded space, check, gather your Switches, check. The point of a Switch is that staring at it creates a sort of "insta-lock" into a mental state. My personal Switches are words on a computer screen, white words work best for me. So stare at your Switch, and if it's a word you'll notice it starts to blur, if it's not a word you'll see some parts of it phase in and out. I've noticed that it is easier with words than with objects.

So use your Switch to turn your soulmind (it's a better term than a sync, or trance) on. Here's where visualization and sources come into play. We're going to search for a star visually. Whether or not you've seen it before doesn't matter, but allow yourself to be directed to a star that you really could use. Your mind will lead the way.

From here, what we do is extend tubes from the star and attach them into our wrists, at the vein. From here, we visualize spheres of blue and yellow energy, from the source above, retreating from the star and into our veins. Do this and visualize (tactile visualization helps a lot) it traveling through all the veins (externally, not in the bloodstream quite yet) in your body, eventually entering your bloodstream, then the energy coalesces in your heart and mind. Feel the stellar energy pumping through your body, your mind giving it off like a radiant star. In regards to your internal visualization, you should look like the star. But a humanoid. When you've gotten here, visualize the other star growing dark and then eventually disappearing. You are now the star.

If you've done this correctly, you'll feel a burning in your gut or everywhere. But you will feel like you're floating, The stellar energy, just by being within you, cleanses you. The world may also seem brighter. That's spiritual light, not physical light.

So now that you've got this stellar energy, well, what do you do with it? You can use it for a few things. For one, by draining yourself of the energy and forming it into a dense ball, and then condensing it into a black hole, you can completely clean out an area based on how big the black hole is. You can force moods to change, you can damage astral bodies, spirits, and general health, you can forcibly change temperatures a few degrees one way or the other- the possibilities are endless. What the black hole does is take all of the information and energy of a desired type, which only leaves the others. After the black hole as finished it's work, you can compress the information and energy and invoke the black hole, lessen the density and extract the information to regain your stellar charge.

I can't imagine that this wouldn't be useful in planetary magic, as well.
Love this. Your explanation is very detailed and allows me to understand all aspects of this technique. :)


Sep 1, 2023
Reaction score
This is great, thank you!

One Q - how does the first part (with the Switches) relate to the second part?

Is it actually two exercises?
1. Get into trance using Switches. Then do any magic you like
2. Get into trance anyway you like - then the star/veins stellar charge thing

Or is there a link between them that I'm not seeing?

(sorry, you said you don't like the word trance. but you know what i mean)


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Archived post, I am not the OP. But the way I read it: the switches is like how you open a seal. Then you absorb the energy from there. And then you either use it for yourself, to replenish, or you use it for empowering your spells toward other targets.