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[Archive] [Shadow] Mechanisms of Karma / Karma and Feeding

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Mechanisms of Karma

I'm going to attempt to put into wording how I've come to view Karma. To me, Karma is a very real force. In creation, there is order and there is chaos. Chaos is what grants us the ability to have free will, to survive and to grow. Karma is also subject to both chaos and order. To me, it is the subconscious, telepathic feeling we have towards one another. Karma is a completely subjective force that depends on two things as far as any individual is concerned; themselves and other's true thoughts and feelings about the actions of yourself and others. Karma is not an objective force, and is not a force with the main functioning of making 'bad things happen to bad people' nor 'good things happen to good people,' though it may have an effect on such matters.

Let me explain how I believe it works. Let's say someone do something to wrong someone else (in that other person's eyes, of course). That person's negative emotions aimed at you will have a negative effect on your subconscious metaphysically and psychologically. However, this is not the only determining factor that plays into how Karma will affect said individual! Another key component is how that person honestly feels about said action that they have committed in offense the another individual. Guilt, even that slight feeling that maybe you were wrong, can have a large effect overall. However, if said individual sees themselves as completely justified, Karma will effect them less if not leave them completely unaffected. In fact, further negative karma may actually be directed towards the person who's perceived themselves as being wronged in the first place. This doesn't seem fair, for this means that many times a murderer may not be as subjected to the forces of Karma, a force that attempts to bring order and balance withing and between the different species. Nature, as you're often told about life, isn't fair. This shows the aspect of chaos still instilled within Karma; the chaos of individuality.

Many of you probably know the psychological phenomenon that basically states if someone hears the same thing about themselves over and over again, they themselves may begin to believe it themselves even if it's not true. Karma also dabbles quite deeply into this concept. The above is an example of an isolated event between two people. Now if said individual wrongs many people, specifically in similar ways, then the other people's collective Karmic backlashes will have a stronger ability to convince said perpetrator's subconscious and soul that they're in the right rather than the individual.

Karma functions completely within the individual and is affected by thoughts basically shot at the individual's subconscious on a metaphysical level. Therefore, the basic goal of those seeking positive Karmic standing is to avoid receiving negative Karma when able and receive positive Karma when able. This seems like what it's all about, but this is only half the battle. The other side is to completely forgiving one's SELF! You must be ok with your actions overall. If you're completely self-justified with every, if not as many as possible, action you take then you are in good Karmic standing.

It is also important to note that Karma is not intended to 'punish the bad' nor 'reward the good.' Karma is a mechanism for learning above all else. When one receives negative Karma, your soul will attempt to analyse why something you've done was considered wrong, and visa-versa with positive Karma.

Karma and Feeding

Karma affects Vampires negatively when feeding is forced; that is, when a Vampire drains a mortal without their consent (stealing it). This affects free will in that it takes energy that one could have used for a purpose of their own and makes it unavailable to them. Subconsciously, mortals know they are being fed upon, and the subconscious has an effect on Karma.

For every action there is a reaction; this includes how Karma guides us. Staying within the lines of Karma when feeding can allow a Vampire to avoid some of the negative things that feeding from people by force may cause. Feeding means you get an imprint of the person's energy. Do you really want an imprint of a shit person's energy inside of you? It has the potential to change your attitude slightly. The energy of others does indeed affect the aura and thus general moods of a Vampire; you are what you eat.

You also avoid the subconscious negative emotions that may come from the human, such as fear or anger. These can also become more that subconscious, as people can become uncomfortable around you or just have a dislike for you for some reason they just can't put a finger on (sound familiar?). I've been in class and witnessed people turning their heads for reasons they couldn't even understand, and looking right at me only to immediately turn and look back as if I'd caught them staring when I looked towards them (I'd always be watching out of the corner of my eye as I fed; not directly at them). They wouldn't turn until I made an accidental pull with a tendril.

Other sources of energy are 'cleaner' than that of Humans. I've found it much more enjoyable feeding from the Earth instead of people, and the energy comes to me easier than it would than stealing it from humans would. There are other pros and cons I'm sure, but could fill a book with information. This all being said, what are some ways to feed without bringing bad Karma to yourself?

Feeding from the Earth, Sun and Moon:

The Earth contains and sustains all sorts of Life, including humans and Vampires. Its energy is abundant, and is meant to be consumed. The Sun, likewise, supports all life. Finally, the Moon reflects the Sun in special ways, making it another clean energy source for Vampires. All the energy a Vampire needs can be found around nature without the need for taking it from humans nor animals to quench our thirst. All energy is very fresh, soothing and powerful.

Feeding from the Elements:

This is similar to the above mentioned. Every movement of the elements creates energy. Flowing water, blowing wind, bursting fire and even sturdy/resilient solids contain a great amount of energy that is fine to tap into. Be careful not to unbalance yourself and only feed on one energy, however. Feeding from the element of Earth and feeding from the Earth itself is quite different.

Feeding from a Donor:

If able, let a friend know about your Vampiric state, and educate them on what it means and what feeding is. Explain what will happen to them. Then, if they give their consent to feed from them, it is perfectly fine. This also allows you to choose the kind of person you wish to feed upon. It also lessens the natural resistance that occurs, making the flow smoother and free of damage. It ensures that the negative emotions staining a normal feeding aren't there; fear is replaced by wonder or acceptance, and anger replaced by love. Though I'll admit to enjoying the fear of mortals I force from, it's a refreshing feeling to be given energy as a gift so positively. This also can be good for the donor, as it takes stale/stagnant energy out of them which can help relieve energy blockages and promote fresh energy replacing the old. The Vampire can handle stale energies better than a human. However, that last bit is of course still more to the benefit than giving the Vampire stale energy is for the Vampire. However, if anything, taking stale or negative energy (you'll probably want to take the negative energy out and cast it away somewhere rather than feed on it) using Vamparism has the likelihood of bringing positive Karma to yourself!

Feeding when Free Will is broken:

This last one is a shady area at best, but what about when someone directly breaks or threatens your free will intentionally? What if they steal from you, or threaten your life? Such things can, UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES, allow for an appropriate curse to be made. I previously mentioned enjoying the subconscious fear and hatred of humans I fed from; I believe there is a place for almost every indulgence. It's in our nature for a reason. That being said, the Sadistic side to the Vampire should only be indulged upon when either it is permitted within the confines of Karma, or if it's absolutely necessary for the Vampire's survival (which would only take place, I imagine, in the Ethereal realms without a body; don't quote me on its necessity however as I am unsure). This being said, if someone hurts you indulge the dark side of your thirst; feed and consume their energy. The amount that is appropriate? Depends on how much harm their intent caused you.

Archivist's note: these were originally two separate posts. In the Karma and Feeding one OP referenced the Mechanisms of Karma post so I combined them here.​


Nov 10, 2023
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Your view of Karma suggests it is a real, subjective force that operates both subconsciously and telepathically, influenced by one's actions and others' perceptions. Rather than being a mechanism for punishing bad deeds or rewarding good ones, Karma seems more like a learning tool that helps individuals understand the impact of their actions. It is shaped by how individuals feel about their deeds and the feelings of those affected by them. You propose that Karma has a chaotic element tied to individual free will, and its effects can be mitigated by self-justification or amplified by collective negative feedback.

In terms of feeding for vampires, you describe how feeding without consent disrupts free will, causing negative karmic repercussions. Clean energy sources such as the Earth, Sun, Moon, and elements are preferable for vampires to avoid karmic penalties. Feeding from a consenting donor is also acceptable, as it fosters positive emotions and can be beneficial to both parties. In contrast, feeding from non-consenting humans or in situations where free will is violated leads to karmic consequences. However, in certain contexts, such as self-defense or retribution, feeding may be considered justified within the bounds of Karma.
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