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[Archive] [Sevarn] Tyrant 1 - Slaver: An Entity Creation Tutorial

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Note: This entry will be the first in a series of tutorials called "Tyrant", which is basically my type of magic (energy manipulation + extreme entity use). The Tyrant System can be performed anywhere and the aspiring Tyrant becomes more powerful as time goes on, with more entities, and through hallmark amplifications at new intervals of power. I don't know how long this series will be, but for people wondering at my curious methods, here is where I'm coming from, for reference.

Note: The title "Slaver" refers to the entities being programmed to obey you always, without question. Including the gods one can create.


Let's start with the types of entities we will be creating and define them.

Servitors- Basic, living programs of energy. Usually not very intelligent, dronelike. If powerful enough they can be seen by the naked eye (ghosts).

Egregores- More powerful than servitors, they are individual spirits with personalities created by the Tyrant. Egregores can often be conversed with like one would another entity, and can be evoked. Usually strong enough to be classified as ghosts.

Exalted- Quite a bit more powerful than regular egregores, exalted are spirits that ascend from egregores and become more prominent in your life and mean more than the drones. At this stage of development, an exalted is usually an equal in power with a higher than average ranked angel or a Demonic Knight.

Immorati- A truly defining stage. At this point the consciousness becomes entirely separate from your own and does not need you at all. It is a completely separate entity and at this stage is often powerful enough to build it's own egregores. Some of these spirits are worshiped as lesser gods or demons. An example of an Immorati's power would equal that of a high-ranking angel or a Demonic Prince.

Gods- This is why I view worship as utter stupidity. At this point the Immorato (singular of Immorati) has become powerful enough to clash with the gods and either die alongside them or even kill them. It can take a varying amount of time for an egregore to become a god, but if programmed correctly, it will still be at your service, and have reached apotheosis to a point where it may be able to help you with issues that you could not ask of any other spirit, as this god has come from your mind and will not stop growing. I personally have created no gods, but my Immorato is becoming close.


Let's get something straight here: entities are energy. WE are energy, So, in my way, if you aren't skilled in energy manipulation well then get skilled. Servitor creation is how I did it, you can too.

Picking apart each category piece by piece:

Servitors: I'm sure we all know how to create these, I'll give you four letters: W-I-L-L. Visualization and energy gathering is the most important, and I'm not going over the basics. Shape the energy however you want- let's say you want a servitor to attack pedestrians while you drive. Simple. Shape the energy into a sword, make it red (if you can), will it (which is my shorthand for construct) a brain and form some directives, which includes attacking pedestrians on thought whenever you are in your vehicle. Will a power source (these range in actual output, I've viewed sparks to stars in terms of output) and have the home base be your vehicle. Then create a code thought (like "Minced Beef") that will activate the servitor and have it carry out the task on the specified target.

Egregore: Egregores take a little more power to create. You see, in addition to designing a spirit (from how magic works for it, to its abilities, its Core, its personality, and things of the like) you have to program it to make it servile to you. Most of my spirits are humanoids, in which the Core, personality, and programming lie in the brain. Imbue it, as with all entities, unquestioned desire to serve. Bury this programming deep. Program like you would any other construct, it's different for most. With energy gathering techniques, form and program a Core to act as the entity's brain, hub of developmental personality and magical ability. We'll discuss what can be an ability later, but personality is very Tulpa-like and magical ability has a direct relation to yours, though it can grow stronger. When you reach my stage of entity creation (as in, creating an egregore every other day or so) there is no evolution in power, you can just create an egregore with no prior preparation. Last night I created Grim, who we'll discuss later.

Exalted: These are egregores that have grown closer in power and in relation to you. There is no method of construction for these.

Immorati: These egregores have developed personalities, and can be achieved through power amplification means. You can create an entity as powerful as an Immorati if you give it a Cpre strong enough. Yes, I took the idea of "soul strength" directly from Dark Souls, but it's a concept that's extremely powerful and has worked for me as of yet. The power of the Core you can create is directly related to your magical ability, including amplifications. You can create amps over a Core to increase the power of the entity created.

Gods: You must be a god to construct one. All I can say, as I have yet to successfully do it.


Any entity with a good amount of power and the ability to cast magic should have a personality, something that qualifies it as an entity. I like to borrow methods from tulpaforcing here, mentally speaking to the entity and reminding it of it's personality traits and examples. I usually write out a list of traits, and either remind the entity of them or just program in it a psi-ball and have that act as a portion of the entity's Core. Let's take our example of my egregore Grim's trait list:

1. Bloodthirsty
2. Curious
3. Desires to become a god
4. Greed
5. Dark Humor
6. Predatory instincts
7. Proficiency in sorcery
8. Arrogant
9. Loquacious
10. Will perform dark magics on command

However, there's a catch. All of these traits are phrased so that they can in no way be redirected against me. There's also the built-in ability to develop his own traits (if they do not contradict 0) to make him a more well rounded personality.


Building cores is actually relatively easy, provided it meets a few requirements. It has to hold the personality of the entity, its magical ability, and information storage and processing. These are things you can will to exist, except for magical ability which will be discussed in the next section. Anyway, to create a Core:

1. Personality Orb
2. "Brain" Orb
3. Magical Ability Orb

Once all three are created, you can store them in the same energetic "amniotic sac", and will it to function like a Core. Doing so, I've noticed that I automatically mix the three orbs and the Core becomes a single thing. Color and size of the core (usually starts small and grey or white) will change depending on both what type of magics the entity is involved in and how powerful it is. So, for instance, Raphael would have a very large, white and pink Core, due to the angelic status and the acts the entity performs. Going back to Grim, he has a black core (as his sorcery encompasses the entirety of the occult definition of "black magic") that is fairly large due to both my power and his feeding methods AND his own amps, which he is being instructed to create (read: downloading them from my other creations).

And YES, Cores are EASY to build. You just have to know how to manipulate the energies.


All entities need food to survive, including of the spirit realms. How you program your entity has a large impact on how it feeds. For instance, an entity predatory in nature that is allowed and encouraged to grow and develop will almost certainly become vampiric in nature. I started Grim out as a pure vampire from all sources of energy, specifically telling him who he could not drain and then set him loose to become stronger. See, I teach all of my entities my methods of hunting spirits, and I'm personally surprised how efficient some models are. In the Core, this would go under the Brain Orb:

1. How it feeds (tendrils, teeth, etc.)
2. Where it feeds (darker or lighter areas, elevations, etc.)
3. What it feeds on (my vampires usually have this as "everything under the sun")
4. What does it do with excess energy (stores for spellcraft, turns into another type of energy, etc.)


Ahh, that section I was hoping you waited for eagerly! Or, in other words, the "how to turn your entity into a god" section. Well, in my studies of entities from various sources (including but not limited to: dissection of spirits, learning from various spirits their ways of entity creation, and trial and error) I've learned that a created entity's magical power is determined by a few things:

1. Power of the creator.
2. Amplifications of the creator.
3. How much and what type of food the entity has eaten.

Three is easy to do, and one is solely reliant on you. But amps? Well, amps are basically enchantments on your person that multiple your magical output. My most recent amp gave me stomach issues and a dizzying headache for roughly twelve hours, but after that there was a huge jump in power- the yields roughly doubled. If this was in terms of weight lifting, amps are the steroids that have immediate negatives but long lasting positives.

But here comes the fun part: what your creation can DO.

Magical abilities can be ANYTHING, the imagination is the limit. When I gave Grim a copy of my amp he became four feet taller and grew wings. Usually these changes based on amp are according to, again, what magics the entity practices. Some examples of magical abilities you can put into your creations:

1. Invisibility from entities on demand.
2. Ability to perform immediate evocations and invocations for assault or defense or learning purposes.
3. Ability to conserve energy resources on long hauls.

The possibilities are endless, just try some out. They go in the Magical Ability Orb.


Well, that's all for this tutorial. People wanted to see what I do for magic, and, well, this is a large part of it. Do be aware that most of an entity's magical growth will take time, and you may need to feed them when they're young.
Orbs- Hardened psi-balls with heavy programming, extremely dense and guarded.

Now go make some minions.
