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Similarity to Alpha and Omega and few signs about second life here


Sep 29, 2024
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Looks like we are all in this planet for the second time.. there are different signs around...

O2 (chemical element, the name of the company, it should be explained as a circle, and a two ... The demon they worship is BAAL (ball, circle) .. it should also be in the letter Q (qanon, a broken circle ... we will hear about them soon, they will be presented by beings like Donald trump, Putin, etc..
They will ask you to sign a contract and give yourself some form of identification (chip, logo, sign)
Two lines over the American dollar logo
Mention of the second death in the Bible (the last attempt, the world of darkness forever)

Jesus says, I am ALPHA and OMEGA (game over :)
The beginning, the end...
According to the word ALPHA, satanists made BAAL and ALLAH ;)
And note the similarity to the Osama BIn laDEN .
and joe BIDEN ;)
Some demons rewrote everything here even before we went here for the second time ;)
You can see name of demon BAAL in word Hezbollah
And also the basket ball that Americans like to put in music videos (baal) and the number 23 ..
Now here we are 23 years since September 11, 2001, but this time darkness will attack the whole world, and they knew it in advance ...

Jesus who was baptized in Jordan, that's why the basketball player is named Michael Jordan..
(Archangel Michael) ..so that the darkness will show itself to us again ;)