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[Archive] [Shadow] Cleansing with the Element of Water

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
Reaction score
Quick guide to cleansing any aura with to element of water. Cleansing involves this element much like it would work in the physical to clean out a pipe. It is simply running a pure energy through your system to flush out any energetic crud.

Focus on an energy from any pure source. It can be from a lake, or even the earth or sun. The way you extract the energy and manipulate it what will qualify it as the element of water, and you can use anything if you can change its state with your will.

Once you select a source, draw the energy out as if it was a liquid! An energy that flows freely, but is still thick and can cling to its environment and affect it more so than air. Once you begin drawing it from its source, see it entering and flowing through you. As it flows, see it going through you like water through a pipe, not hurting you at all. Complete the flow by seeing it also flowing out of you opposite of where it entered.

As it flows through you, also see it clinging to and breaking down/dissolving negative energy that doesn't belong there. As this is going on, the negative energy becomes less and less attached to you, and easier to move. See all this negative energy moving with the flow of the pure energy, being completely carried out. As you begin to feel you've cleared it all out as best you can, break your connecting to the source you're using, and allow the excess to leave as a trickle.

Your Root and feet Chakras can aid with draining your negative energies safely into the earth, if you're cleansing yourself.
Hope this tutorial helps some of you.​
Aug 14, 2024
Reaction score
Great idea ❤️

I found it useful to draw the alchemical symbol of water all around me. Or drawing the water from the direction of the river of the village.

Finally, using just a glass of water can be helpful. You can direct the impurities in the glass and then throw it away.