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Share your experiences with Lucifer


Jun 13, 2024
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I have personally had quite a few experiences with Lucifer. My most memorable one was my first time contacting him. I was meditating and repeating his enn chant for about 15 minutes when I heard a voice beside me ear telling me to open my eyes. I was a little scared at first but when I did open my eyes I saw the apparition of an angel like figure standing in front of me. Nobody else was in the house but me and he had a very bright light emitting from him. As well as a black fire in the palm of his left hand. However, when I blinked and reopened my eyes, he was gone. From that day on I took it as a sign to begin working with him.


Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Well, I remember back in my demon summoning days that I contacted him related to a specific question and he appeared, at first a scary appearance (after all, he is a Lord of Hell and a Demon), but at times he would appear to me as a libertate man.

I remember he was having green skin in his human appearance with some so-to-say gold wings (though the wings were more bronze like). At first I didn't understood why he appeared to me like this but then, as I did further research after some time, I had the right to assume what I still assume to this day, that he is the darker side of Venus. So, it matches some descriptions of his human appearance. The bronze and Green are associated with Venus, and Lucifer, being the darker side of Venus appeared in those colors, but of course with slightly different and darker chromatics.

Some of his values were good related to freedom, others made me to much of a vigilanteh, and others at least for my situation complete nonsense or more like bad values.

Eventually I got in a lot of disagreements with him and decided to split parts and focus on other entities (Angels, Gods, sigil related entities) etc. He would mostly appear with his tempting nature in my dreams, either with scary appearance or as a young man trying to give me various offers. I refuse it as I don't need anything from him.

He is cunning, I might also add, as even though I know he hates that I disagree with his values, he won't directly show it to me, rather, he puts the mask of being "pleased" with my way of life.

Those are my experiences and detailed descriptions of back when I was with Lucifer.