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[Archive] [Sevarn] Vampyres: A Study

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Some of you know that I like to hunt things. In my younger days, which feels weird saying because they were roughly eight months ago, I hunted purely for vampyrism, for the joy of the kill and absorbing the energy. Five months ago I started using this energy, storing it and applying it to spells and servitors. But the hunting... it has taken a different path. I now collect astral specimens and dissect them in an effort to understand more about the worlds around us and within us. So, with the information I have gained from dissecting vampyres, being a vampyre, speaking to vampyres, using my vampyrism in magic, and a lot of other fields that intertwine, I've come up with a study on vampyres. And because I'm such a nice guy, here you go. But do take notice I'm not going to be discussing diagnosis and other "signs", these are purely arcane notes.


Table ov Contents:
1. Measurement- the BE system
2. Lower Vampyres vs. Higher Vampyres
3. Predator's Senses
4. Lower Vampyric Energy Body
5. Higher Vampyric Energy Body
6. On Astral ("Wild") Vampyres
7. Predator vs. Vampyre
8. Feeding Patterns- The Cattle
9. Blood
10. Vampyre Sorcery
11. The Orchestrators


"BE" stands for "Blood Essence". I'll explain first what Blood Essence, which will herein be referred to as BE, does, how it's different from lifeforce and why it's useful before explaining the measurement system in itself.

BE is, at its ultimate core, the astral representative of physical blood. It is the energy that, with enough density, creates blood. I've personally never manifested blood, but theoretically this is possible. Check out Hemokinesis or Hemomancy for more information in that regard. ANYWAYS! BE is an energy of various different vibrational frequencies on different layers of the essence. The result is nothing short of astounding. Not only is BE highly personal, which allows for any sample of it to be traced back to the shedder of said blood, but it can actually be used in various different areas of magic with different targets. Think about it. BE can curse, flawlessly integrate itself into the bloodstream, and dispense in the target area. It can heal. It can destroy spirits and men alike.

But it also can be used, and so strangely so, for love magic. Odd, hmm? But I've digressed, the main point here is that BE is multi-pronged, a component of it is lifeforce but it does so much that I've decided to measure the power of a Vampyre by BE. If you've drained BE you've drained lifeforce, but not necessarily the reverse. The reason I chose BE over lifeforce is because I have noticed the higher on the vampyric scale you go, the more BE is used rather than lifeforce.

So let's talk about measuring it. I've classified 1 BE as about a fingernail sized red sphere. The amount of BE in a living target directly correlates to how much blood the target actually has. For instance, an elephant has quite a bit more BE than a regular old human, but an awakened human (or Mage, as I have said)'s blood is more charged, so the Mage's BE levels double due to the sheer power within the blood itself, leaving the elephant in the dust.
Didn't understand? Well, size plays a role in the amount of BE an organism has, but arcane power has a heavier "weight" on the BE, so to speak.

So, a few samples-

Earthworm: 10 BE
Dog: 65 BE
Unawakened Human Child: 120 BE
Awakened Human Child: 240 BE
Unawakened Human Adult: 200 BE
Awakened Human Adult: 400 BE
Baby Elephant: 300 BE
Adult Elephant: 600 BE
Unawakened Vampyre Child: 150 BE
Awakened Vampyre Child: 300 BE
Unawakened Vampyre Adult: 350 BE
Awakened Vampyre Adult: 700 BE

So, you'll notice a few things with this list. The smaller the organism, generally the smaller the BE. Awakening, or discovering and using the occult arts, doubles the power of the blood. Believe it or not, Vampyres and Humans are not the same species. Despite the physical facade, the arcane evidence is abundant.

Long story short, Vampyres mesh better with BE than with lifeforce because BE can be used both as an energetic drug/battery hybrid (I always taste blood in my throat when I vamp it) and as immediate specialized energy to apply to a task. Rather than lifeforce, which is basically a battery.


So, as nothing is built equal, we come to a divide within the race of vampyres. One that, I've noticed, is damn huge.

Let's say the average lower vampyre, one that's been feeding for some while, has a BE level of about 550. Lower vampyres feed either unconsciously, not enough, or something else random. Anyway, a lower vampyre's energy is very... slime-like, would be a good term to use. Think of a slow moving, expanding slime, that wraps around a target, evokes an energy within the target (think fear or a minor curse) to stimulate energy production, then it takes the energy and transfers it back to the slime's center, the actual vampyre.

Nothing special about that vampyre. But higher level vampyres, on the other hand, are a different beast. Entirely.

So let's examine the higher level vampyre. On average, such beasts have a BE level of roughly 2000-3000. Which, if you didn't catch, is a lot of BE. Anyway, higher level vampyres are almost always conscious, and is a more ferocious predator than the lower vampyre. Think of it like this- a lower vampyre is a wolf, a higher vampyre is a mythological vampyre. In other words, the gap's huge. Higher vampyres often employ natural cloaking, and emit energy toxic to most human beings, often lightly cursing those in their vicinity naturally, or their presence causes people to change moods. They are the living dead personified. They strike those who happen across them as serious, or deadly just by a glance. A lower vampyre is a parasite, a higher vampyre is a monster. Don't mistake one for the other.

But how does a lower vampyre become higher?

The answer lies in BE and soul alchemy, because both types are born, but can be made. See, a lower vampyre is a parasitic human being- but still human. A higher vampyre is a different organism, one that is more of a refined predator. High amounts of BE are imbued into the form, followed by rebuilding the astral body and replacement of the soul into one of the undead variant. But I speak of an act of energy manipulation, not vampyrism. That's a tale for another day.


So we come to the question of how a vampyre knows what is good eats and what is not, aside from taste testing. How does a vampyre single out a target?

The answer is astral senses. Both types of vampyre have the same base, but higher vampyres are more refined. I have only theories in regards to the predatory senses, as they differ pretty much subject to subject, but what I know so far:


Empathy- whether slight or strong
Subtle telepathy
Detection of weak- which leads to manipulation
Detection of astral health
Sensing soul strength/BE levels
Increased memory clarity of cattle

The rest vary vampyre to vampyre. Those are the main senses, evolution has tweaked them subject to subject.
By the way, when I am talking about the energy body, I talk specifically of the astral body. Not the "outer/inner" difference.


So for demonstration purposes, I'll bring about a lower vampyre's corpse. Let's pretend I have it on stage. You'll immediately notice a difference between a human and a lower vampyre energetically, a human looks like a human. This particular kind of vampyre, however, looks like a human suspended by four elastic legs of slime, with the texture of cement, before it becomes part of the sidewalk. These "legs" are basically tendrils that extend from the back of the vampyre, but are extremely long. Think butterfly wings, but a lot more... disgusting. Unconsciously, when a viable source of energy appears, the tendrils reach out to it, and the slime absorbs it, and tiny astral hairs push the energy along into the center of where the tendrils appear, which we'll call the LVB (the lower vampyric base). Anyway, going back to the tendrils. Consciously, when the vampyre wills it, the tendrils will perform the same as they would unconsciously but with more furor, often taking more energy than they would unconsciously.

So let's move our attention around the LVB, which we'll talk about soon, and head into the differences between a human and a lower vampyre. Unlike a human, a lower vampyre's soul is cracked, like an egg. The energy spills out and creates tendrils and the LVB. This also makes lower vampyres more susceptible to different kinds of magic, whether the influence of the occult in their life rises or being more affected by curses. But a vampyre needs to power their senses, which is located here- Taps the forehead of the vampyre- the third eye. But humans aren't born with enough energy to sustain these senses. As a vampyre progresses, they need more and more BE to be able to function properly, and their unconscious sorcery, which we'll talk about in the designated section, also needs to be powered. Which is why they have the tendrils in the first place. Of course, in order to consciously access them, some practice is required.

See this here? Opens a flab of translucent energy by the physical heart. This is the projector. What it does is that it copies the image inside- this one here is the Christian perspective of a demon- and uses energy to push that image to the forefront, making the parasite seem bigger than it actually is. It's often why a lot of mages/psions think they've won battles with demons, when really their "big victory" is just a parasite putting on a show. Not to say that parasites are weak, often projectors invoke the being in question when projecting the image, but the image of demons killing mages is often just wrong.

Another difference the lower vampyres have is their emissions. Humans emit an emotion/personality based aura, in addition to an extra major chakra that we'll get into in the vampyre sorcery section. In any case, the lower vampyres often emit darker auras, or change them more fluidly than other human beings, based on mindset rather than personality. Like their souls lower vampyres also have more fluid auras, allowing their influence to spread like a contagion just by meeting a person. When I began as a lower vampyre, consciously, I made an effort to infect my friends' minds with my presence. That month I kept hearing "I've been thinking about you today" or "So you mentioned a while ago". As a higher vampyre, it gets different. Phrases such as "Wow, I've been seeing you everywhere today" and "I've had a lot of dreams about you lately" are becoming increasingly common. That's to put this concept in perspective for those of you that need it.

Anyway, getting back to the energy intake, the lower vampyre also has tunnels within the astral body that are used to store excessive BE. Often multidimensional concepts are unconsciously used to increase the amount of storage space. These "pockets" are not present in human beings unless they consciously engineer them.

Let's change focus yet again to the vampyre's presence. I shouldn't have to explain that tendrils can vampyrize emotions to the point where the area is drained of them. But what about when a vampyre practically evokes an emotion in a victim? That's the work of the tendrils. See, in the same way they can transfer energy back to the vampyre, the tendrils can send energy out like small cannons or teeth. This energy is drawn from the LVB, that builds up a rise in emotion in the target. This often shifts the mindset of the target, making them feel overly gloomy, happy, dumb, etc. It's a side effect of the stimulating energy building up to a necessary point, which usually varies individual to individual.

So now let's talk about the pinnacle of the lower vampyre, the LVB. It's basically an energetic mound attached to the back that sprouts the tendrils. It has a small base for each tendril, all connected to an energy center that generates the emotion-evoking energy. The tendrils are also connected to a processor that converts the energy taken into BE, which is then attached to the third eye and lower vampyre chakra.

And that finishes the lesson on their energy body. Aside from what's been mentioned, they're mostly energetically the same to humans.

Drags the body off the stage


A body materializes on the other side of the human. It does not look like a human astral body.

Aah, now we're getting to the good stuff.
This here is a higher vampyre, which, like me, one can engineer themselves to be. They differ significantly from humans.

First, in addition to the vampyre chakra, which is more powerful, and all of the abilities of lower vampyres, with more refined and powerful tendrils, the higher vampyre does not use a projector. It's powerful enough, it doesn't need to make an illusion. What is interesting, however, is instead of a projector, a higher vampyre has this odd glass-like orb that actually emits a natural cloaking. It makes them appear almost normal, but even this orb has intricacies. See, this higher vampyre, while mentally cloaking itself, also projects fear selectively into the mind of the targets and surrounding humans. A higher vampyre among sheep commands respect and pants-shitting fear.

So let's take a visit to the tendrils. Now, unlike their lower brethren, these are muscular, thick, and strong tendrils often barbed and hairless, capable of transporting the energies gained- which is much greater than that of the lowers, and can harm or even kill- without the use of inner hairs to ease transport. There is no "vampyric base" in the higher vamp, that has molded into the more powerful tendrils, which are connected to the new additions to the body.

Speaking of that, time to examine the toxicity of these vampyres. Remember when I stated in an earlier post death essence isn't always deadly to living beings? I meant to higher vampyres. They are literally the living dead, breathing air through flesh and poison through energy. Higher vampyres can literally generate death essence within them and not be effected. However, this damages the living area around them, sometimes substantially. This is often used to imbue the deadly workings to make them more powerful, and as a means of tracking living prey, as death essence absorbs such energy.

Higher vampyres also excel at killing entities. Whether accidentally or purposefully, this breed seems to have a natural talent at slaying entities, whether by draining them or by sorcery. This also includes the aura, which is saturated with death essence in enough of a quantity to bring disease to the general area. Interestingly enough is that many higher vampyres seem immune to death essence, this being more of a prey-finding mechanism.

But naturally there is competition between vampyres. Then the question arises, how do vampyres immune to death essence kill each other? The answer is sorcery, but I won't get into the whats here. Instead, we'll examine the hows. The best way to kill one of the higher vampyres is to drain their BE levels, but often they're extremely shielded and armored and will resist, and quite monstrously at that. Instead, vampyric combat is often a battle of attrition, with shields and armors being broken and rebuilt. Too often, these battles result in no fatalities, the vampyres just tire of one another and both flee the scene.

Taking a detour, let's examine the concept of a human hive mind. Receiving minds are often indoctrinated into a current, which spreads infectiously to other humans and creates packs of them like animals. Such things are regarded as "fads" and mages are unfortunately subject to this as well.

This is not so with higher vampyres, however. Instead of their brains being on "receiver" frequencies, they are- often unconsciously, though sometimes it needs a conscious kick- changed and are put on "transmitter" frequencies. I've been practicing this skill for a while, you can often get people to do spontaneous things or even seed them so that a program you place in their minds- without the use of energy- activates when you will it. I've gotten people to look certain directions, say things, turn, and clog their minds with enough information to give them a headache. A side effect of this is I feel detached from humans, except when I switch my empathy on.

Higher vampyres also have teleportation channels. I know that turned a few heads, but teleportation is actually quite possible- I've personally done it in the astral, and do it often, and my physical body has almost jumped a few times. These channels are the Pingala and Ida, but there are more. There are horizontal channels, one red and one black, the Sarin and the Oculus, as I've named them. These channels specifically help the higher vampyre gain more abilities, which is a side effect of all of the feeding. One of these that can be developed is teleportation. I won't get into it here, as I want to actually physically teleport before I post a method, but I've gotten close.


I'm sure we all have encountered a lower vampyre, whether a human or a spirit. This section will be talking about spirits.

Many vampyric spirits are lowers, rather than highers, which are rare. They use the projectors to appear a certain way to their prey, often in dreams or through sleep paralysis, to catch a target at its weakest.

They're nothing better than worms, and should not be spared should you come across them.

You can deal with these pests in a variety of ways. Armor with concussive and explosive shielding should be enough to vaporize any parasite that tries its hand at devouring you. Often, setting mines is the best defense.

But why? Why are these vampyres targeting you? What purpose do they serve? Why did I say eliminate them?

These all have simple answers. Low astral vampyres are usually servitors of a bigger spirit, ones that collect BE and give it to the spirit to power it. Mages, as I mentioned, often have more energy in their BE, so they are targeted more often than not as many of these vampyres have little to no brain. They're either nothing more than servitors that have come to collect in the dominion of their master, or beings too weak to supplement themselves.

It's rare that a higher vampyre will step off its throne to personally attack you. If it does, you're either a direct threat to its territory, or it is weak, or you have offended it, or something else regarding territory or a personal matter. They are loathe to get their hands dirty.


There's a distinction that needs to be made here. This will be the shortest section because I need to explain this to those that need it. If you understand the difference, skip this section.

For those of you that don't, a predator eats to live. It's not necessarily a sorcerous organism, but it does rely on the blood of others to survive.
All vampyres are predators, because they need BE/lifeforce to survive. Not all predators are vampyres, because not all predators are sorcerous. A lion is not a vampyre.


So what's good eats for a vampyre? What qualifies as good food?

There are a few factors I've noticed:

BE levels
Strength of emotions
Ease of connection
Strength of natural barriers

I'll go over each portion here, but do know that this is also the same in spirit cattle.

BE levels- the size and power of the organism have a direct relationship to the levels of BE within the body. The bigger and stronger the organism, the more BE, the more desirable prey. Which is often why mages are targeted over other humans.

Strength of emotions- Whether or not the prey's emotions are easy to stimulate. The more emotions that are emitted, the more layers are added to the BE, the more worthwhile the BE is.

Ease of connection- I find this to be like hunting. Would you go out and hunt a golden rabbit that can teleport when you can buy some rabbit from the store? Vampyres choose the easier one nine times out of ten, that tenth time for sport or out of sheer boredom.

Strength of natural barriers- Going back to our hunting example, why would you try to kill a rabbit made out of titanium when you can buy rabbit? The stronger the vampyre is the less this matters, as a higher vampyre will straight up kill the titanium rabbit, but lower vampyres often take natural barriers into account.

Need- If a vampyre needs a specific kind of energy, it will go to great lengths to acquire it. If you're starving, will you choose to die? No! You'd get off your ass and make a sandwhich, because you need to. Same with vampyres.


It's so personal. Our blood is, energetically, a map of us. It's our energy, our future, our past, our present, our power, our consciousness, it can be traced directly to us- it's like a symbiotic gps.
Which is why some entities we enter a pact with want it, and why vampyres drain it.
Aside from being nourishment, BE is power. Not only that, but it's power that's personal, mutable, traceable, versatile, and delicious. Think of devouring BE like an astral meal.
As the ancients were told, our blood is special. It is special because it is unique, it is generated, made from the same stuff we are.


The section many have been waiting for, I assume.

Vampyre sorcery comes from the extra chakra vampyres have. I'll be calling this the Hunter, from now on. Makes it easier.

Anyway, the Hunter has a lot of different components. For one, depending on the vampyre (it varies subject to subject across both levels) it may or may not be the home of the extra senses, which if not in the Hunter is in the Third Eye.

It is also an arcane computer.
When it has gathered energy, it will assemble a quick spell to help the vampyre reach a desire. Why do you think some people are so astounded their lovers are vampyres, and can't feel to part from them? The Hunter is at work, helping the vampyre at intervals of feeding and BE.

For higher vampyres, however, this is a bit... different.
Higher vampyres for one have a more powerful Hunter, capable of doing far more with less energy. It also attacks a lot of astral problems and can lead to apotheosis with general bursts. Higher vampyres utilize the Hunter to send messages to other vampyres, track prey, and store excess BE to be utilized at a later time.


This is, basically, my final words on this study.
Higher level vampyres corral their prey often, so they hardly have to hunt. They force energy types out of them through words and ideas, and still they stalk, gathering more and more energy and hunting larger and larger prey.
I'm not saying this is a given, but because of the nature of higher level vampyres, its likely that some leaders- world leaders especially- have at least a vampyric nature.

Keep your eyes peeled.



Nov 19, 2023
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This brings back memories. I was on wf back when Sevarn was actively posting. I wonder what happened to him, and what he's doing now.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Not a lot of his tutorials are archived but what I can find I'm posting here because it's all excellent stuff