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[Archive] [Shadow] Pure Yin : Black Aura of the Vampyre

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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This is a technique I created for Feeding as a Vampyre.

It involves temporarily changing the color and flow of your aura in order to induce an inward flow of energy into your energy body.
First, you must have an understanding of black energy, or the ultimate Yin energy.
Yin is inward flowing, and black is the color of pure Yin.
As a Vampyre, when feeding, your main goal is to take in as much energy as you need. Black energy is almost 'sticky,' and leeches every other energy it touches, or at least attempts to by sucking at it. That being said, it grips at other energy. Secondly, you must have an understanding that your aura changes color and that you can control the color at will. You must know how to do this before being able to use this technique successfully. You must also realizing that with willing your aura to become a different color you yourself enter a different state of being mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You become like the energy itself.

To use this technique, you must focus on your entire aura. Feel or visualize it turning black, symbolizing that all that it touches is consumed by it. Feel yourself becoming this all-consuming essence. Know that any energy that touches you is brought into you, becoming ever denser as long as you keep this state. This is only the first step, however. It's fine for getting the energy that bumps into you, but unless you're going to physically touch what you wish to feed upon you must now get your aura to touch it instead.

Next, you must extend your aura to reach further areas so that you may consume more and more. There are several ways to do this. One way is to combine this technique with my Tendril Feeding technique (see below). The added benefit is that now your Tendril will be black and more naturally inclined to consume the energy of whatever body it penetrates. Another way is to simply 'blow up' or stretch your aura to increase its size. Once your aura is taking up a large space it is beginning to take in the energy of that space. Focus on your aura gripping at all the energy and bring your aura back down to its regular size with all the extra energy that it's touched with it within you in a denser form. It's sort of like making a psi-ball denser with your hands, but you're the psi-ball and your aura is the 'hands.' This can work for both ambient feeding as well as feeding from all things it engulfs. You can even send out a great multitude of Tendrils is a thread-live fashion all around you, taking energy from anything around you by penetrating everything like a root system. This is sort of like taking all of the methods listed so far and combining them. Even by first blowing up your aura and then having the parts of it that's engulfed more energetic targets gaining density, or making 'pockets' of root systems, is possible. Feel free to be creative here. The aura takes on any shape you can imagine. There is yet another way of doing this, but I will not discuss that technique openly.

The last step is as important as the rest of this. When feeding, contact must be made, energy must be taken, and then the contact must be disconnected. If this is not done, then the energy you've worked so hard to take may leak back out and go right back to its source. That being said, in regards with this specific method, three things must happen. You must first begin to retract your aura. Whether that means bringing it back to its regular size or taking your tendril(s) out of your target(s) and back into your own aura, do so nice and smooth.

The second and third things you need to do for this crucial step I do together, but they can be separated into two separate steps if you'd prefer.
The two parts are changing your aura back to it's default color (or onto the next color you need if you're going to immediately use that energy for a ritual or other energy working) and to properly 'digest' the energy you've just consumed. The changing of your aura's color is so that you'll no longer be taking in all the energy around you while you're not focusing on it.
The third part is simply the assimilation of the energy into your own energy body so that it becomes a part of you. When I do this process I see the changing of my aura from black to default as the closing of the mouth, and my over all aura going back to the default as changing all energy (both the black energy of my aura as well as all the energy I consumed) to the energy of my normal state which effectively assimilates the new energy almost automatically. This is also the part where you'd properly erase negative imprints and possibly discard some energy that's stale or negative as waste. Let it leak out of you, and force it to go away. One way you can do this is by using my Discarding Energy technique (see below) if you wish to make sure the energy doesn't affect anyone or anything else, but it's not necessary. Scattering it enough is easier and can pretty much make it harmless for the most part.

This technique doesn't have to be used for feeding. Any magician can use it to gather any energy they need. One exception:
As I've stated elsewhere, Necromancers do not take in the energy into their own aura, and definitely don't assimilate it into their being. This will have very negative consequences for any who do such a thing. Necromancers merely shroud themselves in that energy, and absorb slightly into it rather than absorb it into themselves.

Hope this thread was informative and helpful. Let me know if you have any questions or need clarification anywhere.

Tendril Feeding:

As a quick overview, a Vampire's tendril is a part of one's aura that's focused on, shaped and extended in order to reach and feed from another's aura over a distance, taking away the necessity of physical contact. This allows the Vampire to feed more stealthily on top of eliminating the need of being too close to the target. The tendril can extend from any part of the aura. You may ask why I don't mention simply getting a donor for this practice. If you have a willing donor, there is no need for a tendril. Simple physical contact feeding will suffice, and may work better as you'll have less to concentrate on.

What I did not go over in the previous tutorial was the simple breathing exercise that goes along with tendril feeding. As many already know, energy (specifically prana, or life energy) rides with the breath. When you breathe in, you're breathing in energies (other than oxygen), and when you exhale you're also getting rid of stagnant or negative energies. So, with this knowledge, on with the steps:

Focus on extending a part of your aura in the form of a tendril

Next, visualize and/or will this tendril to extend from you to your target

Visualize and/or will this tendril to penetrate the aura of your target, so that you are linked

While breathing in slowly, visualize and/or will their energy to flow out of them and into yourself, dimming their aura while fulling and brightening your own

Hold breath for a short time, focusing on fulling absorbing the energy you have taken

Visualize and/or will your tendril coming out of your target's aura while exhaling

While completing this task, do so subtly. You would not want to bring attention to yourself, as this will both distract you and potentially cause them to raise a guard (whether or not subconsciously). Stealth is key here! Also take note that 'visualizing' something IS a form of will. It is simply a way of guiding your will before you learn to do it by will alone, relying only on feel to tell if it's been successful.

Discarding Energy:

Even you do any sort of energy work that produces waste, such as Reiki, cleansing, or even purifying, that energy you take out doesn't just go away. It can linger in environment in which it was extracted. If this is a place you or others visit, it can seep into your or their auras. You need to send it somewhere.

This is what I do. I take the energy, and I use the Earth to dispose of it. This will not harm the Earth. The Earth is powerful, and can process and recycle these energies. You don't want to send it to the immediate surface, but rather deep to the core.

I often reach to the core, and pull up a purifying tunnel from it to my area. I force all the unwanted energy into this tunnel, and see it sucked deep into the ground. Then I make the tunnel retreat back down. Now the energy is safely contained as the Earth transmutes it into something new. Thus, you're safe and the energy, instead of being wasted, will be recycled.

Short, simple and sweet process.

Archivist's note:
the Tendril Feeding and Discarding Energy sections originally were separate posts, but because they are so short (though very useful here) I included them into this post by Shadow​


Jun 17, 2024
Reaction score
Good stuff ... perhaps you're familiar with an explanation of feeding I've come across where the author advises the vampire to induce themselves into a state of hunger , a state of weakness, a state of emptiness, to 'remove any locks and barriers and allow the flow of lifeforce to flood your body'

What do you think of this aspect of life drain technique ? I've only seen it in this book and unfortunately the explanation leaves more desired ...


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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This is an archived thread from an older version of the forum and I am not the OP.

If I understand what you are saying correct this would present yourself to the target as being in need of energy and compel them to voluntarily "from the goodness of their heart" give life force to you.

Maybe @Wintruz or @Accipeveldare has another opinion.