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Some Epithets for Hekate


Jul 9, 2024
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Here are some epithets I have found for Hekate from several sources*, much taken from the PGM and Hellenic sources:

Abronoe: ‘Gracious-minded’, ‘Providing Grace’, ‘Gracious’ PGM 2545 “And heed my prayers, Selene, Who suffer much, who rise and set at night, Triple-headed, triple-named MENE MARZOUNE, fearful, gracious-minded, and Persuasion”
Adamantaea: ‘Unconquerable’, ‘Untamable Goddess’ The name of one of the Nymphs that nursed Zeus. The meaning of the name certainly applies to Hekate. Stated by Sara Nehiti Croft on multiple websites.
Admetos: ‘Indomable’, ‘Unconquered’ PGM 2715 “0 Persia, Baubo Phrone dart-shooter, Unconquered, Lydian, the one-untamed, Sired nobly, torch-bearing guide, who bends down Proud necks, Kore, hear, you who've parted”
Aenaos: ‘Eternal’
Agallomenen Elaphoisi: ‘Rejoicing in Deer’
Agia: ‘Sacred’, ‘Holy’
Aglaos: Radiant/Bright/Beautiful
Agriope: ‘Wild-eyed’, ‘Fierce-faced’, ‘Savage-watcher’, ‘wild-voiced’
Agrotera: Huntress: Epithet for Artemis. Likely applied to Hekate through modern conflation.
Aidonaia: of the Underworld
Aimopotis: ‘Blood-drinker’, ‘Murderer’
Aionos: Eternal
Aizeos: Vigorous
Aktinochiatis: ‘Radiant haired’, ‘With Rays for Hair’
Aktiophis: of unknown meaning: A Hekate-Selene combination
Alexeatis ‘Averter of Evil’
Alkimos ‘Powerful’, ‘Strong’, ‘Stout’, ‘Brave’
Amaimaketos ‘Unconquerable’, ‘Raging’, ‘Invincible’, ‘Unapproachable’, ‘Uncontrollable’
Amaimákrætos Vasíleia - the irresistible or indomitable queen (Orphic Hymn 1.5).
Ambrotos ‘Immortal’
Ameibousa/Amibousa: One that Transforms
Amphiphaes: Circumlucent
Amphiprosopos ‘Double-faced’
Amphistomos ‘Double-mouthed’
Anassa ‘Queen’
Anassa Eneroi ‘Queen of the Dead’
Androphonos ‘Killer of Men’
Angelos/Angele: Messenger
Antaia: She Who Meets/Besought with Prayer
Antaian Theou ‘She Who Meets’
Antania – Destroyer, ‘Enemy of Mankind’
Aoroboros ‘Devourer of the Prematurely Dead’, ‘Devourer of the Untimely Dead’
Apanchomene: The Strangled, The Hanged One, She who Hangs Herself. An epithet associated with Artemis.
Aphrattos ‘Unnamed One’
Apotropaia/Apotropaios: Averter of evil. One who turns away/protects.
Archikos ‘Royal’
Aregos: Helper
Ariste ‘The Best’
Ariste Cthonia ‘Best of the World’, ‘Best in the World’
Arkuia/Arkyia ‘Spinner of webs’, ‘Entrapper’
Arrhetos ‘Ineffable’
Astrodia ‘Star-walker’, ‘Star-Courser’
Atala ‘Tender’, ‘Delicate’
Atala Phroneousa: Gay-Spirited: The Homeric Hymn to Demeter.
Atasthalos: Pretentious/Reckless/Presumptuous/Wicked
Athanatos: Immortal/of Immortal Fame
Autophyês/Autopheus ‘Self-generating’. ‘Self-begotten’
Azonos: without Borders
Azostos ‘Ungirt’, ‘Without a Belt’

Baridouchos ‘Barque-holder’, ‘Skiff-holder’
Basileia: Queen/Princess
Bendis: Currently unknown meaning at this time.
Bolos ‘Far-Thrower’ of questionable meaning but possibly as Far-Thrower.
Boopis: Cow-Eyed
Booporos: Ox-Herder: As Hekate was historically called Ox-Herder (Bookolos), the title fits.
Borborophorba: Eater of Filth/Eater of Excrement
Boukolos ‘Ox-Herder’
Brimo: Angry One, The Terrifying, of Crackling Flames, Roarer
Bythios: Abyssal, of the Deep, Of the Sea

Charopos: Fierce, grim, flashing, bright, having blue-grey eyes, of the Sea
Chrysopis: Golden-faced: PGM IV 2241-2358. Applied to many Gods, including Leto and Helios.
Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia: Goddess of the Lower World wearing golden sandals and drinking blood
Chrysosandalos: of Golden Sandals: The Hymn of Hekate-Ereshkigal
Chrysostephanos: Golden-crowned, crowned with splendor:

Dadophoros/Dadophoroi: Torchbearer: Well-attested in sculpture and coins.
Dadouchos ‘Torch-bearer’
Daeira: Teacher/Knowing One
Daidalos/Daedalus: Cunning
Damasandra ‘Dominator of Men’, ‘Subduer of Men’ Man-Crusher
Damnamene/Damnameneia ‘Means of Constraint’/She Who Subdues by Force
Damnodamia ‘Subduer of Subduers’
Daspleti: Frightful
Deichteira ‘Teacher’, ‘Revealer’
Deinos ‘Terrible’
Despoina ‘Lady’, ‘Mistress’
Dione: The Goddess: Dione is a goddess in her own right that came to be conflated with Hekate.
Dodonie: of Dodona
Doloessa/Doloeis ‘Astute-one’, ‘Subtle’, ‘Wily’, ‘Cunning’
Drakaina ‘Serpent’, ‘Dragon’

Eidôlios ‘Phantasmal’, ‘Ghostly’
Eileithyia: nurse of Childbirth: Goddess of midwives, conflated with Artemis and Hekate.
Einalian: of the Sea: The Orphic Hymn to Hekate.
Einodia Thygater Demetros ‘Daughter of Demeter, who is of the Road’
Ekdotis: Bestower:
Ekklesia ‘Of the Assembly’
Elaphebolos ‘Deer-huntress’, ‘Shooter of Deer’
Elateira ‘Driver’, ‘Charioteer’
Ellophonos ‘Fawn-slayer’
Empousa / Empusa [Of unknown meaning, related to the monster Empusa and the idea of phantoms and specters] The Scholiast on Apollonius’ Argonautika, Rohde’s “Hekate’s Hordes.”
Empylios ‘At the Gate’
Empyrios: Heavenly, of the Empyrean Realm.
Enodia ‘Of the crossroads’, ‘Of the Roads’, ‘Of the Path’
Epaine ‘Awe-Inspiring’, ‘Glorious’, ‘Sublime’
Ephodia ‘Traveling Expenses’, ‘Provisions for the Road’, ‘Traveling Supplies’, ‘Resources’
Ephoros ‘Guardian’ ‘Overseer’
Ephthisikere: Destroying Death
Epigeioi: of the Earth: a class of deities that includes Hekate, according to Artemidorus.
Epiphanestate Thea ‘the Most Manifest Goddess’
Epipurgidia: of the Bastion, on the Tower
Episkopos: Guardian/One who Watches Over/Overseer
Epiteichea ‘The Stronghold’, ‘Fort’
Epi-tymbidia: sepulchral: Closely associated with Aphrodite.
Eranne/Erannos: Lovely
Ergatis ‘Energizer’
Erigeneia ‘Daughter of morning’, ‘Early-born’
Erôtotokeia / Erototokos ‘Bearer of love’, ‘Producing Love’, ‘Who Bore Love’
Eukoline ‘Good Tempered’
Eupatereia: Noble-Born
Eurippa: Horse-Finder
Eurostochos: Wide-Aimer

Geneteira/Genetyllis ‘Mother’ Birth-Helper, Goddess of Childbirth, Midwife
Gigaessa ‘Giant’
Gorgo ‘The Grim’, ‘The Gorgon’

Hecatoncheires ‘Hundred-handed’
Hegemonen ‘Guide’
Hêgemoye ‘Queen’
Helike ‘Revolving’ revolving, mistranslated as Willow: Helike was a polis on the Gulf of Corinth, and the name of a star in the sky.
Hersechthonia: Speaking from Below
Hexacheira ‘Of Six Ways’, ‘Of Six Hands’
Hiera ‘Holy One’
Hieros Pyr ‘Holy Fire’
Hipparete ‘Horse-Speaker’
Hipparete: Horse-speaker: The name of the wife of Alcibiades. No relation to Hekate.
Hippokyon ‘Mare Bitch’, ‘Horse Dog’
Hippoprosopos ‘Horse-Faced’
Hypolampteira: of unknown meaning: ‘rather bright’ as of the stars, while hypolampes suggests ‘shining with inferior light’:

Indalimos ‘Beautiful’
Iocheaira / Iokheaira ‘Arrow-shooter’, ‘One who Shoots Arrows’
Ippokyôn ‘Mare-Dog’, half dog/ half horse
Ippoprosôpos ‘Horse-faced’

Kalkaea/Kelkaia: Wearer of High Boots: Possibly Artemis. The word has no relation to boots of any sort.
Kalligeneia ‘Bearing Beautiful Offspring’
Kalliste ‘Fairest’
Kapetoktypos ‘Tomb-disturber’, ‘Causing the Noise of Lamentation’“who makes grief resound,”
Kardiodaitos: Heart-Eater/Feasting on Men’s Heart
Kareia ‘of Karia’, ‘Kraus’
Karko ‘Lamia’, ‘Child-Eating’, ‘Nocturnal Spirit’
Katachthonia ‘Subterranean’
Katakampsypsaychenos ‘Bender of proud necks’"Bending down necks that show off"
Keratôpis ‘Horned-faced’, ‘Horned Looking’
Keroeis ‘Horned’
Khthonian/Cthonian: of the Earth
Klêidouchos - Holding the keys
Kleidouchos – Keybearer-Keeper of the Keys
Klôthaiê ‘Spinner of fate’
Komas: of the Revel: The Chaldean Oracles, see Ronan.
Kore ‘Maiden’
Kourotrophos – Child nurse / protectress of the young
Krataiis/Kratais/Krataios: Strong One/of the Rocks/Powerful/Dominator
Krokopeplos ‘Saffron-Cloaked’
Kthonia ‘Of the Underworld’, ’Of the Earth’
Kunolygmatos ‘Doglike Howler’, ‘Who howls doglike’
Kydimos ‘Glorious’
Kynegetis ‘Leader of Dogs’
Kynokephalos ‘Dog-Headed’
Kynolygmate ‘Howling Like a Dog’, ‘Who Howls Dog-like’
Kyon ‘Bitch’, ‘Dog’
Kyon Melaina ‘Black Bitch’, ‘Black Dog’
Kyria ‘The Powerful’, ‘The Supreme’

Laginitis ‘Of Lagina’
Lampadephoros/Lampadios ‘Lamp-bearer’, ‘Torch-bearer’, ‘Who Warns of Nighttime Attack’
Leaina ‘The Lioness’
Leontoukhos ‘Holding a Lion’
Leukophryne ‘White-Browed’, ‘Of the White-Browed Hill’
Limenitikos ‘Of the Harbor’, ‘Harbor Goddess’
Limenitis ‘Harbor Goddess’
Limenoskopos ‘Of the Threshold’, ‘Watcher of Havens’, ‘On the Harbor’, ‘Watching the Harbor’
Liparokredemnos ‘Of the Bright Headband’, ‘Bright-Coiffed’
Liparoplokamos ‘Brilliant-Braided’
Lochias ‘Protector of birth’, ‘Goddess of Childbearing’
Lothaie: The One with Crest: PGM IV line 2267.
Luko/Lyko ‘She-wolf’, ‘Wolf-formed’
Lykaina ‘She-wolf’
Lykania - Mother of wolves

Maera ‘Shining’
Mageus: One who Kneads, potentially has roots in the word ‘Magi.’
Makaira/Makairapos: Blessed One
Mastigophoros: Scourge-bearing: The Chaldean Oracles. See Ronan and Johnston.
Medeousa / Medusa ‘Protector’, ‘Guard’, ‘Gorgon’
Megiste ‘Greatest’
Meisopomenos: Laborer of the Moon
Meisoponeros ‘Vice-Hating’
Melaine ‘Black’
Melaneimôn ‘Black-clad’, ‘Wearing Black’
Melinoe: Soothing One/Yellow
Mene ‘Moon’
Mitrie: With a Headband
Moira: A Share, Fate:
Monogenes ‘Only Child’
Monoprosopos ‘With One Face’
Mormo ‘She-Monster’
Munychia: of unknown meaning, possibly of the village Munychia.

Nekuia / Nekyia ‘Goddess of death’, ‘Mistress of corpses’
Nerteria/Nerterios ‘Infernal’, ‘Subterranean’, ‘Nether One’
Nerteron Prytanin ‘Mistress of the Dead’
Noctiluca ‘Light of the Night’, ‘Night Shiner’
Noeros ‘Intellective’
Nomaios ‘Pastoral’
Nychia/Nykhia ‘Nocturnal’ ‘Nocturnal-One’ “Goddess of Night’
Nyktairodyteira ‘Night Riser and Setter’, ‘She that Rises and Sets by Night’
Nykteria She ‘Of the Night’
Nykti ‘Of the Night’
Nyktiboos ‘Night-Shouter’, ‘Night-Crier’
Nyktipolos – Night wanderer
Nyktophaneia ‘Night-shining’
Nymphen ‘Bride’
Nyssa ‘Goader’, “Goal’, ‘Beginning’, ‘Turning Post’, ‘Ambition’

Oistrophaneia: Manifester of Madness: This name is of uncertain origin.
Oistroplaneia ‘Spreader of Madness’, ‘Causing the Wanderings of Madness’
Oksyboê ‘Shrill-screamer’, ‘Shrieker’
Oletis ‘Destroyer’
Olkitis: Who Draws Swords: PGM IV lines 2267.
Opaon ‘Follower’
Ophioplokamos: with Snaky Cults/Coiled with Snakes
Oriplanos ‘Hill/Mountain-roamer’, ‘Mountain-Wandering’
Oroboros ‘Tail-Eating’
Ourania ‘Celestial’, ‘Heavenly’
Ouresiphoites ‘Wanderer in the Mountains’
Oxythymia: Quick to Anger?: Aristarchus says "gallows trees"

Paggenneteira: Mother of All.
Paionios ‘Healer’
Pammetor: Mother of All
Pandamateira ‘All-tamer’, ‘All-powerful’, “All Subduer’, ‘Master of all’
Pandina: possibly something about whirling or rotating, but largely unknown.
Pandoteira ‘All-giver’, ‘One who gives everything’, ‘Bestower of Everything’, Bounteous’
Pangaios: World-wide: ‘holding the whole earth.’
Panopaea/Panopaia The Name of a Nereid ‘All-seeing’, ‘One who sees everything’, ‘Panorama’
Panphorba: One who Eats Everything
Panta Ephepousa: Unknown meaning: The Prognostikon of Pergamon
Pantos Kosmou Kleidokhos: Keeper of Keys of the Kosmos: The Orphic Hymn to Hekate.
Pantrephô/Pantrophos ‘All-nurturing’, ‘All-sustaining’, ‘who feeds all’
Panupata: Most High. The prayer is associated with Brimo.
Parthenos: Virgin: The Chaldean Oracles.
Pasikratea/Pasikrateia: Universal Queen/All-Powerful/Who Dominates All: The Prognostikon of Pergamon.
Pasimedeonsa ‘All-guarding’, ‘All-protecting’
Pasimedousa ‘Ruling Over All’
Pasiphaessa: Wide-Shining: An epithet of Aphrodite.
Patrogenes ‘Father-Begotten’
Pege ‘Source’
Pege Psychon ‘Source of Souls’
Perseian: daughter of Perseus: The Orphic Hymn to Hekate.
Perseis – Destroyer; child of Perses
Persephone: to cause or bring Death:
Persia ‘Persian’ ‘Daughter of Perses’
Phaenno: Brilliant. Name of one of the oracles of the Roman Era, Phaenno of Epirus.
Phaesimbrotos ‘Bringer of light to mortals’
Phaetho ‘Radiant’
Pharaea/Pheraea’ Of Pharaea, ‘Daughter of Zeus and Pheraea’
Phileremon/Phileremos: Lover of Solitude
Philoskylax ‘Lover of Dogs’
Phoberos ‘Terrible’, ‘Fearful’
Phoebe ‘Bright’
Phoinikopeza ‘Ruddy-footed’
Phos: Holy Light, Light. Often used to describe the light of the Moon.
Phosphoros - Bringer of light
Photoplex: Whosmites with Light. who strikes with light
Phroune ‘Toad’, ‘Frog’, ‘She-Toad’
Phthorenes: Ruin-bringer, Corruptor
Phylake ‘Protector’, ‘Guardian’, ‘Who Keeps Watch and Ward’
Phylax: guardian of the earthy regions.
Physis ‘Nature’ (personified)
Podarke ‘Quick-footed’, ‘Fleet-footed’
Polyboteira: Generous Giver of Nourishment. Kerenyi describes Hekate as Nourishing.
Polykleitos ‘Famed’, ‘Much Renowned’, ‘Far-Famed’
Polymorphos ‘Many-formed’, ‘Of many forms’
Polyodynos: One who Suffers, suffering many pains, who suffers much
Polyonumos: Many-named. This epithet applies to many Gods.
Polyplokamos ‘Of Many Tentacles’, ‘With Many Feelers’ This Epithet is Not Confirmed
Potnia Theron: Mistress of Animals, Lady of Wild Beasts: a title first found in Minoan society
Presbeira ‘Ancient’, ‘Elder’
Prodomos: Of the Vestibule, literally Before the House.
Prokathegetis: She who goes down before: Kathegetis means teacher or guide. Hekate certainly fits.
Promethikos: with forethought
Propolos: She Who Leads, Guide, Companion: Guide, companion, servant.
Propulaia/Propylaia – One Before the gate/Guardian of the Threshold
Prostistos/Protistos ‘Primordial’, ‘The Very First’
Prothegetis ‘Leader’
Prothyraea ‘Before the Gate’
Prytania: misunderstood as “Invincible Queen of the Dead” or Mistress of the Dead.
Psychopompe: Soul-Guide: a psychopomp has the responsibility of guiding souls into the afterlife,
Pyriboulos ‘Of fiery counsel’
Pyridrakontozonos: Girt with Fiery Serpents.
Pyriphoitos ‘Fire-walker’
Pyripnos/Pyripnoa ‘Fire-breather’, ‘Breathing Fire’
Pyrphoros: Fire-bearer: May also be interpreted as torch-bearer.
Pyrtania ‘Invincible Queen of the Dead’, [Possibly related to ‘Council Chamber’]

Reskichthon/Rexichthon ‘Bursting forth from the Earth’, ‘Earth-Cleaver’
Rhododaktylos ‘Rosy-Fingered’ Traditionally an epithet of Eos.
Rixipyle/Rexipyle ‘She Who Throws Down The Gates’

Sæmni/Semne “revered, august, holy”
Sarkophagos ‘Flesh-Eater’
Skotia/Skotios ‘Somber’, ‘Of the Dark’, ‘Of the Gloom’
Skylakageia/Skylagetis ‘Dog-leader’
Skylakitin: Lady of the Dogs: The Orphic Hymn to Hekate.
Soteira – Savior / World Soul
Speirodrakontozonos ‘Girt with Serpent Coils’
Stratêlatis ‘Leader of hosts’, ‘General’
Strophaia ‘Standing as a porter at the door hinge’

Tartarouchos/Tartaroukhos ‘Ruler of Tartarus’, ‘Controller of Tartarus’
Taurodrakaina ‘Bull-Dragon’, ‘half bull/ half serpent’
Taurokarenos: Bull-headed
Tauromorphos ‘Bull-formed’
Tauropis/Tauropos ‘Bull-faced’
Tauropolos ‘Bull-Herder’
Tergeminus ‘Of Triple-Birth’
Terpsimbrotos ‘Delighting men’, ‘One who delights mortals’, ‘Gladdens the hearts of men’
Tetrakephalos ‘Four Headed’
Tetraoditis ‘Of the Four ways’, ‘Of Four roads’, ‘Haunting Crossroads’, ‘Four-Road’s Mistress’
Tetraonymos ‘Four-named’
Tetraprosopinos ‘Four-faced’
Tetraprosopos/Tetraprosopeine: Four-headed
Thanategos ‘Death-Bringer’
Thea Deinos ‘The Dread Goddess’
Therobromon ‘Roaring like a Wild Beast’, ‘Of the City of the Beast’
Theroktonos: Beast-slayer. Also given to Artemis as an epithet.
Thrinakia ‘Triple-pointed’, ‘Of three extremes’, ‘Triple’
Tlete/Tletos ‘Patient’
Triauchenos/Triaucheros ‘Triple-necked’, ‘With Three Necks’
Triceps ‘Three-Formed’
Trikaphalos/Trikaranos ‘Three-headed’
Triktypos: Triple-sounding
Trimorphe/Trimorphis/Trimorphos: Three-formed: numerous sources, coins, and statuary.
Triodia - Who frequents the crossroads
Trioditis – Of the crossroads
Trionymos: Triple-named
Triphthoggos ‘Triple-voiced’, ‘Having Three Voices’
Triprosopos ‘Triple-faced’
Trivia: Of the Three Ways: The name for the Roman Goddess of the Three Roads.
Tymbidian ‘Sepulchral’
Tymborychos: Gravedigger, Grave-robber. Not associated with Hekate as of yet.

Zatheie/Zatheos ‘Divine’
Zerynthia ‘Of Mount Zerynthia’
Zônodrakontis/Zonodrakontos ‘Encircled by Serpents’ ‘Covered in Snakes’ ‘Intertwined with Snakes’
Zoogonos: Seed of Life
Zootrophos ‘Nourisher of Life’

*Sources include but not limited to: the works of Sorita d'Este, David Rankine, Tara Sanchez, the PGM and other authors associated with Her Sacred Fires groups around the globe.


Mar 2, 2024
Reaction score
Wow they are immense, it is a testament of how significant she was and she still is today.

She pretty much has an title of everything. I haven't personal worked with her that much during my Magick but it is strange because she is like the owner that shit.

I would like to contribute a little bit about Hekate: she has an ancient Egyptian equivalent of heka

And she is appears in the testament of Solomon with the name of enepsigos and during her conservation with king Solomon, enepsigos pretty much confirmed that she is Hekate.


Jul 9, 2024
Reaction score
Wow they are immense, it is a testament of how significant she was and she still is today.

She pretty much has an title of everything. I haven't personal worked with her that much during my Magick but it is strange because she is like the owner that shit.
One thing I noticed when gathering the amount of epithets is the amount of "crossovers" I saw with Hekate that are also applied to another famous female entity. Mary, the Theotokos, the Ever-Virgin, the Mother of Jesus also has a lot of epithets which surprisingly are similar to those which are the same Greek names that were given to Hekate. Much of the goddesses however were adapted and adopted to Mary when the dark times of pagan Europe grew and Christianized Imperialism rose.